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About SomeguyfromTakomaPark

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  1. Almost an inch of rain today so that’s good
  2. Does anyone have a link to the daily highs and lows recorded at dca? I’d like to look back over this summer.
  3. Really bad out today! Dews over 75 plus mid to upper 90s already.
  4. Pretty good wind out ahead of the storm headed to moco.
  5. Another stifling day, at least we have a breeze today which slightly mitigates these 110+ heat indices.
  6. They should upgrade to excessive heat warning, looks like heat indices are 105-115 now inside the beltway.
  7. Wow 90/78 for my trail run in rock creek. Just brutal.
  8. 80/71 for my morning run today. Let’s just say I got a little sweaty.
  9. Oh I was just at ny and 395, what a mess!
  10. 12 gfs has 90s every day clear into July
  11. 6z GFS is hot, mid to upper 90s Monday-Sunday.
  12. Very pleasant spring so far. Seems like next week the gulf opens for business and we won’t sniff another dew point in the 50s til September.
  13. Ah that’s too bad. I’m really disappointed we missed Friday.
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