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January 24-25th Potential Winter Weather Event


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Well it might be a few hours early to start this thread but EURO has been pretty consistent with a storm around this time frame. Hopefully it brings a good accumulating event for most of the sub forum and plus I think I can bring some good luck to us :P 



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so ggem is a snowstorm for the western and central lakes and the euro is a snowstorm for the TN valley and southern midatlantic...




oh well, I wouldn't bet against the euro at 144 hrs out and a switch to a suppressed solution.  Seen that many times in the past.

Lets go w/ something in between (says the weenie in me)! Does the euro bring any precip up this way?
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so ggem is a snowstorm for the western and central lakes and the euro is a snowstorm for the TN valley and southern midatlantic...




oh well, I wouldn't bet against the euro at 144 hrs out and a switch to a suppressed solution.  Seen that many times in the past.

Dayton and Columbus get 4 inches of snow not taking ratios into account.

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Pretty much 2+ days of LE snow, impressive for this far out.


You don't normally see the Euro showing .1+ of LE for 3 hr periods.  If this thing passes south, we are going to be in pretty much as good as it gets of a thermal environment.  Definitely a consolation prize worth watching.

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GFS showing east winds in Madison from late Thursday afternoon through early Friday morning along with 850s of -10 to -15 C, if that occurs I would not be surprised to see some LES bands as far west as Madison. 12z GFS shows about 1" of snow in Madison and 2" in Milwaukee. Global models don't capture the LES aspect of the event well though, grid points are way wider than LES bands, so there could be quite a bit more snow.

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You don't normally see the Euro showing .1+ of LE for 3 hr periods.  If this thing passes south, we are going to be in pretty much as good as it gets of a thermal environment.  Definitely a consolation prize worth watching.


3" lakeside on accupro maps.


Seeing a wide spectrum of solutions today from the models.

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The event from last winter that the 12z GFS run reminded me of, comparing sfc and it's not too far off




I remember that event well. I think this time around it will be a bit warmer though, especially with winds off the lake. If I remember this event was in the teens all day with pixie dust type snow!

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