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About H2O

  • Birthday 05/21/1971

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Rose Hill Fx Co
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  1. Possibly 2 years. Everything would need to be fast tracked. From design(unless they already have one because they wanted to replace already), funding, permitting, contract bids, and the actual construction. Even if everything went fine it will take months and months.
  2. That ship seemed to be having issues. No way does this happen without a cause. Awful tragedy that ruined lives for some. Hoping that traffic was light and the construction workers somehow were able to bail out. Saw that 3 might have been rescued? Will be years before a bridge is built to replace. Harbor closed will be a big impact as well. Big shipping port. This is huge for our area
  3. Just give me one small shift south and I can be happy with 3"
  4. We managed to get to OT but we chose to get the ball first and we know how that works out
  5. FOLKS....the GFS is on its own
  6. It’s def not fun to have. But I’m glad I checked to be sure as I don’t want my family to get it. Or I hope they don’t. Will do everything they say to and just try to enjoy 5 days isolation. At least I’m not missing any snow!! Har har
  7. After 4 years my luck finally ran out. Got Covid. Feel like ass
  8. This place can be such a f**king drag at times
  9. Lions are punching SF in the mouth right now
  10. When they traded for Chase Young
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