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About kvegas-wx

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  • Location:
    Kernersville, NC

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  1. This is just a plumber's special. Catch a few souls off guard and break some pipes, then back into the new norms. I am very much digging my crunchy leaves. I was thinking we were going to completely miss fall.
  2. Well then it will be snowing from Birmingham to Myrtle Beach.
  3. I work disaster response for a living supplying equipment for government and private entities. FEMA has condensed their response efforts tremendously over the last week. Initially because they were ineffective in remote locations (as evidenced by local sheriffs telling reps to just leave). And now governors of NC, SC and TN are taking the lead in directing response efforts. I had multiple orders out for FEMA that should have been approved on Friday. Now they have been cancelled and redirected to the state of NC. I'm not sitting here saying the FEMA is 100% out of NC. I am saying their efforts have been consolidated to larger aid centers where their logistics supply chain has the most effect. For the average citizen outside of Asheville, FEMA basically doesn't exist. And as for terroristic threats, I suggest you get in your car and head to Burnsville, Spruce Pine, Micaville, Pensacola or any other town along the state border. I'm confident you won't find anything more than people defending their property and telling FEMA to take a hike. As said in a prior post, don't believe much of what you hear or read on government websites (regardless of party...this isn't a politcal comment). Get on the ground and talk to people. Understand what they are afraid of. They just lost everything and all they see in their yard are agents coming to register them and take them to Asheville to a camp. That's not who these folks are.
  4. Pulled two deceased from the mud in a Dollar General this morning per the dog team. This is so far from over. Took a mother and baby to the hospital with horrible coughs. They were living in the shell of a trailer with the floor half washed out. So many people yet to be located. I completely understand the world moves on. I mowed yards yesterday, worked on my tractor ,etc. We can't be in the NC mountains 24/7. Now that FEMA has pretty much pulled the plug there, give until it hurts (please). Don't forget these people. Winter is here.
  5. I'm not going to say they were getting shot at, but those guns ended up being needed more than once when they were escorting FEMA door to door. As @Met1985says, this is quickly becoming a humanitarian disaster.
  6. https://youtu.be/w86T7IiaowQ You may find this of interest. Filmed around the Burnsville / Spruce Pine area. These are my peeps and friends of peeps running search/rescue/recovery/aid ops in conjunction with the guard and FEMA. Still cannot believe this damage. So much forever gone!
  7. 931mb / 145mph Cat 4....but ugh the tornadoes!! Could this be the bigger story?
  8. After just spending the weekend in Spruce Pine and Burnsville, I can't even imagine what you are going through Met in a much more remote area. The search and rescue there must be overwhelming. Are you getting aid sent in? Some of the more frequented areas are declining aid and asking it to be sent to a central dispatch location because they can't manage the volume. So I hope your areas are seeing similar support. If not, please ask for help!
  9. Its coming no matter what guys. We can't stop it. And just because there is misfortune elsewhere, that doesn't mean our lives stop. We can enjoy it. We SHOULD enjoy it. But we can also continue to provide aid and support for others. Both can happen at the same time. Survivors guilt is creeping in a bit here because it hits so close to home. If Helene never happened but Milton wrecks Florida tomorrow, I can promise you we would still be right here rooting for snow. It's ok to seek normalcy, even when others close by are affected. Let me be the first to say it....I am GLAD this summer is over. I have been to so many scorching hot jobsites this year I'm DONE! Happy to see the first hints of a cooler trend coming. All of that said, I will find myself right back in Florida next week handling storm recovery efforts. These people are truly suffering!
  10. FL winds are going to be insane. How do they even fly a heading like that??
  11. There are likely more than 100,000 people across the mountain regions that are going to require rescue. Seeing another storm potential less than a week out is beyond disturbing. We're looking at a trainwreck on a dumpster fire should this occur, and simply put, people will die. We either need more time to get these folks airlifted out or we need to get supplies in asap ahead of a potential next storm. I cannot fathom how bad this will become with another 2,3,4 inches of rain, or more.
  12. Thank God man! I had a niece and her boyfriend missing around Burnsville today but they finally showed up at their mom's house. Roads blocked and no cell service. I fear the untold death toll here, and in eastern TN, and SC and GA. So many folks I'm sure decided to ride this out. This story is just beginning.
  13. For context for those that dont live there, what is normal and what is flood stage at that point?
  14. Tornadoes are going to be a BIG problem overnight and tomorrow morning across the entire region. Really hope that folks don't get caught off guard further north. Just had a TOG in Rocky Mount VA!
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