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About sbnwx85

  • Birthday 10/04/1985

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    South Bend, IN

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  1. Very loud boomers around 4:30. Hearing some wind damage reports around town. Maybe round two later?
  2. You stole my thunder lol I had something typed up and was about to hit submit. All good!
  3. The South Bend Airport hit 93.9 today. The HRRR and GFS have South Bend getting at or above 100 degrees tomorrow. South Bend has only seen triple-digit hit on 63 days in recorded history. The last time was July 6th, 2012 when the mercury hit 102. (4,434 days ago!) I'm not totally convinced we'll hit the century mark tomorrow... but it'll be worth watching!
  4. Hit 90 here today too. Also an interesting tidbit from longtime South Bend meteorologist Bob Werner: We’ve had only 0.85", less than 20% of normal rain since July 17th. That has produced a rainfall deficit of more than 4" during that time. That's the 4th driest time we've ever recorded for those 39 days, and the driest since 1920! No significant chance of rain for at least several more days....
  5. We had some great house-shaking thunder this morning. Heavy rain but little wind. The frequent and nearby CG’s really made it a good storm though.
  6. Confirmed tornado from earlier this week in Elkhart. Lots of trees toppled onto homes. No injuries or fatalities. This is only about a mile from where I grew up. Amazing to see virtually no damage outside of the tornado path... and tons of tree damage within this neigborhood.
  7. Even though the line was losing some of its punch we still managed 40-50 mph winds IMBY. Damage across the area was pretty typical for a summer time MCS. Although there is a pretty large swath in Elkhart, IN that probably got hit by a down burst and/or small tornado. Lots of tree damage.
  8. CBS2 says likely tornado near OHare, one confirmed near Frankfort. Absolutely wild. Perhaps 10 tornadoes at the same time. Blanket warning was the right call.
  9. Getting lots of lightning from the warm front (?) swinging through ahead of the main line.
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