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About TriPol

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Hoboken, NJ

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  1. Just got woken up by some LOUD thunder near Morristown, NJ!
  2. Who ordered the tropical storm??
  3. Last year it rained 1.5 inches every other weekend. It’s ok to be dry for a while.
  4. This feels like the coolest spring we’ve had in a while. Sure, we’ve had a handful of 70s and 80s, but most of it has been 50s.
  5. When does the warm spring air come in again? Sick and tired of hovering around 40 each night.
  6. How much rain are we supposed to get yet again??
  7. NYC hasn't had a good winter since 2015 - 2016.
  8. The next time a solar eclipse will be visible in New Jersey or NYC will be 2079. Get out there and enjoy it!
  9. Nature tends to balance itself. For years we were dry and in a drought. That drought has ended and we have a surplus of rain, but little snow. Soon we will have a surplus of snow and we will have to wait until May for it all to finally melt.
  10. Man am I glad we're getting these rains to beat the drought that was here in the Autumn/Winter...
  11. I'd rather have a warm spring and a cool Summer than a cold spring and a hot summer.
  12. Could hit 70 on March 1 next week in NYC.
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