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About pazzo83

  • Birthday 08/09/1983

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Washington, DC

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  1. i was in NYC at the time but 2010-2012 were just absolutely horrendous. NYC when it's 104-105F is about the worst thing ever (especially at night when it's still in the 90s once you get out of Central Park).
  2. Last 30 days at DCA have been: High: 94.7 Low: 75.2 Avg: 85 (84.98)
  3. Perhaps? especially given the moderating conditions of the river (on both sides), unless the river was frozen I guess. It just seems it is very hard for DCA to hit 100F given the prevalent south wind in the summer, vs the more W to NW flow in the winter (which would probably lessen the effects of the river). Either way, streaks of sub 20 highs or 100+ highs are not terribly common at that location.
  4. First time DC has had 101F+ four days in a row
  5. yeah pretty weak sauce - but we did have the most intense 4-day heat wave in DC history, so there's that.
  6. at least the yellows are over us - chevy chase doesn't seem to be getting as much
  7. DCA hit 101F per the climate report - new record of 4 straight days of 101+
  8. lol don't think these are gonna die over the mountains.
  9. DCA has had several streaks of 100.4 (38C) - and it's had it for the last two 5 min obs - so we'll see if rounding gives us 101F.
  10. lol i mean the river is HOT. The buoy in the Washington Channel (between East Potomac Park and the Wharf) is around 87F.
  11. we were getting up to 102/103 on a river wind yesterday lol
  12. 95F at 11am for DCA, although we've already hit 96.
  13. 87F at 1am, so we are 104/80 on the day. A record-tying 7th 80+F low in the books.
  14. i mean i'm thinking we could start planting some palms around here - this winter we only had 31 days of 32F or below, meanwhile we've already had 17 days with lows of 75F or greater (and 7 80F+ lows)
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