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Eskimo Joe

Professional Forecaster
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About Eskimo Joe

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location:
    Reisterstown, MD

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  1. Another mesonet site online on Maryland's Eastern Shore. Passing this along for anyone in Delaware or southern Maryland who is on here.
  2. Not really sure where else to put this, but some big NWS news today. The director stated at the NWA conference that WSR-88D radar is being "phased out" starting in the mid 2030s and the public facing website is getting an "overhaul".
  3. It's definitely been a dry month! I've only recorded 0.06" of precip.
  4. Cloud tops rapidly warming on this line. Collapsing as it enters a more stable airmass.
  5. If we had full sun to I-95 we'd be in real business. The storms west of I-81 are maxing out along an instability axis. It's going to be tough to maintain themselves one they roll into this overcast.
  6. Yea we just need to stop that Pacific puke from shutting down things for 6 weeks at a time.
  7. Solid line blowing up west of Winchester. Looks like a few cells trying to put 45,000 feet.
  8. The tops on the Cumberland, MD cell pushed 60,000 ft for a few frames. That line out west means business.
  9. This whole setup is unique. We have a rogue instability axis west of DC and a stationary front along I-81.
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