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2023-2024 Ski Season Thead


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On 10/2/2023 at 7:31 PM, DavisStraight said:

Haha, I noticed that, I would think you need a sweater at most.

It's a little colder than you might expect. Unlike an ice rink, they keep the entire ski area at about 25F. No wind, but it's humid. The snow has got a weird loose consistency, but as I mentioned, you need the right wax, and the wax they use is 100% the WRONG wax! I'm not sure if they do it that way to keep speeds down, but it was very annoying to have to push to get to the bottom. It's a terrible experience, and I feel for people trying to learn for the first time.

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Is there a known average date when Killington is typically able to fire up their guns?

I remember getting over that way pretty early in the season a couple times in the early/mid 90's.  

Shouldn't be too long now until the cams start showing the whitening up for Superstar.  

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20 minutes ago, Layman said:

Is there a known average date when Killington is typically able to fire up their guns?

I remember getting over that way pretty early in the season a couple times in the early/mid 90's.  

Shouldn't be too long now until the cams start showing the whitening up for Superstar.  

The 90s saw a lot of October openings.  2018 was the last October opening.  In a recent interview, their GM was talking about how their focus is more on the late season, than the early season, which surprised me.   He didn't say they won't do it, but talked about the incredible expense and how production is so piss poor that time of year.  I got the impression they would still do it with the right cold window, but won't push it like they used too.  Superstar is where I think they would take any available window just for a few world cup piles.

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Interesting, thanks for the details.  We didn't realize at the time how special some of those winters would ultimately end up being.  Fortunately we had the time and ability to capitalize on spending many hours on the mountains back then. 

My brother and I stayed in this closet-sized room at the Turn of River Lodge over there one night, with the windows rattling all night long, and got first tracks top to bottom on Great Eastern the next morning zipping along the corduroy on our first year Custom 55's (must've been 1996?  The ones with the butterfly graphics).  Awesome memories.  Might have been the first year the Skyship went down to the base.  Can't recall because it was so long ago now! The Killington Double was still operating back then.  What a slow, frigid, horrible ride that was!

Looking forward to seeing the temps drop and the first signs of white showing up on the cams over there.


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Ive skied killington in October in the 90s. It was a Columbus day tradition. They would run off the k peak double mid-station to the top.  The mid station line would quickly long and we would mountain bike in the afternoon since it was no problem getting on the double at the bottom. 

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I believe they've made snow as early as late September, but earliest opening is October 1st. I skied there once on October 4th in 1997, I think That was my earliest skiing ever (I guess if you don't include skiing indoors). I had skied Tucks earlier that summer on July 4th when MWN got 96" in May alone. We planned skiing it Memorial Day weekend, but avalanche warnings were either high or extreme, so we postponed. That was in the infancy of the internet, but we figured there's be enough snow to ski the bowl, but on our way north the toll operator laughed at us when she saw the skis on the roof saying there's no snow in NH in July. When we got to Pinkham Notch, the higher elevations we clouded over, so we still weren't sure, but there were other diehards strapping skis to their frame packs, so we felt at least a little less embarrassed. I believe some made a couple turns into August that summer. 

Here's a list of earliest openings. I sure hope they can pull off an October opening this year, or I'm going to be spending money on a flight to Denver. https://www.killington.com/plan-your-trip/getting-here/operating-schedule/historical-open-close


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39 minutes ago, MarkO said:

Here's a list of earliest openings. I sure hope they can pull off an October opening this year, or I'm going to be spending money on a flight to Denver. https://www.killington.com/plan-your-trip/getting-here/operating-schedule/historical-open-close


Thanks for the link - that's neat to see.  The 1993 to 2001ish time frame is when I spent a lot of time trying to get on the slopes (the pre-kid/family years!).  Those first week of October opening dates are what really stand out to me.  We'd still be getting decent weather and temps on the Seacoast but you could sneak off to get some early runs in to build up the anticipation for the season to come.    

I'm trying to recall how we'd get updates for openings and conditions back then in the early internet days.  Something makes me think there was a number we'd call to get a recorded message each morning.  It was about a 2.5hr ride for us to Killington so we definitely wanted to ensure we had good data on what the conditions were.  Gas was cheap, time was plentiful and priorities were properly adjusted to the important things at that time :D

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22 hours ago, HoarfrostHubb said:

Wow.  Wachusett sold out its allocation of GPS season passes.  Those were the ones you could get for a slight ($10) discount by joining a group.   They must have tightened up how many of those they made available.    They keep cutting back the discounts etc. 

The Indy Pass never even opened up to new customers this year.  

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5 hours ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

The Indy Pass never even opened up to new customers this year.  

On there website...

Pass Sales Resume Today

After pausing sales last Spring due to unprecedented demand, Indy Pass has released a limited number of passes for purchase. Permission codes started going out today to people on the waitlist. Permission codes are being sent out in the order of sign up, and the waitlist remains open at this time. The only way to purchase an Indy Pass is by joining the waitlist and receiving a permission code as space opens up.

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1 hour ago, Angus said:

On there website...

