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About H2O

  • Birthday 05/21/1971

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Rose Hill Fx Co
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  1. Just broke the 30s. Down to 39 after waking up to 41
  2. 67° in the house this morning. Broken down and turned the heat on for the first time 42° outside currently
  3. It came back enough to where I got a decent pic despite being in light pollution hell
  4. clouds and drizzle again. for over a week my rain gauge says at least 0.02 every morning. Epic drought buster
  5. I'm gonna be the lone person saying this, I'm sure, but I honestly think the issue the Os had most of the season(with hitting) was the constant lineup changes and batting order. It felt like because they have a lot of young players they were trying to get all of them at bats and over time the hitters developed bad habits. Too many games where it wasn't the same lineup every time. Not sure all the blame can be thrown on Hyde. This is the same guy that turned the team around and got them playing well. Starting pitching was a nightmare with all the ones hurt for the season. It all adds up and the Royals got hot at the right time. Its a good team so don't throw in the towel. Shit, it took the Bats over a decade to get a WS and had much better seasons only to get stuffed in the playoffs thanks to the Cards and Phils.
  6. Too warm. Please find 60s and bring here
  7. I’m digging these WTF Commanders. Daniels is flat out legit
  8. Today looks to be the only day to get the grass cut here(amazingly it’s grown). Just spent an hour cutting and between the sun and humidity it feels like Florida in August. Absolutely gross out
  9. If it tucks too much it’s gonna wreck the 850s.
  10. Woke up to some decent rain
  11. Daniels has a ton of potential. Def a lot of positives and hope a lot like Burrow when he came into the league. Commanders fans just have nightmares of RG3 who did have ACL issues and never returned to previous form. Running QBs take risks and for all the good things Daniels is doing now, he is one hit away from either being a bounce back Burrow or one and done RG3. I hope he can be the former if it happens. Meanwhile we can enjoy what Daniels does in the hope he helps turn around what has been a godawful team for decades. Similar to Burrow and I think y’all still have a number of years left with him being elite. Give him weapons and get some better D play and can still have a good season
  12. The injury fear is legit as it seems every team's QB suffers something. Losing Burrow that one year was tough but he's come back really well from it. He just needs a defense(much like we do right now) to also give him good field positions to take advantage of. Of all the AFC North teams, Cincy is one i root for. I hope they can turn things around and get some wins. It sure wasn't much his fault they lost last night. Two perfect bombs to Chase. The Brown family needs to pay that guy and stop being cheap with their talent.
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