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Everything posted by SnoSki14

  1. I'm not so sure everything will be warm. With the cold pool gone there's a good chance we see a lot more NAO blocking to come, which will have an effect on our weather past summer. Looks like a pretty positive PDO as well. I also don't think August will be as warm as people think.
  2. Big -NAO dip incoming so not surprised heat will be tepid.
  3. Wow no wonder the Arctic ice is getting decimated this season. I wonder how this will factor in during hurricane season. The 2012 record low season coincided with Hurricane Sandy, but unsure if that's related.
  4. I'm still waiting for my deep blocking and feet of snow the weeklies kept promising me last winter.
  5. Gonna go out on a limb and say we don't stay dry that long. Even so, many areas will be AN after tomorrow.
  6. Well so much for a dry summer as some have forecast. My area dodged the worst of it but hearing reports of widespread flooding in northern Middlesex county. The lightning has been incredible though and it was cool to see the storms roll through.
  7. Idk why the forecast highs were so low, models hinted at more 90s today.
  8. A couple of nice storms tonight with a great light show from the current one. Hopefully tomorrow follows this theme.
  9. Next week will feel like fall compared to this, I think highs on Tuesday stay in the 70s. No relief tonight though, 90/75 close to 9pm. Urban spots may stay in the 80s tonight with a high launching pad for tomorrow.
  10. Looks like another extremely heavy rain pocket in S Central NJ.
  11. Down here in the suburbs it's even forecast to be 80F Saturday night, which I don't ever recall seeing. La Guardia may only get down to 84-85.
  12. Too much cloud coverage for 90 today and front passes through early Monday. Fri-Sun will likely yield 95+ readings, can't rule out 100 for Sat or Sun in the hottest spots.
  13. The non-stop lightning is crazy, it's been a long time since I've seen such frequencies.
  14. Nothing yet here. Looks like some modest rains coming but nothing too bad.
  15. I think it's just noise and it'll bump things up next run.
  16. All this heat is coming and NYC just had a major blackout. Could this heat cause another blackout?
  17. Absolutely brutal, upper 90s with 80 dews. We're talking 110-115 heat indices.
  18. The heat looks brutal this week. Excessive heat warning type stuff.
  19. I didn't think the blocking would go away. This pattern's stuck for the long haul with some shifting every now & then.
  20. Insane how the -NAO is stuck in its negative phase, AO too. However blocking in mid summer tends to mean hot vs cool. Not sure if there's a link between -NAO summer vs winter. Is 100F in the cards this month?
  21. No issues with rain here. It's peak summer so you always expect dry outs and brown lawns.
  22. We only lost 8-10 minutes depending on where you live, 95% of that in the morning.
  23. Getting plenty of sunshine right now. 84/75 CAPE already at 2500 High instability/low shear, good recipe for training storms, precip values exceeding 2"
  24. I don't know, it seems the closer we get the more blocking starts to show up. The current warming, ice melt could even help enhance blocking.
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