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is it possible some are hunting very hard for some person that has been banned and are far too suspect of any NEW poster......i ask because my reception here has not gone well, and i in no way broke any rules and was accused of being a troll within minutes of posting in Dec. ....reality is i joined in 2010 but got the same reception then and didnt post again until this winter.


i have no grudges dont know any of you on any level and want no part in any flaming wars.


not here to harm anyone's butt, but indeed have read today where others say that is their intent.

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Why, are all of these kuckleheads coming out of the woodwork? We've always had to deal with the one-off every now and again. And it's ok to screw around once in a while. But what in the world is going on?

I know it's tempting and you just want to drag them out into the street and beat them half to death but Best thing to do is not respond to them and just report them.

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is it possible some are hunting very hard for some person that has been banned and are far too suspect of any NEW poster......i ask because my reception here has not gone well, and i in no way broke any rules and was accused of being a troll within minutes of posting in Dec. ....reality is i joined in 2010 but got the same reception then and didnt post again until this winter.


i have no grudges dont know any of you on any level and want no part in any flaming wars.


not here to harm anyone's butt, but indeed have read today where others say that is their intent.

Honestly, same thing happened to me when I first started posting. I made one or two posts and certain people jumped on me about my input doesn't matter because I don't contribute to any of the discussion threads. So I felt pressured or even bullied to stop posting.

Lately, the reception of new members has been more "guilty until proven innocent" because of a few people who get banned and make multiple accounts. But I do agree people could be more welcoming around here. It's a fine line, though, with the multiple account-ers.

If you're a serious new member, stick around and let the dust settle a little bit first. Welcome!

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is it possible some are hunting very hard for some person that has been banned and are far too suspect of any NEW poster......i ask because my reception here has not gone well, and i in no way broke any rules and was accused of being a troll within minutes of posting in Dec. ....reality is i joined in 2010 but got the same reception then and didnt post again until this winter.

i have no grudges dont know any of you on any level and want no part in any flaming wars.

not here to harm anyone's butt, but indeed have read today where others say that is their intent.

I don't mean this with any disrespect whatsoever, but if you've received the same reaction, which you feel was bad, why do you think that is? Look at how many new or dormant posters have posted over the last week. The majority of them have been very well received, the best I can tell.

It's the ones who have been banned who keep showing up under different aliases and the new ones who barge in with a combative and condescending tone who are frowned upon.

You won't find a better group to post with in this whole forum, but busting in the front door with an attitude probably won't be met with a Welcome To The Board sign.

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Honestly, same thing happened to me when I first started posting. I made one or two posts and certain people jumped on me about my input doesn't matter because I don't contribute to any of the discussion threads. So I felt pressured or even bullied to stop posting. Lately, the reception of new members has been more "guilty until proven innocent" because of a few people who get banned and make multiple accounts. But I do agree people could be more welcoming around here. It's a fine line, though, with the multiple account-ers. If you're a serious new member, stick around and let the dust settle a little bit first. Welcome!


There are few factors here. In cases where people have been accused of being trolls it's usually for a few reasons. The main one being that the person being accused just jumps into a discussion making claims as if they are fact and they are brand new. Fair or not it's just like doing this in any social situation with a clique of people. If you just walked into a group conversing and acted like a professional on a subject they would probably avoid you in the future. You haven't earned their respect. It's basic group social dynamics. Not saying you did this just that's what happens a lot of times. It's inferred and I think fairly (mainly because I'm one of the people who assumes this) that if you're willing to jump right in with no intro or even a "hello" like most normal posters you have either been here and stirred the pot before (which is why you're comfortable) or you're just a jerk/abrasive/troll. Sometimes it's also just a feeling you get. For instance I knew and was correct that one particular poster had been banned before and was back pretending not to be that person. Fine whatever it's water under the bridge until that person starts becoming disrespectful. In those cases I honestly do not understand what they expect. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result as Einstein (?) said. 

Just to reiterate I think posters are only treated as "guilty" if they are outspoken and worse if they are not only outspoken but also idiots. Posters who come to banter and say, "hello I'm new here and....." and then post sporadically with useful weather info get treated much better. It's one thing to say, "how do you know that/you can't know that" and totally different to say, "based on the 5h map that energy looks like it would do X why do you think it will do Z?". 

The thing is pretty much every new poster goes through the same "rite of fire" so to speak if you do not have a problem speaking up. I was five posted on Eastern and threatened with a ban because I was spouting off at the mouth about things I didn't know. It did however teach me a lesson to stop posting about frivolous stuff or harassing folks because I didn't know enough to understand their answer. I went and started looking into weather, bought some weather model subscriptions etc..

