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Winter '12/'13 Complaint Thread


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You know I'm just playing. I for one really enjoy and appreciate all your stats research along with MSF's

I know. I am too of course.

I wish I had control of the weather, but then we'd all be waist deep in snow from Nov 15 to March 15. And some would hate me for it.

I enjoy your cross trolling.

Thank you. I better stop though. :D

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Josh, just let people have their rant, dude. Sometimes when people are emotionally frustrated, they don't want rationality. They just want to vent. You are not the board psychologist. Yes, you can throw statistics and positivity at them...but in reality it is just kind of irritating and not serving much. If people ranting bothers you that much, it might be best for you to avoid the COMPLAINT thread.

SO.....this is an invitation only complaint thread? I believe what I did was complain...and I meant every word of it. Let me have MY rant. You see, as much as I love weather, coming to boards like this USED to be fun....it is now more like a habit that I can't break, but the fun is long, LONG gone. This board is nonstop complaining in the good times, I mean we were having epic winters and people were finding any little thing to complain about. Now in the bad times its just a complete disaster. So when (oh Im sorry, i better say "if") the snow comes, its fun again, right? Absolutely not. Basically going forward there are 2 scenarios for me, and NEITHER outcome is ideal. The less likely one, scenario #1, the weenies rants, while they will never come to fruition in the form of a literally snowless winter, are upheld and we do not see much snow at all, leading me to be very depressed about a bust of my favorite season. Because whats funny, a lack of snow depresses me more than most on here. Or the much more likely one, scenario #2, the snows come, whether they are epic, average, or just simple "ahhh its finally winter", and while I will certainly be enjoying the snow, it will just grate on my nerves having to go through all this sh*t when I point out or tim and i throw a few stats in there about how ridiculous cancellings of winter in early dec, or freaking out at every op gfs run, etc. But yea, I know as the board psychologist its irritating...because I cant think of any other irritating posts in this (or other) thread.

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I know. I am too of course.

I wish I had control of the weather, but then we'd all be waist deep in snow from Nov 15 to March 15. And some would hate me for it.

And that would get old after a couple yrs.. Would be like bow hunting in a high fenced game farm and the loss of the relationships formed around our common love of the chase of that elusive Buck or epic snow storm.

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SO.....this is an invitation only complaint thread? I believe what I did was complain...and I meant every word of it. Let me have MY rant. You see, as much as I love weather, coming to boards like this USED to be fun....it is now more like a habit that I can't break, but the fun is long, LONG gone. This board is nonstop complaining in the good times, I mean we were having epic winters and people were finding any little thing to complain about. Now in the bad times its just a complete disaster. So when (oh Im sorry, i better say "if") the snow comes, its fun again, right? Absolutely not. Basically going forward there are 2 scenarios for me, and NEITHER outcome is ideal. The less likely one, scenario #1, the weenies rants, while they will never come to fruition in the form of a literally snowless winter, are upheld and we do not see much snow at all, leading me to be very depressed about a bust of my favorite season. Because whats funny, a lack of snow depresses me more than most on here. Or the much more likely one, scenario #2, the snows come, whether they are epic, average, or just simple "ahhh its finally winter", and while I will certainly be enjoying the snow, it will just grate on my nerves having to go through all this sh*t when I point out or tim and i throw a few stats in there about how ridiculous cancellings of winter in early dec, or freaking out at every op gfs run, etc. But yea, I know as the board psychologist its irritating...because I cant think of any other irritating posts in this (or other) thread.

Always fun to see the rare MSF rant or meltdown.

Time for a break and get the tree in the stand before the wife has my teste's ready to be hung on the tree.

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I'm pretty bummed about the pattern, even northern lower is facing its 3rd

Bad start in a row.... but... This reminds me of the 1990's. It seemed to be a rare year to have decent sustained cold until at least Dec 20th.

Never the less, another later than normal start.


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SO.....this is an invitation only complaint thread? I believe what I did was complain...and I meant every word of it. Let me have MY rant. You see, as much as I love weather, coming to boards like this USED to be fun....it is now more like a habit that I can't break, but the fun is long, LONG gone. This board is nonstop complaining in the good times, I mean we were having epic winters and people were finding any little thing to complain about. Now in the bad times its just a complete disaster. So when (oh Im sorry, i better say "if") the snow comes, its fun again, right? Absolutely not. Basically going forward there are 2 scenarios for me, and NEITHER outcome is ideal. The less likely one, scenario #1, the weenies rants, while they will never come to fruition in the form of a literally snowless winter, are upheld and we do not see much snow at all, leading me to be very depressed about a bust of my favorite season. Because whats funny, a lack of snow depresses me more than most on here. Or the much more likely one, scenario #2, the snows come, whether they are epic, average, or just simple "ahhh its finally winter", and while I will certainly be enjoying the snow, it will just grate on my nerves having to go through all this sh*t when I point out or tim and i throw a few stats in there about how ridiculous cancellings of winter in early dec, or freaking out at every op gfs run, etc. But yea, I know as the board psychologist its irritating...because I cant think of any other irritating posts in this (or other) thread.

