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About RedSky

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    Quakertown, PA

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  1. Clippers to end the drought? All .10-.25" they use to drop before they became extinct?
  2. Can you communicate with Voyager 1 with that thing?
  3. The neighbors well has run dry, this is escalating quickly
  4. Yeah driest weather since 1886 I figured as much Canada had it's warmest September on record that must be contributing to this.
  5. GFS has 0.0" through 336hrs. After what feels like two decades of receiving above normal rainfall most of the time in what I liked to call the new climate didn't see this coming the dryness has hit absurd first in my lifetime levels. It's most of the country now too with the exception of the southeast and South America including the Amazon is experiencing an historic drought. Some kind of high solar activity tie in?
  6. Interesting because it is half the brightness here. Also I have a family member in West Palm Beach that claims they see it
  7. Greens keeper Carl did night golfing while knocking back cannonballs
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