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  2. Thank you for posting this information. The rankings make clear that Heller's chart is inaccurate. I went to the tool and exported the data. Just 0.3% of the stations were 4th lowest in terms of the number of 80F days through May 31. There is no plausible way 2024 ranked fourth lowest.
  3. If you look back at every -NAO/-AO winter over the last 44+ years, since 1979, every single one of them occurred at a solar minimum, with a low number of sunspots and low geomag…..Without any exceptions. I don’t think we need to be at the exact peak of this solar max for it to be hostile to AO/NAO blocking. The high solar flux/high sunspots/high geomag alone argue very strongly against any sustained blocking in those domains this winter. That said, some experts are predicting that this solar max cycle peaks this winter/early next year
  4. My new truck is at Wally Park, so was extremely curious. Guess I will know for sure on Tuesday!
  5. We're still well above average. Average highs are in the upper 70s right now Imagine if we had a ridge right now, there would be 100s
  6. I'm calling BS on the chart, a typical Tony Heller cherrypick. The charts below shows rankings for 80F days this year and the departure from normal for high temperatures. The only area that didn't reach 80 was Alaska. Most of the US has had an average or above average number of 80F days this year and almost the entire US had average or above average high temperatures. Its been a warm year so far. Tony picked the best stat he could find to hide it.
  7. Today
  8. 2024 Severe Seasonal Forecast.... I hope I am wrong.
  9. I think slight variations on this pattern could last most of the summer. I'm not looking for much heat but if there is some most of it from mid July to mid August. Then we'll see the tropics perk up with most vulnerable areas IMO the Gulf Coast, southeast U.S. coast, and islands in the tropics. I'm looking for early recurvature thinking that all features will be slightly south and east of their usual position on the maps. WX/PT
  10. No LSRs and no news reports mentioned DIA, although the climate report for 5/30 said hail was observed during that storm. If they didn't receive damaging hail, it was mighty close. If the storm had been 8 miles further northeast, we'd have many many millions in damage to cars and airplanes. I would kind of like to see how sizable hailstones bounce off that big tent over the terminal...
  11. Has anyone here read this? If so, any thoughts? https://theethicalskeptic.com/2020/02/16/the-climate-change-alternative-we-ignore-to-our-peril/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email Before anyone says he denies AGW, “I am a proponent of addressing anthropogenic global warming as a first priority for mankind. I first adopted the ‘Venus – runaway greenhouse effect’ paradigm (applied to Earth’s climate) after reading Carl Sagan’s groundbreaking work outlined in his book, The Cosmic Connection. Since that time, I’ve worked more extensively than most inside efforts targeting mitigation of volatile organic compounds, alkanes, methane, and carbon monoxide/dioxide contribution on the part of mankind.” and “I have shared in the grave concern over human contribution to the stark rise in global temperatures now obviously underway.”
  12. maybe not "much" heat, but we'll definitely have some hot days week 2. Won't go into weaklies deets as it's a fools errand, but they don't look cool and wet
  13. Yep, when the PP came it did not look good. Amazing a team can win 14 straight OT games.
  14. What a sick stat - a combination of a very talented team along with some luck thrown in. Fortunate to win that one...Cleveland really carried the play in the 3rd period and the first part of OT.
  15. Happy meteorological summer and start to hurricane season
  16. The official report said 56.6, so it’s a tie for warmest.
  17. Not seeing much heat the next 30 days. Wish we had this pattern in 6 months ago! Cool and wet for at least the next 3 weeks by the looks of it...
  18. Not tonight. This may have been the first wishcast of the 2024 season. Just we need the rain so bad around here in Tampa Bay. Sometimes a tropical system will just "pop" up in a few hours surprising everybody in the Gulf. But not tonight.
  19. CSU Forecast https://tropical.colostate.edu/Forecast/2024-04-pressrelease.pdf
  20. Since it's quiet in here... https://www.noaa.gov/news-release/noaa-predicts-above-normal-2024-atlantic-hurricane-season
  21. This is amazing…I added it to my favorites. Time to root for low dew points & occasional breaks in the heat!
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