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i read, havent earned their respect.......my approach to life is to RESPECT EVERYONE until one shows to be unworthy of that respect..


the default position of NO respect until earned  is rather strange, that says i have NO RESPECT for anyone until they meet my requirements.


and indeed the new person could KNOW what they are talking about now couldnt they

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There are few factors here. In cases where people have been accused of being trolls it's usually for a few reasons. The main one being that the person being accused just jumps into a discussion making claims as if they are fact and they are brand new. Fair or not it's just like doing this in any social situation with a clique of people. If you just walked into a group conversing and acted like a professional on a subject they would probably avoid you in the future. You haven't earned their respect. It's basic group social dynamics. Not saying you did this just that's what happens a lot of times. It's inferred and I think fairly (mainly because I'm one of the people who assumes this) that if you're willing to jump right in with no intro or even a "hello" like most normal posters you have either been here and stirred the pot before (which is why you're comfortable) or you're just a jerk/abrasive/troll. Sometimes it's also just a feeling you get. For instance I knew and was correct that one particular poster had been banned before and was back pretending not to be that person. Fine whatever it's water under the bridge until that person starts becoming disrespectful. In those cases I honestly do not understand what they expect. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result as Einstein (?) said. 

Just to reiterate I think posters are only treated as "guilty" if they are outspoken and worse if they are not only outspoken but also idiots. Posters who come to banter and say, "hello I'm new here and....." and then post sporadically with useful weather info get treated much better. 

The thing is pretty much every new poster goes through the same "rite of fire" so to speak if you do not have a problem speaking up. I was five posted on Eastern and threatened with a ban because I was spouting off at the mouth about things I didn't know. It did however teach me a lesson to stop posting about frivolous stuff or harassing folks because I didn't know enough to understand their answer. I went and started looking into weather, bought some weather model subscriptions etc.. 



And now burger works for the Mafia selling electronic cigs out of the trunk of his car.


You've come a long way burger "the knees"! :D


burger is spot on here. And when a "new" poster comes in with nothing but complaining about other members and what they contribute, it's a dead give away that there's no real interest in discussing weather.

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 There are few factors here. In cases where people have been accused of being trolls it's usually for a few reasons. The main one being that the person being accused just jumps into a discussion making claims as if they are fact and they are brand new. Fair or not it's just like doing this in any social situation with a clique of people...

That's definitely an issue. I've never noticed if we have a "new member introductions" thread here. If so, it maybe should be pinned as a way for new members to at least introduce or get a welcome. I've been on other boards where members are required to introduce themselves first, then must be granted posting privileges after the mod sees their introduction post. Maybe something like that could cut down on the number of people who just immediately make a new account and go spewing off again. That could also give a mod time to check for duplicate IPs before granting posting permissions.

Just a thought. Sometimes the banter thread discussion moves too fast for a new member to feel comfortable jumping in and disrupting the flow with an introduction, so they jump directly into the discussion with their opinions on the topic.

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And now burger works for the Mafia selling electronic cigs out of the trunk of his car.


You've come a long way burger "the knees"! :D


burger is spot on here. And when a "new" poster comes in with nothing but complaining about other members and what they contribute, it's a dead give away that there's no real interest in discussing weather.


Trunk of cars? Shiiiiiiii...we moved past that long ago. Now we're a legit business. I swear it on my Momma's baked ziti. 




By the way I wrote this TV ad you should be seeing soon. 


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Honestly, same thing happened to me when I first started posting. I made one or two posts and certain people jumped on me about my input doesn't matter because I don't contribute to any of the discussion threads. So I felt pressured or even bullied to stop posting. Lately, the reception of new members has been more "guilty until proven innocent" because of a few people who get banned and make multiple accounts. But I do agree people could be more welcoming around here. It's a fine line, though, with the multiple account-ers. If you're a serious new member, stick around and let the dust settle a little bit first. Welcome!


I'm sorry you felt unwelcome at first, JWXnc.  In fact, you apparently joined just a few days before I did three or so years ago.  I will agree that a few people might be quick to judge who is and who is not a troll, as I posted just yesterday, I believe.  But I will also agree with Cold Rain's and Burgertime's assessments that a new poster's reception has a lot more to do with how they initially post than it has to do with the friendliness (or lack thereof) of the people on this board.  Tone and introduction are quite important to receiving a positive reception, as they would be in a group of people standing in a circle meeting each other for the first time.


I never felt unwelcome when I first joined, but I was very careful over what I chose to say and post.  I had been lurking for a couple of months and learned the ropes, so to speak, before I ever took the plunge to join up.  After joining, I totally avoided the pattern/storm threads for my posting purposes and solely posted in the banter and observation threads, because I knew that I was competent enough not to mess up in those threads.  But, I did read a ton in the pattern threads so that I could learn how to interpret various maps, etc.  I have since grown more knowledgable, but I still think carefully before hitting "Post," particularly in the pattern/storm threads.


