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June 2023 Summer Begins

Damage In Tolland

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1 hour ago, powderfreak said:

Nah it was from 2022.

Heres the full clip from SNY.  Same green hoodie.


I recall seeing that not to long ago watching ”Jomboy media “  break down that incident (love his YouTube commentary ) on MLB. That guy stubby was acting like a total clown getting in middle of the scuffle , dude your a bench coach of some sort..what  are you wrapping up Alonso (which I recall Alonso seemed like ok , who is this dude and didn’t try to do anything ) thats no excuse for his moronic comment after , I just didn’t realize that I saw a breakdown of this incident a month ago and was like what is this stubby dude doing 



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2 hours ago, Supernovice said:

Anyone wondering about the cause:


This was the analysis I was looking for last week when I was being sarcastic about deviant Canadian red-necks armed with gas cans.. haha.   But yeah ... seems clad -

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1 hour ago, CoastalWx said:

They have tstms there all the time. I have to assume it's just been very dry there overall. Perhaps still a lot of early season debris on the ground and dried up. Not sure if green up is mature there yet.


Bit of a longer op ed ....that's question 1 in this smoke out as needing 'attribution' science - the new frontier of Climatology.

There seems to be an increasing necessity to parse out whether events deemed unusual are climate change -related, vs not part of climate change/normal back-ground noise.  There's a lot of complexity in doing so, more or less depending on the facet in analysis.  I can imagine ... since wild-fires have been a part of geology for 700,000,000 years ... that may be easily dismissed as just being background noise.   But... hehhhh   that evil word 'frequency'

The fact that large effusion -resulting events have been occurring with apparent increased frequency, world over ... Australia, to California, to Canada, to Siberia ... 

Sorry for the maudlin interruption, but if I were say ... writing a Sci-fi about the seven phases of "Gaia's eradication apocalypse", I might just start with series of fire storms that con the vermin into thinking they are just part of the natural order.  

Dark humor there... Anyway, dry weather relationship with thunderstorms has been an affair surviving every Earth epoch, going back since vegetation garnished the surface of the planet, 700,000,000 years 

Variations in the frequency of either reveals how hot that relationship ever got - pun intended:  ...mm, that's what gets a little more complex. 

Since the lowest common denominator is that there will always be that relationship between dry weather thunder, fuels, and subsequent fires, the question is thus deferred to what drives the frequency of both of those factors - obviously ... getting them to canvas the landscape at the same time is the whole camp site ...

Just as an intuitive/speculation, this year set up unusual blocking near 110 W over Canada could be related to that continental folding/spring hyper block tendency that's become more frequently observable in the last 10 years.  Also, it's been a number of years since we observed Canadian wild fires - that tends to argue for lots of fuel stows... 

The problem with these attribute sciences - for me - is how do the "calculations" determine variables that necessarily go into the evaluation?  Are the fuels stow abundance related to climate change?  Then, is or is not the dry ridge pattern after a dry winter, part of climate change?  Then, said dry ridge building toward +3 or +4 SD lower tropospheric thermal over-budget in the immediate weeks leading the triggering thunder event ... is that climate change -related? 

I dunno.  There must be some form of 'geo-physical' mathematics that is used in the evaluation. 

For now, I suspect the larger, orbital perspective of "frequency" and unilateral terrestrial environment inclusion in the event spread, are pretty damningly suspect.

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I have a hard time though attributing CC to something that typically has it's origins from humans. Whether it be from a train or gender reveal etc. You start a fire in a typical dry area...how do you then parse out that from some sort of underlying CC? I'm not saying CC isn't part of it...but I have a tough time seeing a clear CC signal when a large part of these fires are the result of careless actions from humans. 


In Quebec, is it possible they just had a dry spell? I mean those do happen. I can easily attribute CC to things like ocean temps, precip, etc. But it's seems quite hard for me to see a clear CC signal through all this other stuff with fires.

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Humans have always been stupid ...

... mixing human stupidity with background climate change - wherein there is an abundance of circumstances that would allow fire storms ( suppose this latter is the case for a moment ), I'm not sure that frees up CC as attributable.

Removing human stupidity from that climate-made tinder box environment, does not remove CC from attribution in my mind...  It's there whether the agency of stupidity wonders into that region to celebrate penis and or vagina, or is smarter than that ( and according to the post-modern new scripture, it's possible that the "and" and the "or" can occupy the same space).

Anyway, if climate change makes a tinder box out of an environment, ... I think there is a difference and distinction that needs to be made between what is a "trigger" and what is "attribution"  ...Because the stupid human trigger can't trigger, if the CC attribution part were not in place.

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5 minutes ago, Typhoon Tip said:

Humans have always been stupid ...

... mixing human stupidity with background climate change - wherein there is an abundance of circumstances that would allow fire storms ( suppose this latter is the case for a moment ), I'm not sure that frees up CC as attributable.

Removing human stupidity from that climate-made tinder box environment, does not remove CC from attribution in my mind...  It's there whether the agency of stupidity wonders into that region to celebrate penis and or vagina, or is smarter than that ( and according to the post-modern new scripture, it's possible that the "and" and the "or" can occupy the same space).

Anyway, if climate change makes a tinder box out of an environment, ... I think there is a difference and distinction that needs to be made between what is a "trigger" and what is "attribution"  ...Because the stupid human trigger can't trigger, if the CC attribution part were not in place.

Yeah I'm not saying it isn't a part of it at all....but I don't see a clear signal like the other items I brought up. 

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