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December 2022


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3 hours ago, donsutherland1 said:

As Arctic air presses into New York City tomorrow, Central Park will likely see a daily temperature range of 30°F or above. Typically, NYC sees 3.3 such days per year. 2022 has seen 3 such days so far: February 4 (31°), February 18 (36°), and February 23 (33°).


We already had a 30 degree swing here on Thursday 12/22.  From 26 shortly after 12am to 56 at 11:55 pm.

Looks like we'll do it 2 days in a row.

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On 12/20/2022 at 10:23 PM, tmagan said:

Going to be quite hard to ever exceed the warmth of January 1932 in the Park. That month was so warm, it had a higher monthly average than March 1932. In fact January of 1932 was only 5.8 degrees cooler than April 1932.

Wow I wonder what was going on to make that month so warm?


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8 hours ago, jm1220 said:

Wasn’t the only model that went big with rain totals, RGEM was 2-3” for several runs. I’ll be lucky to make it to 1” here. 

Good we don't need all that rain.

I woke up to a bright bolt of lightning and very heavy rain around 4:30 but it only lasted for 30 minutes-- along with the high winds.  Must have been a thunderstorm.

This is basically a frontal passage for us.


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20 hours ago, EastonSN+ said:

Yeah but we did have a snow event in December 2012. Was minor like this years but I think Central Park had at least an inch in 12 where while we scored this year here in coastal CT (1.5 so far), Central Park had been skunked.

That was an eastern new england winter, not the kind that would do well back here.  Plus you have to remember that a bunch of snow came in November.  I would consider it an average winter overall, better than 2011-12 for sure but nothing to write home about.


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20 hours ago, EastonSN+ said:

I keep forgetting that one!

One thing that drives me insane is when people say November snowstorms equal bad snowfall winters.

12/13, 02/03, 95/96 were all above average snowfall winters with November snowstorms.

18/19, 11/12 (October) and 87/88 we're below average.

Seems equal to me.

The reasoning is there needs to be spacing between snowfalls so a snowstorm in November likely means you won't see much in December.

And there's a pretty good signal for a mild November into a snowy Winter (less so now, but it was 6 out of 6 through 1994.)

The only exception in that list is 95-96

1) 12-13 was only an average so-so mediocre winter

2) there was no snowfall in 02-03 prior to December.


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20 hours ago, EastonSN+ said:

I keep forgetting that one!

One thing that drives me insane is when people say November snowstorms equal bad snowfall winters.

12/13, 02/03, 95/96 were all above average snowfall winters with November snowstorms.

18/19, 11/12 (October) and 87/88 we're below average.

Seems equal to me.

1- 12-13 was only a mediocre winter

2. 02-03 snow before December was nonexistent

3. The only one that makes the pro list is 95-96



also you forgot one for the con list 89-90


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16 hours ago, EastonSN+ said:

Cold and snowy Decembers will happen again. I mean we had a big snowstorm in 2020. It's just cyclical patterns. We are in a crappy period like the late 90s and pretty much every year from 1970 through 1992 save a couple years like 77/78.

Historically el ninos aren't any better for us than la ninas are, people need to let go of this crutch that enso matters that much around here-- it does not.  

Our two best snowfall seasons were la ninas and our worst two were el ninos.

It still doesn't matter because you have plenty of both in each group.

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17 hours ago, EastonSN+ said:

I think 91/92 was a back ended too. 

97/98 we didn't get our first and only snow till mid March :() . So I guess a back ender?

That's all the additional ones I can think of.

On the bright side it's weather and ironically unpredictable. So does not look great but who knows.


I lived through those winters and they were ALL HORRIBLE

The entire period from the late 80s through the early 90s was the worst on record.

the worst ones were 87-88, 88-89, 89-90, 90-91, 91-92....things started to get better in 92-93, 93-94 was awesome, 94-95 was awful again (also an el nino), 95-96 was the best ever (a la nina), 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00 were all horrible again, 00-01 was pretty good except for the March 01 debacle, 01-02 was one of the worst on record, and starting with 02-03 they were amazing again.

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16 hours ago, EastonSN+ said:

Cold and snowy Decembers will happen again. I mean we had a big snowstorm in 2020. It's just cyclical patterns. We are in a crappy period like the late 90s and pretty much every year from 1970 through 1992 save a couple years like 77/78.

77-78 was a backloaded winter too lol

You can put 81-82 and 82-83 in that list too.


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15 hours ago, bluewave said:

I still remember the old wind chill chart before they revised them to less extreme values.



What was the reasoning for that? I liked the old charts better.

We had some -45 to -60 wind chills back then!

But it was also much colder in the 80s (and felt like it.)

Much drier too.


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14 hours ago, NorthShoreWx said:

Christmas maybe, but there was a decent snowstorm around the 10th of December 1982 so it wasn't a shutout.  I think it was one of those memorable Patriots-Jets games played in that storm, but I might be mixing my football folklore.

There was also a big snowstorm around the second week of January 1983 (15th?) that went over to rain for a while along the coast, but left accumulations almost everywhere.  Pretty big difference from LI south shore (where mostly rain) to north shore in that one.  Even more snow on the Connecticut coast and a lot inland where there was no rain.

Plus 5 or 6" that ended as some rain or drizzle about a week before PD1.

Scary how I remember stuff when I was young better than stuff from last winter.

We (the south shore) made up for it because we got 2 FEET of snow in February 1983, my first ever true HECS (April 1982 also counts because of how late in the season it was and how late it happened.)


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I lived through those winters and they were ALL HORRIBLE
The entire period from the late 80s through the early 90s was the worst on record.
the worst ones were 87-88, 88-89, 89-90, 90-91, 91-92....things started to get better in 92-93, 93-94 was awesome, 94-95 was awful again (also an el nino), 95-96 was the best ever (a la nina), 96-97, 97-98, 98-99, 99-00 were all horrible again, 00-01 was pretty good except for the March 01 debacle, 01-02 was one of the worst on record, and starting with 02-03 they were amazing again.


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14 hours ago, crossbowftw3 said:


1st-3rd — 39” in upstate NY and a rather notable wind event 

6th-7th — 20+” in NNJ (I only got 7” and I was only about maybe 60 miles north of the death band)

12th-14th Boston special 

18th? NYC special and ~18” on LI

5th was either later month or April 1st/2nd

The April storm was THE BEST!


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12 hours ago, bluewave said:

It may have shaved 5-10° off of what the temperatures would have been on a NW flow instead.


NW winds are boring though, nothing happens with them outside of colder temperatures (better in the summer though for extreme heat with dry weather.)

Speaking of S/SW winds didn't we have a Blizzard in late February 2010 and 20" of snow (a foot here) on a southerly wind?


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