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About calculus1

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    Hickory, NC (Elev. 1129)

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  1. Much more rain IMBY since Saturday. I am in New Orleans for work, so I don’t have totals, but radar back home has been robust. .
  2. I got almost an inch of rain this evening! Amazing. I am still rolling with fescue, as it looks beautiful all year round other than July/August, and I do not have irrigation. I pay Turf Pro to do the fertilization, grub control, liming, and fungicide. I pay to have the lawn aerated and over-seeded each fall. My boys and I do all the mowing, though. Because of the recent lack of rain, tomorrow will be the first time that we mow in almost one month. I've been afraid to mow because of the stress it would cause on the grass with very little rain recently. (It also hasn't grown much at all.) The fescue has survived fairly well in all the shaded areas, but is very crispy in the areas that get full sun.
  3. I eked out 0.29 inch of blessed rainfall early this evening. It was amazing! I had almost forgotten what rain was like...
  4. Ya’ll in the east really benefited today. We continue to be drought central here in Hickory. Ugh…
  5. Yes, this summer has been miserably hot and humid. I was fortunate to escape to Alaska for two weeks, but otherwise it has been “Yuck!”
  6. Same for me. It’s been raining all around me, but just a random sprinkle or two hear IMBY.
  7. Been in Alaska for the past two weeks, camping and hiking. Mornings were in upper 40s and afternoons never got warmer than mid 70s. Most afternoons were in the 60s, particularly where we were hiking at elevation. Made it home last night and checked my PWS. Only 0.11 inch of rainfall IMBY over that period. Ugh! Yesterday’s high was 100.4 IMBY with a heat index of 120! I don’t think I’ve ever seen it that high on my Vantage Vue. I may challenge it today, though. Current temp is 92.5 at 1 PM. Heat index is reading 105. .
  8. No, no hail over here IMBY. Just very heavy rain. Maybe more tonight. .
  9. Great light show last night from the back deck here in Hickory, NC! Just absolutely amazing! We even saw them dancing overhead at times; that’s what the second shot above was trying to capture. Clouds are a bit persistent tonight, unfortunately. .
  10. Surprisingly, not a drop yesterday. First we bust badly by an incredible over-performance on Saturday, then we bust badly by an incredible under-performance on Sunday. The weatherman’s job is difficult… .
  11. Up to a total of 3.53 inches of rainfall since Friday afternoon. Got another inch overnight. .
  12. Way over performed on the rainfall today. Forecast was for 0.5-0.75. Already at 2.25 and coming down hard again. Interesting what the overnight will hold. Supposed to be another 0.5-0.75, but I am guessing it will be more. Lots of heavy rain on the doorstep… .
  13. Big bust on the rainfall forecast today. NWS said less than a tenth of an inch today as recent as 8 AM. I have 0.4 inch and counting. That’s 400% more than what was forecast. We never seem to bust in that direction with snowfall, unfortunately. .
  14. Wow! Heavy sleet just started here IMBY. Large sleet pellets. It's official wintry precipitation IMBY. Wow.
  15. @jburns , great to hear from you! I remember those grill pictures from the great Archdale snow. I doubt we have another of those in our near future, but we can dream! .
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