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About SJonesWX

  • Birthday 07/13/1979

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  1. there is literally only one person on this forum that holds that idea. And he is crazy, sooooo
  2. I welcome the rain and shitty weather, especially mid-week
  3. 0.04" last night. just over 1" MTD the entire area is just plain dry
  4. 0.7”, just about doubled the monthly total. neat little storm, a few puffs of wind and a shit ton of lightning.
  5. 94/69 13th consecutive day in the 90's at mi casa. yup, it runs 1-2 degrees high, but still a very impresssive stretch
  6. you strained/pulled your calf. don't do anything strenuous, R.I.C.E, and you will be way better in 2 weeks. been there, done that. Last time I did it so bad I had bruising-around the back of my ankle.
  7. that seems high at MHT. mine, and most of the PWS around me are 91-93. although, no jet exhaust at mi casa
  8. The river was lowered for dam/hydroelectric repairs, nothing to do with the weather
  9. @TauntonBlizzard2013 you’re still pretty young, right? I’m an old fatty who has pulled the calf many times. Give it a couple weeks and you will be fine
  10. sitting at 0.01” MTD. lawns torching left and right. not mine, as I have irrigation, but there are some spots that are pretty stressed
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