This is not intended toward you, in particular, JWXnc, I just happened to pick your post to respond to, and I wanted to add the following:


If people would read their posts thoroughly, at least once, but two or more times is even better, before they hit "Post," we might be able to stop a lot of the drama that shows up on this board.  It's pretty much impossible to read the body language of any poster, so all we have to go on is the tone of the post.  Proofread your post.  Make sure it says what you intend it to say.  Is it even worth posting in the first place?  Are you simply increasing your post count by posting "lol" but not really adding anything else to the conversation?


That is all...

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That could work.  3 or 5 post new comers until they ease in.  They usually only show up in winter, and only when something is happening.  Mr Burns, my personal hero, well one of them anyway, said it best, I think.  A message board requires personal social skills as much or more so than real life, since folks are anonymous.  If you go to a party where you don't know anyone, and within minutes folks are wanting to fight you, or are questioning who invited you, then the fault probably isn't with the group, but the individuals social skills.

  But I don't know for sure, because those mean, mean Carolina folks are always jumping on us sensitive Ga folks.  Look how they attack that boob, MetalBoy all the time, lol.  He can't help his boobish behaviour, any more than Burns can help his age!  But to give them credit, they do attack their resident boob with the same zeal, lol.  T

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I'm sorry you felt unwelcome at first, JWXnc. In fact, you apparently joined just a few days before I did three or so years ago. I will agree that a few people might be quick to judge who is and who is not a troll, as I posted just yesterday, I believe.

That is all...

Oh, definitely. It's a good rule of thumb to post in banter for a bit (what I did) before jumping into the discussion threads. And it wasn't everybody, I don't mean to make this place sound horrible. It was just a couple people who like to be snarky with holier-than-thou, high-horse responses, and who must have the last word no matter what. It got better once he put me on ignore lol ;)

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thanks for the responses......i am not a politician and not seeking acceptance from any group or clique...just here to learn about coming weather conditions and share any info i may have that adds to the discussions.......observations of the real world are what i fell would be my contribution and i cant really add to any model discussions other than they change almost every run and none can be taken as what will for certain occur.


i will add if i am expected to bow to certain folks here or get attacked then fire away because i aint bowing.

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A welcome thread to keep people contained before letting them out in the wild would be good. Have a minimum post limit or be registered for so long before you can post in the main area. Would keep down on the trolls/banned folks. Since the next ice age is upon us, maybe this all a mute point :lmao:

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Once upon a time, there was no banter.  There was only the discussion superthreads with 50+ new pages per day when a real storm was at hand! :)


I remember those well and miss it, everything was main-side, OT was OT (mostly).  Superthreads for each of the 0z models on any one particular night when a winter storm was brewing, hit refresh and you were already behind two pages.

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I believe the SE Crew does a pretty good job at welcoming new posters. I, for one, try to welcome everyone when they first post. I do miss a few, especially when we are busy. Heck.....I believe I've even welcomed banned members sock accounts :lol:

When I first joined eastern I started a winter outlook thread outlining the SE. My research was solid, well written and easy to understand(graded a B at the end of the winter), but it didn't stop the bashing I got from trix  :lol:   Because I was outspoken most thought I was a guy even though my profile stated I was female and from that trix decided I was a troll. I didn't back down, didn't use any foul language, didn't loose my temper and continued to state my case. It wasn't long before I was accepted as a good person/poster and even trix said in the end to give me a chance. This was way back in the day, long before subforums, and where everything was posted on the main page. Because of this, I have honestly tried my best to welcome every new member and encourage them to post. Here in the SE forum we have more female posters that post on a regular basis than any other region and I really believe it is because as a group we do try to welcome everyone and encourage them to post :hug: 

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I believe the SE Crew does a pretty good job at welcoming new posters. I, for one, try to welcome everyone when they first post. I do miss a few, especially when we are busy. Heck.....I believe I've even welcomed banned members sock accounts :lol:

When I first joined eastern I started a winter outlook thread outlining the SE. My research was solid, well written and easy to understand(graded a B at the end of the winter), but it didn't stop the bashing I got from trix   :lol:   Because I was outspoken most thought I was a guy even though my profile stated I was female and from that trix decided I was a troll. I didn't back down, didn't use any foul language, didn't loose my temper and continued to state my case. It wasn't long before I was accepted as a good person/poster and even trix said in the end to give me a chance. This was way back in the day, long before subforums, and where everything was posted on the main page. Because of this, I have honestly tried my best to welcome every new member and encourage them to post. Here in the SE forum we have more female posters that post on a regular basis than any other region and I really believe it is because as a group we do try to welcome everyone and encourage them to post :hug:

Female weather board posters are hot!!

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