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  2. I didn't mean that the data in the chart is not meaningful. However, there are better ways to judge overall temperatures for subseasonal and seasonal periods. For example, using only metrics such as used by Heller, there could be a July where the temperature spikes to let's say 100° in Philadelphia, but the month overall could wind up cooler than normal. Heller's type of analysis would flag it as "hot" if he is scoring things based on 100° days. Meanwhile, there could be another July where the monthly anomaly is +2.5°, but the highest maximum temperature is 97°. If Heller is using 100° days, his analysis would flag the month as "cool." Period average highs, lows, and means do a better job in assessing the outcome for the period in question.
  3. More than likely, the ongoing marine heatwaves in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean are contributing to the excessive warmth seen in Florida, Cuba, Puerto Rico, etc. The dry conditions are likely amplifying the heat in northeast Mexico and southwest Texas. It is plausible that a global threshold has been passed. I suspect the outcomes during and after the developing La Niña will provide greater insight.
  4. Warm, desert dry and bugs at a minimum. Sign me up for this weather subscription.
  5. Agreed. Ninas have been better here overall since 2016, save for the third in the trifecta the winter before last, which was historically bad for all the major cities/burbs from Richmond to NYC.
  6. 84 /42 and nothin but blue skies. So Cal kind of day. Stunning
  7. I don't know what to root for in the winter anymore.
  8. 68 degrees at 4:30 on June 1st, I'll always take that. Any warm season days where my AC stays off, I appreciate.
  9. That's inevitable. I was talking about a Nina.
  10. You like shorter days? That's probably my least favorite part of our earth's tilt lol.
  11. Last weekend was warm, but aside from our winters that basically don't exist anymore, the overall pattern the last few years has been devoid of any real heat. The last couple days have been beautiful, but the dominant base state seems to be more clouds than sun with more precip than not. To each his own how you view that. Hopefully, we can at least cash in on some storms this upcoming week.
  12. I'll roll with it over here.
  13. Provided there are no other issues that crop up... I will be working on a way to pre-load hi-rez intellcast radar images to accommodate devices with limited hardware resources, etc.
  14. Today
  15. The GYX site offered a work-around. I looked it up, but it involved going on the browser's "settings", typing "cache" in the search line, then emptying everything in my cache. Since that would smoke all of my passwords, among other things, I didn't care to comply. I'm probably missing something there.
  16. Yep La Nina means a 3rd consecutive snowless winter.
  17. MJS officially checking in for summer from beautiful west hempfield township. May our storms be bountiful, our beers stay cold, and our campfires burn hot. Cheers everyone!
  18. The https://battaglia.ddns.net/twc/ site has been updated to address the issues I identified earlier relating to missing data and failure to load many locations. Let me know if you encounter any other issues. I will try to troubleshoot locally and relay the information to to the original developer. Hope you enjoy the "flashback" to a time in which the weather channel was iconic.
  19. @mahantango#1hooked us up. With live link to the first Blizz countdown clock of the year.
  20. If the solar peak ends up delayed, then that also delays the hostile period of geomagnetic particle disbursing solar wind that makes episodes of high latitude blocking so elusive.
  21. 911 kWh solar for May. Record low since 2017 when I got panels and about 75% of previous maximum May production.
  22. 79/39 and had a 40+ diurnal swing. It is perfect out.
  23. Wow what a day. Top 3 contender.
  24. A new named storm before Midnight tonight? https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-Orlando-15-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=data
  25. Bursts of heavy drizzle and a few passing showers earlier from this lame system. Picked up 0.13".
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