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  1. With significant post-frontal snow looking increasingly possible for the northern and mid tiers of the Tennessee Valley under current modeling, going forward I figured I'd start ourselves a little thread dedicated to it and the potential early start to the winter season!
  2. This is a GREAT place for those not comfortable yet(on the pattern discussion forum) to place their observations. We really need some more folks from the western areas of our sub-forum to place observations here. We actually use those more than you know. Today has been HOT in the Tri-Cities with the third straight record high falling as we speak. Heat index is 96 out there. Feels like a horribly hot summer day. Just brutal. Another year and another hot Fall...I really don't like those. We do have some great discussion in the Fall Pattern Discussion and ENSO threads about when this heat may FINALLY break. Cause really for folks that cool weather, this sucks. LOL.
  3. Good morning American Weather participants, It might be nice to consolidate wintry precip reports for whatever this minor event delivers today, under one topic. While flurries have occurred in parts of the metro area (nw NJ for sure) on the 8th, today's short period of flurries or snow should be a little more widespread though confidence on where anyone sees a slight accumulation (especially grass-cars-rooftops) is less than ideal.
  4. Long range modeling is well into meteorological spring now. Things also get pretty quiet in here beyond winter, so probably not a huge need for monthly threads for a while. That said, we are coming out of a huge flooding/rain event and the GFS is showing a possible return to those conditions. The 16 day rain total, from 00z shows 10-12 inches falling over the period. So the extremely wet patten looks to continue. There may or may not be a brief cold shot in the early month period and there could be a winter threat in there, though obviously have to be heavily skeptical of it. After that, if we can believe the weeklies, warmth is back for the remainder of March.
  5. This may be the nerdiest thing I've done in a while, but I thought it would be cool to see what everyone's historical snow related averages, and other stats are that they have saved since they've been a part of this community. I joined at the tail end of the Eastern Days, and have been here for about 10+ years. Examples of stats to post: Largest one time snowfall Deepest snow depth in a season Longest number of days with measurable snow on the ground Largest seasonal snowfall (entire season) Smallest seasonal snowfall (entire season) Longest period at or below freezing All time snowfall Average (include the number of years that you have been a part of this community) Have you had a winter weather season (fall-to-winter-to-spring) where you had measurable snow during each of the big 3 holidays ...Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter? If so what year(s)? Plus, any other statistics that come to mind. My Stats are from 2009/2010 - 2018/2019 10 season Average: 66.35" Smallest seasonal snowfall: 26.25" (2011/2012) Largest seasonal snowfall: 100" (2014/2015) Largest one time snowfall: 29" (2/8 & 2/9, 2013)
  6. Good Friday morning, not much snow or sleet expected today but prolonged icing on trees/wires and untreated pavements foreseen for elevations above 1000 feet this afternoon-evening, especially Sussex County NJ into se NYS. Another marginal event but its definitely going to be cold. Here in Wantage NJ at 740'MSL at 720AM its still 32F with a very low dew point. It's been snowing a bit in Hazleton and Lehighton PA and now icing in Williamsport.
  7. Snow or sleet should begin ~2A-3A nw NJ and develop east northeastward with better chances for a start as snow when you get to the Hudson River and points east into Connecticut. The southern edge of any very brief slight sleet (or even wet snow) accumulation should be near Interstate 80 prior to sunrise EDT. Significant icing is possible over the high terrain above 1000 feet from nw NJ into se NYS and western CT before temps at even the highest elevations of NJ/SE NYS exceed 32F around Noon Sunday. Best chance for any small snow accum appears to be the very northern fringe of this NYC forum area. Hope we can get some reports of wintry accums of some sort.
  8. I figured since meteorological winter was just around the corner I'd go ahead and get the new observations topic ready. Let the season begin!
