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  2. If the high temperature at Harrisburg is below 90 for Monday through Thursday I will reconsider my position on the GFS needing to be reprogrammed because of its lack of physics intuition Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  3. Tropical system forming from that storm that just came through florida just to hit them on the Atlantic side this time? Gfs and Euro kind of show it
  4. Don’t need all-time, just set daily record highs. We’ll see what Newark will record by next weekend & what days they can top from list below.
  5. I think gfs might have to go to time out and be reprogram because of a major error in physics but we shall see Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  6. Just finished (almost) staining the pool deck. Should be good to go on Tuesday
  7. It would cost you at least $500 for me to appear outside that day. If my choice was go or quit I would quit and file an employment law lawsuit Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  8. Long duration heat on the Euro. Looks like scattered storms on the big heat day Friday?
  9. On my phone so quick scan, but looks like the next day GFS is over 90 at 18z for MDT is next Sat. Thur looked 85-86 I think.
  10. Geez, sorry Orioles fans https://www.mlbtraderumors.com/2024/06/kyle-bradish-to-undergo-testing-on-sore-elbow.html
  11. 12z Euro is fairly aggressive too but doesn’t quite close the SW Atlantic disturbance off fully. Takes it south over Florida then back over the Gulf and into Louisiana as the massive ridge flexes next week. Weak system verbatim but interesting nonetheless.
  12. I checked a neighboring station they recorded .70 so we’re in the same ball park.
  13. That heat writeup sounds pretty ominous. Saturday at Knoebels (wife's company picnic) could be quite the experience. I can imagine some hellish wait times to get on the water rides, and the pool will be absolutely jammed.
  14. https://x.com/darrensweeney/status/1802040128224841833?s=46&t=dhcbvkjmRcyBVQtDxJ3lRg
  15. WB 12Z EURO....hottest day next Saturday...
  16. Today
  17. Unless we are setting all time records people think it’s normal.
  18. I have 3 25 ft Hickory logs headed to the saw mill soon from the hickory we dropped last fall.
  19. Yea anything over 70 is oppressive if the temp is above 85
  20. Did inflation hit dew points too? I grew up with 70°+ dews being considered oppressive.
  21. Seriously COC day 68/45 few Cu. I was watching the MWN webcam. 35F Wind 40 gusting to 52. So many tourists up there and they all look freezing to death. Missed the rain yesterday. Just .04"ish our lawn still looks good but that is about to change with all the dryness. Just in time for the heatwave, we got our new solar system online yesterday. Now we can run all 3 AC units and I can charge my Mustang Mache all from solar. We could have put the array on our south roof exposure, but it would have looked like crap. For this 229-year-old house it is all about aesthetics. Next week a "skirt" will go around the panels so it should look even better. I think it blends in nicely.
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