Good rant!

I must add though that knowone is canceling Winter on here. Its more of consideration in 84hrs of ****canning the entire month. January might play ball.

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No offense to any one person but this board is becoming very depressing and the whinning has hit nauseating levels never reached.

Does no one have a fall back hobby to pick up the slack?? :P

In an ideal world, we wouldn't need a thread like this, but it'll be a positive if it keeps the complaining out of other threads. I think the relatively boring stretch overall and lackluster start to winter have some on edge. At least folks out east have had Sandy and some winter events in previous weeks, whereas Sandy was not a big deal for most of the subforum. The thread is clearly titled...you (the general you, not singling anyone out) should know what you're going to get if you open it.

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I'm pretty bummed about the pattern, even northern lower is facing its 3rd

Bad start in a row.... but... This reminds me of the 1990's. It seemed to be a rare year to have decent sustained cold until at least Dec 20th.

Never the less, another later than normal start.


Its very 1990s-esque. But the 2000s Decembers spoiled us. Id gladly take something in the middle. A 1990s "expected" winter for me...fleeting bouts of light snow through December, nothing lasting, nothing deep....then a cold, snowy January, a mild February, and a mid or late March snowstorm.

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Good rant!

I must add though that knowone is canceling Winter on here. Its more of consideration in 84hrs of ****canning the entire month. January might play ball.

See, I can rant ;). Other than some taking model runs so seriously, I mostly get a kick out of snowfall futility talk...because as we head towards winter, its getting easier and easier to see snow. For instance, a bad pattern for sustained winter should make those like ME the MOST upset, because we like winter for being winter, snowcovered, etc moreso than worrying about a big storm. Whether the pattern is "good" or "bad", it can snow at any time. How do you think Detroit got 26 inches of snow last winter? The pattern was NEVER good! For the record books, snow is snow, whether its sloppy and wet or powdery and dry, or whether it melts in an hour or lasts on the ground a month. So anyone who, for whatever reason, is hoping their location sees a December futility record, they will need to wait until AT LEAST Christmas to see if thats reasonably POSSIBLE, let alone probable.

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Lets put it this way, if your in northern Wisconsin, it isn't a bad pattern. If you are in southern Wisconsin, it isn't a good pattern. If you are in buckeye land, it is hell on earth.

I like the pattern this year........up to this point, because at least there is blockin' at all. Last year had a persistant +PNA go to waste because of the complete lack of blockin' and no cold air.

December 1911 had a period like this. It was just awful. If I told you December 15th we were heading toward one of the coldest ever, your would have hacked up snot. The NAO averaged a little + through the whole season that year. The -NAO/PAC Jet sex fling has to end at some point.

I'm actually liking the pattern for the UP.... It's always best being just on the north side of the battleground.


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Haha! What was it like to almost experience driving in snow? I don't remember what that's like anymore...

Yeah that's been almost 10 months now! I'm kinda chopping at the bit to test my new Outback in the snow. Going to have to wait at least a week at least - unless that 15th storm decides to cut south of here.

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In an ideal world, we wouldn't need a thread like this, but it'll be a positive if it keeps the complaining out of other threads. I think the relatively boring stretch overall and lackluster start to winter have some on edge. At least folks out east have had Sandy and some winter events in previous weeks, whereas Sandy was not a big deal for most of the subforum. The thread is clearly titled...you (the general you, not singling anyone out) should know what you're going to get if you open it.

Trust me, I get it. I move to one of the best snowbelts in the Country and it's a total shut out pretty much. I get the frustration. I wasn't posting about this paticular thread but about the board in general, because it's spilling over. I suppose it's worse than normal because we are coming off of a terrbile Winter last year, a damn hot Summer, and a drought. Call me naive or stupid, I prefer naive, but I'm holding out hope for a decent Winter still.

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Lets put it this way, if your in northern Wisconsin, it isn't a bad pattern. If you are in southern Wisconsin, it isn't a good pattern. If you are in buckeye land, it is hell on earth.

I like the pattern this year........up to this point, because at least there is blockin' at all. Last year had a persistant +PNA go to waste because of the complete lack of blockin' and no cold air.

December 1911 had a period like this. It was just awful. If I told you December 15th we were heading toward one of the coldest ever, your would have hacked up snot. The NAO averaged a little + through the whole season that year. The -NAO/PAC Jet sex fling has to end at some point.

