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  2. 84/48… another hot one… might get 87F or so.
  3. https://phys.org/news/2024-05-delhi-limits-human-hot-countries.html
  4. It will be interesting to see what happens going forward. I posted earlier on the lack of 90° days during the last week of May since 2010 at Newark and fewer total annual 90° days than the years with 90°+ heat. This pattern continuing into the first week of June is running counter to the other El Niño to La Niña transition summers. These summers have traditionally featured very high 90° day counts. Either the pattern turns around during the 2nd half of June or the competing marine heatwaves around the world are interfering with the traditional El Niño to La Niña summer pattern this year. We probably will need more time to sort things out.
  5. I'm soaking up the warmth and sunlight before whatever the GFS is showing hits us. Parade of GL lows is replaced by gulf lows?
  6. Definitely good advice. We unfortunately had to cut down some big oaks because they died and now our sunroom is really a SUN room in the afternoon. To the point we are spec'ing out shade material. We have re-planted some trees but I will probably be dead before they get big enough to help. Hopefully they work for the next people that own this house haha.
  7. Sweet looking Miller A in the gulf on the 12z GFS day 9..fits the winter pattern atmospherically speaking.
  8. The avg NAO has, indeed, risen during winter since 1979-80. However, we also know that it has fallen during summer since 2007. So, might the NAO change in recent decades be close to a wash? Are they just talking about winter?
  9. We may be setting up significant heat mid month
  10. Never been with an 82. But I tell ya hwut I've done in my time. Two 41s at the same time.
  11. It’s Tuesday, and while the GFS is on an island with the intensity of possible development in the western Caribbean and Gulf, the nagging signal for moisture ejecting out of the Caribbean is across guidance. Being inside 7-10 days with a solid signal for Atlantic ridging means it’s worth a casual eye.
  12. They see that AC in the window in March and know it’s a safe place
  13. We now have competing explanations on that North Atlantic cold blob. Some studies find it’s related to the slowing AMOC and others to stronger winds from increased storminess and +NAO. So it may take some time to figure out which feature is having a bigger influence. https://www.psu.edu/news/institute-computational-and-data-sciences/story/increased-storminess-may-give-rise-north-atlantics/ In a study published in Climate Dynamics, the researchers report that a northward shift in the jet stream is contributing to a cooling of about .7 degrees Fahrenheit over the past century. Using computer simulations, the researchers found that more than half — 54% — of the observed cooling trend is a result of increased heat loss from the ocean induced by the overlying atmosphere. Strengthened local convection — whereby ocean mixing brings cold water from depth to the surface — explains another 38% of the trend. According to the team, storminess increased in the region because the jet stream moved northward. As a result, there are more frequent and more intense storms in this region. The increase in storminess creates a stronger heat loss from the ocean and induces stronger convection in winter, leading to cooler temperatures in the region. https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/north-atlantic-oscillation-contributes-cold-blob-atlantic-ocean/ UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — A patch of ocean in the North Atlantic is stubbornly cooling while much of the planet warms. This anomaly — dubbed the "cold blob" — has been linked to changes in ocean circulation, but a new study found changes in large-scale atmospheric patterns may play an equally important role, according to an international research team led by Penn State. “People often think the atmosphere has a very short memory, but here we provide evidence that atmospheric circulation change is significant enough to induce some long-term impact on the climate system,” said corresponding author Laifang Li, assistant professor of meteorology and atmospheric science at Penn State. Sea surface temperatures in the subpolar North Atlantic have decreased by about .7 degrees Fahrenheit over the last century, and a trend toward a more frequent positive phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) may have contributed significantly, the scientists reported in the journal Climate Dynamics.
  14. you got off cheap with $18k. I recently got 3 quotes just for siding and gutters, all came in at $35k+, and I don't have a very big house.
  15. Today
  16. They likely breed in Tolland where it is hot all the time.
  17. Parakeets in winter and flamingos in summer.
  18. I was greatly annoyed turning the soil in the flowerbed this morning from all the biting black flies here Bleh! At noon already 81 with a dewpoint of 66 at KIND. Feeling steamy outside.
  19. I wish I had a dollar for everytime the usual suspects on twitter said 95-96 was the analog when there is a La Niña
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