Pass Sales Resume Today

After pausing sales last Spring due to unprecedented demand, Indy Pass has released a limited number of passes for purchase. Permission codes started going out today to people on the waitlist. Permission codes are being sent out in the order of sign up, and the waitlist remains open at this time. The only way to purchase an Indy Pass is by joining the waitlist and receiving a permission code as space opens up.

Nice catch.  

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Looking to buy a 2nd set of skis. Been skiing brahma's (188/88) last few seasons and I've always liked them, but wanted to try a wider ski, ~90s. I'm mostly an on-piste intermediate/advanced skier that'll ski mostly blue/black groomers, non-groomers. Can ski pretty much anything at SR except for the super tight glade stuff. Been considering the blizzard Rustler 9, Nordica Enforcer 94, Volkl Mantra M6. I'm 6'1", 155lbs and from what I've read, the Rustler would probably be best for me, but some reports of it being not as stable at higher speeds (2024 has full length metal edge so maybe better?) has me considering the other two.  I'd like to rip high speed GS groomers and the Nordica seems to fit the bill well. The Mantra, based on reviews appears to be a high charging heavy ski that at my weight may be more difficult to maneuver. Overall, I'd like a stable ski at speed, but still being able to execute quick turns on the steeper stuff. Any suggestions on these or other skis to consider?

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18 minutes ago, Lava Rock said:

Looking to buy a 2nd set of skis. Been skiing brahma's (188/88) last few seasons and I've always liked them, but wanted to try a wider ski, ~90s. I'm mostly an on-piste intermediate/advanced skier that'll ski mostly blue/black groomers, non-groomers. Can ski pretty much anything at SR except for the super tight glade stuff. Been considering the blizzard Rustler 9, Nordica Enforcer 94, Volkl Mantra M6. I'm 6'1", 155lbs and from what I've read, the Rustler would probably be best for me, but some reports of it being not as stable at higher speeds (2024 has full length metal edge so maybe better?) has me considering the other two.  I'd like to rip high speed GS groomers and the Nordica seems to fit the bill well. The Mantra, based on reviews appears to be a high charging heavy ski that at my weight may be more difficult to maneuver. Overall, I'd like a stable ski at speed, but still being able to execute quick turns on the steeper stuff. Any suggestions on these or other skis to consider?

I just retired a pair of Salomon QST 92s which I really liked en piste and off.  Great all mountain option and I am probably going to buy another pair.  They also have 98s as well.   All the skis you mentioned are quality though and most folks I know that ski Volks rave about them, so I wouldn't worry too much about the Mantras if you like them. 

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Looking to buy a 2nd set of skis. Been skiing brahma's (188/88) last few seasons and I've always liked them, but wanted to try a wider ski, ~90s. I'm mostly an on-piste intermediate/advanced skier that'll ski mostly blue/black groomers, non-groomers. Can ski pretty much anything at SR except for the super tight glade stuff. Been considering the blizzard Rustler 9, Nordica Enforcer 94, Volkl Mantra M6. I'm 6'1", 155lbs and from what I've read, the Rustler would probably be best for me, but some reports of it being not as stable at higher speeds (2024 has full length metal edge so maybe better?) has me considering the other two.  I'd like to rip high speed GS groomers and the Nordica seems to fit the bill well. The Mantra, based on reviews appears to be a high charging heavy ski that at my weight may be more difficult to maneuver. Overall, I'd like a stable ski at speed, but still being able to execute quick turns on the steeper stuff. Any suggestions on these or other skis to consider?

I’m no expert, but I demo’s the mantras and they were too heavy for me..I liked stockli storm riders the best for on piste. They edged steep groomers the best and I could carve better than my vokls. Like the rustlers 2nd. Just another option to consider.

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39 minutes ago, greenmtnwx said:


Classic small New England ski mountain.  I've done many a turns there.  What a bummer but I'm sure we will see more of this moving forward.  It's the economic landscape just as much as the variable winters.   Black, Berkshire East, Burke, Wildcat, Magic Mtn, Butternut, Catamount are all great old school areas but walk tight financial lines.

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13 minutes ago, HIPPYVALLEY said:

Not if you're buried in debt.

 i don't know anything about the place. Looks like a small little local hill not really around much.  I hate seeing feeder hills that get kids into the sport close.  I'm just surprised at the timing.  Ski areas make their money from Christmas until Presidents day and I don't see a place like this making giant moves either way in market share.  I would have thought they would have tried to make it through the money making period and if it didn't work, call it quits in the spring.  But as you said, bad debt has no timing.

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8 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

Looking to buy a 2nd set of skis. Been skiing brahma's (188/88) last few seasons and I've always liked them, but wanted to try a wider ski, ~90s. I'm mostly an on-piste intermediate/advanced skier that'll ski mostly blue/black groomers, non-groomers. Can ski pretty much anything at SR except for the super tight glade stuff. Been considering the blizzard Rustler 9, Nordica Enforcer 94, Volkl Mantra M6. I'm 6'1", 155lbs and from what I've read, the Rustler would probably be best for me, but some reports of it being not as stable at higher speeds (2024 has full length metal edge so maybe better?) has me considering the other two.  I'd like to rip high speed GS groomers and the Nordica seems to fit the bill well. The Mantra, based on reviews appears to be a high charging heavy ski that at my weight may be more difficult to maneuver. Overall, I'd like a stable ski at speed, but still being able to execute quick turns on the steeper stuff. Any suggestions on these or other skis to consider?

