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About Stevo6899

  • Birthday 05/04/1986

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  • Location:
    Clinton Twp, Mi
  • Interests
    weather, golf, ladies

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  1. Tbh the northern part of the line started rotating and the motion went more NNE as it rolled in. Obviously the dynamics weren't the same as they were with the complex back in the Chicago area, but anytime storms roll through in the dark, I get nervous.
  2. Nice mini derecho that rolled through here this morning, with easily 60 MPH gusts. Luckily not too much damage. Id guess we've had over 3 inches of rain here the past few days. Never seen the grass so lush in the middle of july.
  3. Models were pretty dead on with the location of the heavy bands/qpf. A little surprised with all the flood advisories further east. Outside of a stationary pop up storm yest in central macomb, macomb/wayne haven't seen that much rain. Maybe 1.3 inch in 14 hours. We've seen way more with less advisories. Pretty Impressive with 5+ and still going just south of kalamazoo into N indiana.
  4. It's only down to 1002 mb but you can tell this is a different kinda system with how steady the wind is. I've felt less wind with sub 999mb systems. Also there's definitly more of a chill in the air which I find a little odd with it having tropical remnants.
  5. I haven't been tracking beryl. Was the euro off with it in the Caribbean or more towards its landfall in texas? 12z ukie jumped a bit NW.
  6. Yea I am not rooting for heavy rain. Warmth and sun all day for me in the summer but it's cool once in awhile to see a system in the summer look sort of similar to a strong snowstorm on radar. Just looking at the weather.gov radar and the well defined deformation zone precip is getting me excited to track some winter storms.
  7. giving me ptsd from new years blizzard
  8. Detroit looking like they gonna get dryslotted as the nw trend continues. Def shades of winter storm tracking.
  9. Once the sun came out, today feels the hottest and most uncomfortable of the week. Must be more humidity today than the past few days.
  10. I was at stoney creek when the first storm popped north of us. I hopped on my bike and made it home a lil bit ago just beating the rain. While I enjoy the heat, this Florida everyday rain around 3pm is annoying. I'm ready to go back to 75 and low humidity.
  11. Easily gonna have 3+ inches when it's all said and done here. Central macomb has been the bullseye for heavy rain events lately.
  12. I have been riding my bike every morning 10-12, and with the cloud cover, yesterday and today didn't feel bad at all. Of course the sun peeked out towards the end and man what a difference, went from what felt like 80 to 90+.
  13. True but the heat waves I do remember have stayed dry with low humidity. This time around the dew point looks to be higher with a chance of rain.
  14. 6 days in a row in the mid 90's north of detroit. Don't recall the last time we've had this long of a stretch, albeit my memory is terrible.
  15. We got to be close to some may records for rainfall, atleast up here in macomb. We've had atleast 5 days this month where atleast an inch of rain fell.
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