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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. yep, might be finished which is fine with me especially after Saturday's today's warmth-feels great. Funny the models end with what they did all winter-show a wintry cold pattern only to back off at the end....
  2. what a cold first 10 days of March!!!
  3. Probably have one more shot if the PNA spike is real and we get a well timed storm-stating the obvious, but N and W would be favored given the time of year....
  4. Agree...it's possible we get another moderate event or even two. Hard to believe we have a shot at normal or even above normal snow after the Dec/Jan and first half of Feb debacle.
  5. Jan 2015 storm. Same deal here, Upton went 2-3 feet, got 8-10. Yeah we were lucky enough to catch the western edge of the CCB, NYC south and west was almost nothing at all....horrid.
  6. The signs were there looking back-models gradually moved the goods N and E slowly but surely....plus the tendency for a later phase in general than models tend to show in these types of setups. Could not believe we went from feet to inches....got about 8-10 here in the end with much higher amounts just North and East of us. EPIC BUSTORAMA that hasn't been seen since.
  7. The Para GFS is God awful-if that's all that's showing it, it's over.
  8. it's amazing. can't even get a decent event by accident....even the duds of 01-02 and 11-12 had a good January storm
  9. er um, seasonal pattern???? The odds of a cutter are quite high if you factor that in, plus a +AO and +NAO
  10. same deal here with recycling dumping every where today....
  11. what? You're giving up? it's only 2/24
  12. those true dud winters were easy to see early on too-they had a big vortex over AK that never left. So it was a dry torch with the cold/snow always 10 days away that never moved up in time.
  13. What? You said it was coming and that the guys in the NE thread promised....
  14. DST starts on 3/10 so let's torch away and forget this disaster of a winter...
  15. We're about done-the big pattern the models showed a few days ago is already falling apart just like they have all season long. Have to hope for a lucky storm but we're about finished here. (And who cares if it's cold for a week-big deal)
  16. they've busted just as much as every one else this horrid winter....sure it might get cold for a week, big deal....if it doesnt snow no one cares.
  17. didn't say that. Just said that based on the season to date I would not get my hopes up too high for a day 8 system. You've been barking cold/snow for 3 months and it's yet to show (1-2 inches on 2 storms hardly counts) Heck Feb is on track to finish +3 which would put the met winter at +2.6, -.1 and +3.0.
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