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February 2016 Banter


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Go ahead.  Make your declaration:


"When in the course of weather events, it becomes necessary for weenies to dissolve the thin strands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the members of the SE subforum, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of other weenies requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to cancel winter.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all weenies are created equal, that they are endowed by their short memories with certain unalienable statements and behaviors, that among these are "How much snow for my backyard?", "If the [___] model doesn't print out snow for my backyard, then winter must be over", and the pursuit of regular cliff-diving sessions.




We, therefore, the weenies of the SE subforum, assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the countless other weenies of this subforum, solemnly publish and declare, That this winter is officially over, and that all meteorological discussion between them and the other members of the SE subforum, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent weenies, they have full Power to no longer post, choose not to visit the site, long for Spring, distribute pre-emergent, and to do all other Acts and Things which weenies may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our continued self-indulgent pity and despair."

that's awesome Calc! perhaps we can give them their own thread.

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Once it gets to March, I am ready for winter to be over and look towards warm weather and severe weather. Winter storms in my area seem to be happening lees and less in March anyway. if we don't get another good winter storm, this winter will go down as a D for me and a huge bust compared to what most mets were calling for.

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How many snow storms we got coming? I see enough storm threads I should break my all time snowiest winter record!!  lol    Powerstroke is trying to figure out how much salt to order? Man what a winter.  :sled:


Our best shot is probably with the clipper early next week.  We really should see snow with that one... unless it trends all to hell.  It probably won't be much, but we can't be greedy...


In the meantime, we will work hard to try to wishcast the weekend coastal into January 2000. :)

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Worse than last year here too. At least last year we had a little ice. Maybe the Nina coming up will play Opposite Day and give us a good winter



Wasn't 2013-2014 a La Nina winter?  It was a great winter...


I don't think it really matters anymore. We were supposed to have a great pattern for a lot of snow this winter, and it doesn't look like it is going to work out. Mets were calling for 150% normal snowfall here. The weather is just going to do what it's going to do, and it takes so much for things to work out for us to get snow. I think the best thing to do is just look for individual threats and forget about the pattern. It can go either way here no matter what the pattern is supposed to look like.  

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I don't think it really matters anymore. We were supposed to have a great pattern for a lot of snow this winter, and it doesn't look like it is going to work out. Mets were calling for 150% normal snowfall here. The weather is just going to do what it's going to do, and it takes so much for things to work out for us to get snow. I think the best thing to do is just look for individual threats and forget about the pattern. It can go either way here no matter what the pattern is supposed to look like.  


I have to say I kind of agree with you on this, many winters have had unfavorable indices and great storms that put much of the board at or above normal..The last 2 winters were largely considered big snow winters for WNC but it has been below average for the most part up to now

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I remember when I was a kid and just relied on the local weather to tell me to look in the sky because there is a chance for snow. That worked out so much better than watching these crappy models.


I remember when I first found these weather boards it was after reading the NWS discussion and they were talking about snow. I decided to search to see if there were forums for people discussing it. I sometimes think it would be better to go back to that, just reading the NWS discussion daily, and if they mention snow then come here to see what others have to say about it. 

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I remember when I first found these weather boards it was after reading the NWS discussion and they were talking about snow. I decided to search to see if there were forums for people discussing it. I sometimes think it would be better to go back to that, just reading the NWS discussion daily, and if they mention snow then come here to see what others have to say about it. 

I first found this before the Feb storm of 2010 when I got almost 10 inches in Aiken, SC. This board and the models nailed it. I knew what was coming before the news ever mentioned a possible threat that week. Haven't been close since.

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I remember when I first found these weather boards it was after reading the NWS discussion and they were talking about snow. I decided to search to see if there were forums for people discussing it. I sometimes think it would be better to go back to that, just reading the NWS discussion daily, and if they mention snow then come here to see what others have to say about it. 


I'm betting it was on a Dec 7th.

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