  9. It saddens me to say that my snow thrower, White Out will made his final cut last night. It was fitting that in a season where he went un-used up until last night that his final run was for a good ole fashioned, days of yore, 15" storm. White Out was purchased 20 years ago this year at a now non-existent small engine shop in Canton, Mass. He has helped me through some of the toughest winters in both the Boston area as well as here in Connecticut, including the unforgettable winter of 2014/15 where he carved his way through 100" of pure joy. He has also been there for the down times...always waiting, and wanting to sink his teeth into a new coating of white gold...Including the infamous winter of 2011/2012...A bleak moment in SNE winter history, but also stark reminder that Mother Nature holds all of the cards. And if she says snow ain't comin' then it ain't comin' and there's nothing you can do about it. Sometimes we didn't always get along, like the numerous occasions where I pushed him hard to clear many inches of plow driven man snow away from the base of the driveway. There were also those days where I waited too long after a storm and found myself forcing him to cut into a frozen pack. But we were good together, and good for each other. Through the good and the bad White Out was always reliable...always there for me...always eager to serve. Even though he was never excited about the gravel driveway, I knew that he was just a new sheer pin away from happiness. Now, as I move on it is time for White Out and me to go our separate ways. I will be giving him to a friend who needs him. This new situation will be perfect as WO is beginning to show his age. He will be given an easy, double wide, flat asphalt driveway to clear. No more stones caught in the auger...No more pot holes and rugged terrain...No more doubling back, multiple times to clear huge swaths of driveway, and no more tough, bumpy, uphill climbs...No more parked in an exposed lean-to, covered with a tarp, with the wind whipping at your chute. Here's to you my friend. I hope you continue to satisfy your need to feed, while living a long and fruitful life at your new home. Take care Pics of last nights final cut...
  10. One storm at a time. Should be fun overnight and wind down Saturday morning. Thank you for participating-contributing.
  11. Northern edge of another mediocre snowfall (period of snow) should be somewhere just north of I80. Better chance 1"+ I78 region.
  12. Looks like the first of several snow or snow to ice-rain events over the next two weeks. This first probably has its southern edge of snow accum somewhere near I78 or I80, with the bulk of 1"+NYS-Southern New England. Flurries could begin Wednesday late morning-early afternoon but the bulk should occur very early Thursday morning.
  13. Here is our 2019 February winter thread. I hope February is a month to remember for all of us across the forum in regards to wintry weather. We have a lot of moving pieces directing our February outlook so here’s to hoping we can start to get more clarity as we go forward. MJO is moving through phase 5 but it should be in phase 6 within the next few days so hopefully that translates well for us going forward.
  14. I in Wantage may not be able to post til ~230P. Have at it. Another mess. Posting some graphics by 7A, on the 20-21 Threat thread, to look back tomorrow and see performance.
  15. Hi! Looks like a nice little event coming tonight into Monday, with some banding, especially se NYS-CT where all snow likely.
  16. Can we get another one to break in our favor in a bad pattern? Fast flow with lots of shortwaves going to make for jumpy forecasts.
  17. If the moderators feel the current thread on discussing the threat is sufficient then just discard this. I'll probably have something to start this around 5A or 6A/12.
  18. Good Monday morning, Hopefully this thread will be useful for the cold frontal passage (wave) snowfall expected Tuesday and Tues night. Most of the snow accumulation should occur 5PM-Midnight when strongest vertical velocity occurs in a snow sounding. I dropped the remainder at 815A. Keeping it simple. Thanks for all the obs already.
  19. If I crash and burn... I crash and burn... But I think it is now warranted for this
  20. Virtually all current disco pertains to January at this point, so it's time to fire up the January pattern thread. The Euro weeklies say the potential is there. The cold Nov/cold January is a pretty consistent match. So game on as we move into the heart of winter in the valley. Which I consider our prime winter frame to be Jan 15th-Feb 15th. Our coldest temps and most snow will usually fall in that window. Let's hope the pattern gets right as we head towards prime time.
  21. Would like to keep this an observations only thread of what will be an interesting 18 hour winter storm 5P today-2P Sunday, with potentially high impact (damaging power outage) glaze from somewhere near or just n of I-80 in nw NJ/ne PA northward to I-84, after a front end snow/sleet combo prior to midnight.
  22. Wantage NJ 4 sw 740'MSL (8mi S of High Point NJ). Snow acc roughly 10P-450A 0.8" densely packed broomable snow. roads being plowed now. am aware of 1 school delay far NNJ at this time. T 22.8 here with very small flake snow falling at this time (458AM)
  23. I'm already at my low... Currently 32...
  24. Have fun, time to see if I keep batting 1.000
  25. The month of December is almost upon us so we figured it was time to create a December winter thread. Looks like it could be a cold month with possible time frames that may support good conditions for winter storms. Let the breakdown begin! BTW Go VOLS today, #beatmizzou
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