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About yotaman

  • Birthday 01/04/1964

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    New Bern, NC

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  1. Picked up .32" which put me over the 10" mark for the month.
  2. Picked up .77" for the day which has put me at 9.90" for the month
  3. Picked up only .10" this morning. Waiting to see if that line of storms to the west of me hold together.
  4. No rain today. First time in quite a while. High was 90.
  5. Picked up .10 this morning. That pushes me over the 9" mark for the month.
  6. Picked up another 1.04" early this morning. That puts me at 8.97" for the month and a 60 to 80% chance of rain every day this week, I have a very good chance at hitting 10" for the month. Amazing watching my grass go from brown and crunchy to green and thick in less than 2 weeks.
  7. Picked up another .81" this afternoon with more storms forming to my southwest and heading my way. Edit: Just picked up another .96" giving me 1.86" for the day and 7.77" for the month.
  8. Ended up with 1.26" from 8:30pm to just after midnight. That puts us right at 6.00" for the month with rain in the forecast for the next 7 days.
  9. The rains finally moved in. Up to .67 in the last hour with more on the way.
  10. It did. We got nothing in New Bern despite a 100% chance. It also kept temps down to the upper 80's. High today was only 88.
  11. Hit 94 before a surprise thunderstorm developed right over us. Dropped .61" and had some wind gust into the 30's easily. Also dropped temp down to 74. Sun is back out and temp is climbing once again. Already back up to 84.
  12. Update at noon it was 93/81 for a HI of 115
  13. It's already 88/80 for heat index of 105 and it's not even 10 am.
  14. Topped out at 97 which is our high for the year so far. Heat index topped out at 119. So clouds moved in with the sea breeze and dropped us to 89 at 4pm. Back up to 91 with the sun back out now at 5:30.
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