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  1. Past hour
  2. yeah there's some here but last week seemed to be the peak-the rains came at a good time.
  3. It’s still pretty bad here. I only get allergies when they are real bad, and I’ve been telling them the past few days. My car is covered in pollen as well.
  4. Which means we can probably get away with some bout(s) of blocking this year, theoretically speaking. Not suggesting it will be a favorable season per se, but perhaps not a wall-to-wall death star PV. Doesn't mean it can't end up like that, either....just something to think about-
  5. SAL is expected this time of year....there are a few reasons that we don't usually see long-tracking CV systems in June. The earliest I recall is Bertha in early July of 1996.
  6. The funny thing is you look at scoundrels like Tony Heller and they are posting articles from 1962 about millions dying, and we are just leaving 1962 in the dust. Same thing with 1921. He often posts some old New York Tribune or something that had a multipage spread on the heat alleging millions dead. I just don't understand how this is possible. These years are cold compared to today. You could argue air conditioning, but is it that prevalent in those regions to offset the massive population growth and aging that has occurred. Really makes you wonder: (1) Were the historic reports untrue or exaggerated? Or (2) Is something more sinister afoot - like millions of deaths being covered up and simply not reported on by the press? That is, if millions were dying in these much cooler climate regimes, how many are dying today?
  7. Not sure those are analogous to what's going on in the tropics. If we look at Mexico City, for instance, we just a nonstop barrage of monthly mean temperatures FAR in excess of existing records in 2024. I don't believe that to be the case in the instances you cite. March April May
  8. Mostly ended here but last week there were clouds of yellow off the White pines when the wind blew...
  9. That's pretty significant. Your May production should typically be on the order of 15-20% above April
  10. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen it. Oaks and white pines. Feel for the uninstalleds opening windows and just painting the inside yellow
  11. still no heat to be found on the euro, looks like whole month will be great
  12. i would be happy if this pans out!
  13. Today
  14. Feeling Coc k and loving clubs?
  15. We may have to wait until after the summer solstice later this month for our first official 3 day heat wave reaching 90° or warmer at Newark. The trough looks to take up residence around the area for the next several weeks. A continuation of the spring blocking theme since March 20th with the addition of a strong +PNA.
  16. 0.75" of rain last night into the early am hrs. 1.11" for a good start to the month. Avg is 4.23", so a way to go yet, and forecast looks decent for more significant opportunities. For May, ended with 3.88" (3.30" avg) with 2.12" falling on the 22nd. YTD through May is 10.61 (9.66" avg) so doing well there. Last year, starting in May, precip was pretty bleak until later in Sept. Doing better so far this year.
  17. Apparently West Tennessee had some landspouts over the weekend. I have seen few if any pictures on social media, but MEG did address questions.
  18. Looks more and more like we'll escape major heat for a good chunk of June. We're all mentally prepared for a hot July and August each year; so, I'm not too concerned about those months. Yeah September nights get cooler. The lower sun angle also takes off the edge even during the day.
  19. 46F for the low and tickling 80F at 11:30am. Fantastic.
  20. COC and golf in June…just love to see and feel it.
  21. So summer did not start early. After a bit of a false start to summer, the pattern has settled back to a late spring temp cycle...nice days and cool nights. I fully expect summer to be hot, but the longer we can delay the heat...the less heat that we get. August and September (prob part of October) is certainly better than mid-May to mid October. The great thing once we get to mid September, at least the nights cool off.
  22. I bought my Callaway Rogue ST's at the W. Lebanon location a few weeks ago.
  23. This is unfortunately not true. It would be nice if that were the case, but ... it's happened twice at equivalency into the British Isles/latitudes in the last several years. The Pacific NW in 2021... The frequency of these occurrence has been rising. And there are papers being published on reviewed-reserved servers that discuss - next time I happen by one I'll be happy to send over the link.
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