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  1. Past hour
  2. Everyone has a nice weekend except him. He’s been mentioning E flow so cooler coast like today .. though Monday looks humid
  3. I thought Monday and Tuesday? Scooter things changing?
  4. I can deal with a crappy Monday but not Sunday.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Big step forward today in leaf out. Still a ways to go as leaves are quite small but at least it’s green!
  7. Ha yeah it wasn’t chilly here. Max of at least 84F and full sun. ASOS dews 56-61F. Currently 61F dew. Mid-80s and dews around 60 is mid-summer climo here, lol. Definitely a touch cooler/drier down your way in E.MA.
  8. It gets thick here and then rains 3 inches every 2 days to leave it stuck all over everything
  9. Pollen hasn't been too bad here. I'm sure the next two days will make it worse
  10. We are at around 75% greenup and the pollen has really started to get bad the last few days. I hope we get a couple of nice T storms to knock it back down.
  11. Sissy. Actually feels kind of chilly here with these low low dew points. Hard to work up a sweat.
  12. I will say the heat pump makes it too easy, too quiet, and not expensive. I’ll probably have the windows open later but it quickly takes that afternoon solar heat build-up out. Odd to look up and still see snow patches glistening white from town and having some A/C running.
  13. Cut the grass, now watching Micheal a 30 year veteran teach me about advanced radar Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  14. Too far west for me to reach in an afternoon.
  15. Why can't I get it with a armed guards and a far lower than constitutional worthy search with far heavy sanctions and fines Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  16. Love to hear N VT ski resorts installed and using in Mayorch. Meanwhile folks like Dendy have a fan in window swirling pollen around , waking and have to call 911 to have sheets surgically removed.
  17. It was a great day until the glowing orange glob came out to play.
  18. On the plus side, this is the time of year to get as much of it in as you can, before we get into the dog days of Summer...
  19. Turned the AC on this evening. The sun and mid-80s max temp baked the south facing rooms. The mini-splits have made me weak with their convenience. Just a button on the remote and it’s instantly 65F inside, lol.
  20. I’m starting to think you’re right, this may be a case where the RONI shows a solid strong Niña event and the ONI is only like -1.4C or -1.5C trimonthly. One thing I can say with certainly is that there won’t be the MEI disconnect this time around
  21. Another cool morning with a low of 58, wind chill down in the 40's. High was a beautiful 76. Looks like tomorrow will be our last morning into the 50's for a while.
  22. Everybody's loving the low dews! Looks to be that way all summer.
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