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Everything posted by fountainguy97

  1. Wednesday evening-Thursday looks pretty interesting. Has graupel squalls written all over it. Quick 15 min dusting type stuff. They can be pretty fun. I got nailed by a near 40dbz one a couple years ago here and it was white out for abt 10 min. Couldn't see 200ft in front of you.
  2. Well 3 minor chances this week. Better than nothing! 1st event Monday will be border mountains only. Probably not a lot of accumulation. 2nd event could be a more prolonged NW event and could get more areas involved. Still in the 1-3" range. 3rd event is a sneaky clipper on the heels of event 2. Several GEFS members have a nice little thumping of snow on already frozen ground. Something the first two don't have. All in all nothing major but atleast something to snack on!
  3. These two storms washed out quickly but the pattern after is not the worst I've seen. I think we are going to battle La Nina background state pretty hard. We just have to get lucky with an ideally timed storm. This January is a certified torch running 8 degrees above my norm for Jan. Interesting how some winters the enso state is hardly felt in the pattern and then others it washes out everything. This year la Nina has fully taken over the US pattern. The DJF averages will probably come out pretty close to the typical la nina composites.
  4. Not a bad trend on GFS with the first system but temps are gross. No cold air in sight. I say its the "table setter" for the one behind. Which also is low on coolant lol. not much to hang our hats on with temps so marginal right now. We will need a nice bombing low to wrap cold air in.
  5. Yeah as usual the risk is for these to all cut. That's been the theme more or less this winter. Let's see if we can get some blocking pressure to hold these south. I'm doubtful for now. Feel like these setups general like to bleed north vs south.
  6. Yeah looks like models are picking up on some noise for those two. First system doesn't have much cold air to work with. Second one is the higher percentage but both are on the table. Nice to see all models hinting around for that timeframe.
  7. The 180-210 timeframe has a small potential. Looks very cutter-esque though.
  8. Still snowing lightly this morning. Tiny flakes. Moisture getting thin.
  9. Safe to say HRRR was out to lunch. I'm pleasantly surprised. Ground smoothing over. Probably end up with 3-4" when all said and done.
  10. Radar looks GREAT right as night falls. Let's see who can rack up.
  11. Man just can't get to 32 for anything here. Back to 33.1. Grrrr
  12. Getting absolutely blasted by graupel. Roads covered instantly
  13. Full on graupel squall last 30 min. Daytime and temp above 32 limiting accum. But as soon as we get toward evening this will stack quickly if there is any left
  14. Daytime, temps above 32, warmer ground, and spotty nature of snowfall doesn't bode well for much accumulation throughout the day. Hopefully we have plenty of moisture tonight! 37 and rain here currently.
  15. Hard for me to get onboard with the hrrr being so dry. I feel like this one may slip through our hands even for NW areas. Of course the tip top peaks will score but hrrr keeps most areas with a dusting at best.
  16. Wind picking up here slowly. hrrr is extremely unimpressed for Unicoi county. Barely gives me a dusting.. it's not the best on qpf outside 12hrs or so. But it's got me very conservative this afternoon.
  17. Models holding steady this morning. For my back yard NAM and HRRR both advertise an extreme cutoff with about an inch for me. Hoping to squeeze that out!
  18. RGEM follows suite with a cutoff trough just like NAM.
  19. Let's keep this trend going. The more neutral and cutoff we can get the more moisture we will have to work with.
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