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About ChescoWx

  • Birthday 12/17/1963

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    East Nantmeal Township, Chester County PA and Sea Isle City, NJ
  • Interests
    Baseball, Music (Beatles, Jellyfish, Springsteen, Cheap Trick, Oasis, Keane)

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  1. Some spots touched the 50's this morning across the County. Beautiful weather with low humidity continues through at least Monday before our next chance of showers. Chester County records for today: High 100 degrees at Phoenixville (1930) / Low 42 degrees at Morgantown/Elverson (1976) / Rain 3.28" at Spring City (2023)
  2. Some spots touched the 50's this morning across the County. Beautiful weather with low humidity continues through at least Monday before our next chance of showers. Chester County records for today: High 100 degrees at Phoenixville (1930) / Low 42 degrees at Morgantown/Elverson (1976) / Rain 3.28" at Spring City (2023)
  3. Climate alarmists claim we are observing more record high temperatures than ever before. However, the below analysis of 590 USHCN stations with at least 100-years of daily observations reveals that 60% of daily record high temperatures were in reality set before 1960. Of the top 20 years, only two have occurred in the last 65 years!. The top 20 years with the most daily record highs in the U.S.: 1936, 1934, 1931, 1939, 1925, 1930, 1933, 1911, 1953, 2012, 1921, 1954, 1927, 1910, 1918, 1950, 1990, 1947, 1938 and 1952. Just like at the local Chester County locations the hottest years were back in the 1930's....
  4. Is this the source of the 97% of scientists agree myth?
  5. One more cloudy day today before a great stretch of weather through at least Monday. Cooler starting tonight with some spots in Chester County possibly touching the 50's tonight and tomorrow night. Chester County records for today: High 100 degrees at Phoenixville (1930) / Low 47 degrees at Coatesville (1976) / Rain 5.17" at Nottingham (2021)
  6. One more cloudy day today before a great stretch of weather through at least Monday. Cooler starting tonight with some spots in Chester County possibly touching the 50's tonight and tomorrow night. Chester County records for today: High 100 degrees at Phoenixville (1930) / Low 47 degrees at Coatesville (1976) / Rain 5.17" at Nottingham (2021)
  7. Thanks Kevin! It really has been hit and miss. I suspect you are correct some tropical storm will come up the coast and interact with a cold front and bam - 4 to 6" of rain for all!! let's hope we see some more rain over the next days further south and east! Good luck!
  8. We picked up some light rain overnight in some spots with 0.03" in East Nantmeal. We are now almost 4 inches above normal rainfall now this year following our fairly wet stretch of weather this month. Shower chances continue today and especially tomorrow into Thursday evening before we clear up and have a great stretch of dry weather through at least next Tuesday. Chester County records for today: High 100 degrees at West Chester (2011) / Low 48 degrees at Coatesville (1985) / Rain 2.95" at Elverson/Morgantown (1969)
  9. We picked up some light rain overnight in some spots with 0.03" in East Nantmeal. We are now almost 4 inches above normal rainfall now this year following our fairly wet stretch of weather this month. Shower chances continue today and especially tomorrow into Thursday evening before we clear up and have a great stretch of dry weather through at least next Tuesday. Chester County records for today: High 100 degrees at West Chester (2011) / Low 48 degrees at Coatesville (1985) / Rain 2.95" at Elverson/Morgantown (1969)
  10. Now this is funny and true....how many of these comments are thrown at climate realists by climate alarmists??
  11. For folks clamoring for more analysis and debate over real vs altered climate data come on over to the new thread under climate change!
  12. Below is a great illustration of how the post observation NOAA/NCEI adjustments are skewing the analysis. They are continuing to warm even the current decade - following the chilling adjustments made to the hottest summer decades back in the 1930's thru 1950's. If you believe the red NCEI trends we are warming pretty quickly....if the actual raw blue data is viewed....almost flat! No summer warming here in Chester County PA....
  13. Below is a great illustration of how the post observation NOAA/NCEI adjustments are skewing the analysis. They are continuing to warm even the current decade - following the chilling adjustments made to the hottest summer decades back in the 1930's thru 1950's. If you believe the red NCEI trends we are warming pretty quickly....if the actual raw blue data is viewed....almost flat! No summer warming here in Chester County PA....
  14. The only "mischief" is the baseless bias adjustments for TOBS and other estimated post hoc bias adjustments! We have seen these baseless tweaks applied even for places like Coatesville with no such TOBS bias. As always the actual real data shows the truth there is of course no climate emergency in any of the actual real world analysis....heck there is not even a crisis!! Only hand waving fear mongering for clear simple cyclical gentle climate change Hey Charlie - where is that reverse heat island adjustments you mention above for Coatesville and West Chester?? We only see traditional heat island cooling adjustments no reverse UHI warming adjustments???
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