Thats a more extreme example, but there have been many, many, MANY winters like that. And the same is true for the opposite, my favorite example being 2005-06. We had tons of cold and snow from Thanksgiving to Christmas, and then winter more or less managed to take a hike for a year. Didnt see any sustained winter from the beginning of January 2006 until the middle of January 2007, a full year (yet bizarrely enough, we had the earliest measurable snow on record Oct 12, 2006. ahh weather stats).

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SO.....this is an invitation only complaint thread? I believe what I did was complain...and I meant every word of it. Let me have MY rant. You see, as much as I love weather, coming to boards like this USED to be fun....it is now more like a habit that I can't break, but the fun is long, LONG gone. This board is nonstop complaining in the good times, I mean we were having epic winters and people were finding any little thing to complain about. Now in the bad times its just a complete disaster. So when (oh Im sorry, i better say "if") the snow comes, its fun again, right? Absolutely not. Basically going forward there are 2 scenarios for me, and NEITHER outcome is ideal. The less likely one, scenario #1, the weenies rants, while they will never come to fruition in the form of a literally snowless winter, are upheld and we do not see much snow at all, leading me to be very depressed about a bust of my favorite season. Because whats funny, a lack of snow depresses me more than most on here. Or the much more likely one, scenario #2, the snows come, whether they are epic, average, or just simple "ahhh its finally winter", and while I will certainly be enjoying the snow, it will just grate on my nerves having to go through all this sh*t when I point out or tim and i throw a few stats in there about how ridiculous cancellings of winter in early dec, or freaking out at every op gfs run, etc. But yea, I know as the board psychologist its irritating...because I cant think of any other irritating posts in this (or other) thread.

Lol! I feel bad that I contributed to you having a huge rant on here...it actually did make me "lol". Not because that is what I intended but because it was a bit unexpected. It was actually nice and refreshing to see another REAL side to you. I understand what you are saying and you have great points in your rant. I know that you know I am frustrated with the past couple of winters because I intentionally found a job in this area so I could enjoy winter....but the past two and a half out of four winters has been less than appealing here on the lakeshore. As a result, I really have been frustrated.

I guess sometimes it seems you're annoyed with people for complaining (which makes sense) and want them to stop and try to explain to them why they should stop. That was my main point.

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I don't get too frustrated by the weather unless a lot of places around me are getting exciting weather(severe storms, heavy snow, etc) while I'm stuck in a screw zone. If everyone in the area/region is experiencing the same summer drought or boring winter then it really doesn't bother me. I've also become less frustrated with boring weather as I get older. Boring weather happens. I remember a lot of below normal snowfall winters through the 90s and early 00s. It had pretty much become the default around here. Then we got the three snowiest winters in my lifetime(that I remember) all in a row. It was great, but I knew it was not normal and we'd crash back down to reality at some point. Last winter was only mid January to early March and this winter has started poorly again, but this won't last forever, either. We'll all get blasted again at some point.

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I don't get too frustrated by the weather unless a lot of places around me are getting exciting weather(severe storms, heavy snow, etc) while I'm stuck in a screw zone. If everyone in the area/region is experiencing the same summer drought or boring winter then it really doesn't bother me. I've also become less frustrated with boring weather as I get older. Boring weather happens. I remember a lot of below normal snowfall winters through the 90s and early 00s. It had pretty much become the default around here. Then we got the three snowiest winters in my lifetime(that I remember) all in a row. It was great, but I knew it was not normal and we'd crash back down to reality at some point. Last winter was only mid January to early March and this winter has started poorly again, but this won't last forever, either. We'll all get blasted again at some point.

I just hope we don't have to wait a couple of years!

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Some of the more southern region posters need below normal weather to get winter precipitation. I don't understand that frustration.


Jon, We're still north of 40 here...that isn't exactly the tropics. Our earliest winterstorm warning occurred Oct 30th. November traditionally has at least some measurable snow. Yes, if you want to get technical about daily avg. highs and lows, you could actually say we NEVER get cold enough for a good snowstorm....CMH never has a daily avg high that dips below 32.

For someone who has experienced decades of central Ohio winters....this is definitely atypical as far as winter weather so far this season....and coming off one of the most miserable winters ever, I'm sure you can understand the skeptism and pessimism, (regardless of the differences at 500mb from last winter).

Also, my trolling and complaining is all part of making those lemons into lemonade as someone else said. A lot of it is tongue and cheek and venting, regardless I'll keep it here where it belongs. B)

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Wow, I want some snow! I am always fascinated by the driving habits of others in the world. I was getting anxious just watching cars do a quick yield and roll right in front of cars on the main road.

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