I suppose this all depends on your goals. Do you want something to compliment what you already have in the Brahma (a stable and energetic carving/all mtn ski for sure) to unlock another side of your ski game OR do you want something similar to the Brahma that excels at many of the same things but in slightly different ways? Many people who opt to start to build a quiver go for the former. Another thing to consider is that a stiff ski 188cm long does preclude you from excelling at off piste or bump skiing to a degree, or at least makes it much more difficult to up your game if you're not already an expert. 

Having skied all three skis on your list, the Enforcers 94 and Mantra M6 will do well to accomplish the things your Brahmas are already good at with perhaps even more power and stability, just in a slightly wider package. Going for the Rustler 9 or even the 10 will allow you to experience a completely different side of the sport with their increased maneuverability and performance in slightly softer snow while still maintaining plenty of power and edge grip as long as things aren't too firm. Again, this is if your goal is to truly try a different type of ski and build a quiver that will allow you to enjoy a wider range of conditions. I would also strongly consider sizing down if going the Rustler route. While their increased tip and tail rocker mean you will have less effective edge, a shorter and wider ski with more rocker could be a game changer in trees/bumps/tighter terrain. 

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8 hours ago, Lava Rock said:

Looking to buy a 2nd set of skis. Been skiing brahma's (188/88) last few seasons and I've always liked them, but wanted to try a wider ski, ~90s. I'm mostly an on-piste intermediate/advanced skier that'll ski mostly blue/black groomers, non-groomers. Can ski pretty much anything at SR except for the super tight glade stuff. Been considering the blizzard Rustler 9, Nordica Enforcer 94, Volkl Mantra M6. I'm 6'1", 155lbs and from what I've read, the Rustler would probably be best for me, but some reports of it being not as stable at higher speeds (2024 has full length metal edge so maybe better?) has me considering the other two.  I'd like to rip high speed GS groomers and the Nordica seems to fit the bill well. The Mantra, based on reviews appears to be a high charging heavy ski that at my weight may be more difficult to maneuver. Overall, I'd like a stable ski at speed, but still being able to execute quick turns on the steeper stuff. Any suggestions on these or other skis to consider?

I have Enforcer 104s that I got last year and love them. I ski out west a decent bit but also do a couple weekends in new England... was worried about the 104s but I thought they handled very well on groomers. I'm really happy with them. 

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Looking to buy a 2nd set of skis. Been skiing brahma's (188/88) last few seasons and I've always liked them, but wanted to try a wider ski, ~90s. I'm mostly an on-piste intermediate/advanced skier that'll ski mostly blue/black groomers, non-groomers. Can ski pretty much anything at SR except for the super tight glade stuff. Been considering the blizzard Rustler 9, Nordica Enforcer 94, Volkl Mantra M6. I'm 6'1", 155lbs and from what I've read, the Rustler would probably be best for me, but some reports of it being not as stable at higher speeds (2024 has full length metal edge so maybe better?) has me considering the other two.  I'd like to rip high speed GS groomers and the Nordica seems to fit the bill well. The Mantra, based on reviews appears to be a high charging heavy ski that at my weight may be more difficult to maneuver. Overall, I'd like a stable ski at speed, but still being able to execute quick turns on the steeper stuff. Any suggestions on these or other skis to consider?

I would take a look at On3p skis. They are are great little company that makes bomber skis that take a beating. Believe a solid sale going on now.

I have 3 pair and one pair has 4 sets of holes in them and don’t feel a bit compromised at all.
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3 hours ago, CT Rain said:

I have Enforcer 104s that I got last year and love them. I ski out west a decent bit but also do a couple weekends in new England... was worried about the 104s but I thought they handled very well on groomers. I'm really happy with them. 

104 Free? Amazingly versatile ski. Shouldn't be as quick and maneuverable as it is for all of that power and stability. 

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5 hours ago, bwt3650 said:

 i don't know anything about the place. Looks like a small little local hill not really around much.  I hate seeing feeder hills that get kids into the sport close.  I'm just surprised at the timing.  Ski areas make their money from Christmas until Presidents day and I don't see a place like this making giant moves either way in market share.  I would have thought they would have tried to make it through the money making period and if it didn't work, call it quits in the spring.  But as you said, bad debt has no timing.

There could be a whole lot of reasons, maybe labor costs and staffing demand are out of whack and they know they won’t have the people needed to safely operate.

Or they have figured out they need a capital investment to operate. Did some pre-season testing or inspection and found out some sort of infrastructure doesn’t meet code or has a mechanical issue?

Maybe a big expense that wasn’t expected popped up?  Sucks.

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