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  1. Any word from Josh post-landfall? Last I saw from him he was driving through the eyewall of a rapidly intensifying borderline cat 4 on the coast at night. Hope all is well!
  2. Josh is moving up the coast. Should be a fun drive....
  3. Still a good bit of ocean left to cross as well. Should be a pretty hurricane at landfall. Josh is at the forecast landfall to punch the core. Looks like Grace is going to be a sexxy beast afterall.
  4. I kinda figured. A pig with lots of nasty convection is better than something that cleared a ragged eye just because. Josh is going to take a nice beating.
  5. We better have Scooter tell Josh it’s no big deal here. She gonna fill quickly and be just a few breezy showers.
  6. Josh measured 978 in eye, considerably lower than NHC estimate at landfall
  7. *with Mason Rudolph under center. 6 series, 0 points. Josh Dobbs threw a TD against Dallas’s 4th stringers.
  8. Josh is in Port St. Joe - his twitter shows heavy rain but almost no wind at all coming in.
  9. Check where Hurricane Josh is setting up shop. He has a nose for where storms are coming onshore.
  10. Josh Allen signed another 6 years, so 8 years total. Averages out to be 43 mil per year but next 2 years are cheap.
  11. Not to be the one that mentioned it to you earlier but Josh is a game manager. And what Th at means is he can make enough plays to help win a game but he needs a supporting cast to do it. If it weren't for this defense that plays lights out ball week in and week out, Josh would not be able to put the team on his back and throw for 380 and 4 tds to either win games or get into shoot outs with other qb's. He's the best we've had of a mediocre bunch but I believe this is what you'll get in his career.
  12. Slow down. Allen is just ok at this point. The next 3 games will show me a lot about his abilities. I watched the fins game yesterday while switching between the ravens-niners game and when Josh allen can do what ryan Fitzpatrick is doing with really no talent around him making mediocre talent better then I'll look at him differently. I've always laughed at the notion that we needed to surround our quarterback, whoever it was/is with better talent tells me that without better players he wouldn't be successful. The greats, brees, Manning (not Eli), Rodgers, rivers, Brady, Wilson, they make everyone else around them better not the other way around. Those players have had multiple receivers, running backs, tight ends, coordinators etc...and im not a hater just a realist. I think josh is good but not great. Great is reserved for actual greatness over many years of success and managing many scenarios successfully. Then and then you'll know if he's great. And no they are not better than Frisco, new Orleans, Seattle or still the pats...until they beat them when it matters.
  13. Josh Taylor rolled his testicles off the mound there in a wheelbarrow in the 7th. Rios started the inning, got one out and then walk, hit by pitch, walk bases loaded. Taylor comes in with that mess and only 1 out and gets out of it.
  14. I’m usually not on the side of billionaires, but that revenue is what has given Cole Beasley $30 million in earnings, and is what is setting Josh Allen up for earning $40+ million per YEAR. Get the eff over yourselves, guys.
  15. Let it be noted that Josh M is the owner of the first official "BOOM!" of the 2019/2020 winter season. Marking Nov 3rd as the date. Congrats Josh! You now own the winter. Its on you friend! Only JBurns can remove that curse from you but he wont until he receives at least 1 Big Dog and snow Christmas Eve. So get busy.
  16. Lol always been here. Just never had much to add. I guess I finally took the advice a few of you had been offering for several years that I should read more and post less. I mostly come here to follow Josh's exploits. But on the rare occasion might chime in with something no one really cares about or wants to hear. For old time sake. Anywho, hope all are well. Even Trixie.
  17. Josh, how do you not have a top notch weather station in your backyard?
  18. You and Josh may be interested in this: https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/pdf/10.1175/2007JCLI1772.1 Discussing return periods for sub-900 mb hurricanes in the United States. "The 1935 Labor Day Florida Keys storm was the most severe in our dataset. With a 265-yr wind speed return period and a 102-yr central pressure return period, it presses the fitted model boundaries. We believe this is due in part to the extreme southern latitude of this landfalling storm. Another storm of this intensity would likely again require a very southern landfalling latitude, with the Florida Keys or the Brownsville, Texas, region being the most likely hosts." Very interesting. That means, according to "return periods", a sub-900 mb U.S. landfall should come around again in about 10-20 years. But I'm also envisioning a Brownsville landfall of a storm of that intensity. I picture a pinhole eyewall on a morning visibile crossing South Padre Island. I can picture Josh now, a big white beard, tweeting from Port Isabel.
  19. Comparing Josh's vid and this Mexico Beach Michael vid, they both in my opinion, show sustained Category 5 winds. The "whiteout" conditions in both storms is very similar to the infamous gas station video in Charlotte Harbor during Hurricane Charley, where the tiny and fast moving eyewall briefly produced sustained Category 4 winds and a gust to Cat 5 within several seconds which destroyed the gas station. The "whiteout" conditions are seen in that video as well, and Charley was 145 mph by the time winds hit Charlotte Harbor. The only thing I disagree with Josh about is that Dorian is the cherry on his hurricane sundae. I think Dorian may just be a thick layer of fudge. Just wait until he's in the eye of the next 1935. (I suspect the winds in the '35 storm were actually stronger than 185 mph, and the motion was about 6 kts in a tiny eye with 892 mb pressure).
  20. To those who follow Josh Morgerman AKA Icyclone on FB, he has survived Dorian. https://knnp.tv/2019/09/03/josh-morgerman-icyclone-has-survived-hurricane-dorian/?fbclid=IwAR37H4PLF55cGKVVedUMDWE2WX7lnMqne7DoBh6S4WjVgCxYkIT5gNUFN5o
  21. Josh Morgerman is my new wannabe person. Jim Cantore held that title for so many years... I have never met him, never heard of him, maybe never seen any of his videos and barely anything he has written except a little with this storm. He is like a brother to me now, so happy he lived. Josh, my new idol. Jim Cantore is out. Yea, my preferred way to die is in a big tornado watching it approach with nothing left to cling onto (recurring dream). Hurricanes are second best, but I'd prefer the "moment" to be a little quicker. I'd rather be sucked up and hurled into the sky rather than beaten to death in a storm surge by debris. But either is way better than dying in a car wreck, by cancer, old age, or my least favorite concept, "To die in my sleep." Aurggh! Stumbled on this "Banter" thread after joining AmericanWX with Dorian, so I am so such a newbie. But I tell you what, this Banter is a new home for me. I will be attacked for sure. But what fun, you all are insane as hell! Almost as good as an approaching tornado... I may drive a few of you nuts as well. What fun!!!!!
  22. When assessing damage, important to distinguish between surge and wind damage (there was a lot of both here) on Abacos. The building Josh was in was a brick school which was basically demolished with a few partial walls standing. No way Josh uses a building in a category 5 for shelter unless he feels its a strong structure. Also saw a video from someone in a car driving past what was clearly catastrophic wind damage. From aerials alone though it can be hard to distinguish though, especially since most stuff is low lying there.
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