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January Observations


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Front has just cleared the Coast..

Crazy Wind(s) at the surface Still from the SW~SSW into the 30's mph range..

Yet looking above,   (watching & listening to the Sounds of Freedom, F-35's from Cherry Point, LeJune),


Lower nimbus clouds Racing in from the North/NE (I guess at about 5000 feet)..

It IS interesting getting,  "extreme" winds from one direction, (SW~SSW) in the 30 mph range,,, while watching clouds going in the exact opposite direction (N~NNE)....

Feels like MARCH outside.. 



Today's hi
Today's lo
dew point
0.00 in
29.92 in





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Crazy little storm cell on the extreme NW of this rainfall passed right over my house this morning around 4:30 AM. Five brilliant strikes of lightning, each rolled by rumbles of thunder so loud that the house shook. Then, the rain. 0.51 inch in ten minutes! It seemed tropical in it's intensity. Then it was all over. No more rain for us overnight as the axis of precipitation seems oriented in a training fashion from SW to NE just to our south.

Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk

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0.24" overnight. Currently 66 with some sprinkles remaining. Looks like some big totals to our SW where that line of storm/showers is training. Got down to a chilly 65 last night. 65. For a low. On January 13th. That is not a typo. There are definitely glass half empty people but this winter gives credence to their perspective. I thought last year was bad. This is worse. At least we were sitting above normal snowfall this time last year. 

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