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April 2016 temperature forecast contest

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Predict the temperature anomalies in F deg relative to 1981-2010 normal values for


DCA _ NYC _ BOS ___ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ____ DEN _ PHX _ SEA


Enter by 06z Friday April 1st without penalty, then 1% reduction per 2h late to 18z Sat 2nd, after which 1% per hour late.







Western locations:+1.2

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Table of Forecasts -- April 2016



FORECASTER ____________ DCA _ NYC _ BOS ___ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ____ DEN _ PHX _ SEA


Stebo ____________________+3.5 _ +2.9 _ +2.0 ___ +3.2 _ +2.2 _ +1.7 ____ +0.5 _ --1.1 _ --1.3

blazess556 _____ (-4%) _____+3.5 _ +2.7 _ +1.8 ___ +3.4 _ +2.4 _ +1.9 ____ +0.7 _ --1.1 _ --1.1

Rjay __________ (-6%) _____ +3.0 _ +3.0 _ +3.0 ___ +3.0 _ +3.0 _ +2.0 ____ +3.0 _ +1.5 _ +1.5

dmillz25 __________________+2.7 _ +2.5 _ +1.7 ___ +2.5 _ +2.2 _ +1.3 ____ +1.0 _ --0.5 _ --1.5

DonSutherland.1 ___________+2.3 _ +2.0 _ +1.8 ___ +1.6 _ +2.0 _ +0.3 ____ +1.2 __ 0.0 _ +4.1

BKViking _________________ +2.1 _ +2.0 _ +1.6 ___ +0.7 _ +1.4 _ +0.6 ____ +1.2 _ +1.0 _ --1.5

Damage in Tolland _________ +2.1 _ +1.9 _ +1.5 ___ +3.0 _ +2.1 _ +2.5 ____ +2.0 _ +1.5 _ +3.6

Maxim ___________________ +2.0 _ +2.0 _ +1.0 ___ +2.5 _ +2.0 _ +2.0 ____ +2.0 _ +0.5 _ +2.5

hudsonvalley21 ____________ +1.8 _ +1.4 _ +1.2 ___ +1.6 _ +2.0 _ +1.2 ____ +0.9 _ +0.2 _ +1.3

OHweather _____ (-1%) _____ +1.8 _ +0.4 _ +0.2 ___ +3.0 _ +1.5 _ +0.5 ____ --0.5 _ +0.8 _ +1.2

SD ______________________ +1.5 _ +1.5 _ +1.0 ___ +1.0 _ +1.0 _ --1.0 ____ +2.0 _ +2.0 _ +1.5


Consensus _______________ +1.5 _ +1.1 _ +1.2 ___ +0.8 _ +1.4 _ +0.7 ____ +1.2 _ +1.0 _ +1.5


Quincy _______ (-6%) _______+1.5 _ +1.1 _ +0.3 ___ +0.8 _ +1.8 _ +0.6 _____ 0.0 _ --0.2 _ +2.8

Tom _____________________ +1.4 _ +1.1 _ +1.2 ___ +0.8 _ +1.3 _ +0.7 ____ +0.7 _ +0.2 _ +0.4

wxallannj _________________ +0.3 _ --0.5 _ --0.5 ___ --0.7 _ +0.2 _ +0.5 ____ +1.7 _ +1.4 _ +3.5

Mallow ___________________ +0.1 _ +1.1 _ +1.9 ___ --0.7 _ --0.9 _ --0.3 ____ +2.8 _ +3.8 _ +3.9


Normal ____________________ 0.0 __ 0.0 __ 0.0 ____ 0.0 __ 0.0 __ 0.0 _____ 0.0 __ 0.0 __ 0.0


ksammut ___________________0.0 _ --0.4 _ --1.0 ___ +0.2 _ +0.5 _ +1.2 ____ +1.8 _ +1.0 _ +2.3

RodneyS ______ (-7%) ______ --0.4 _ --0.3 __ 0.0 ____ 0.0 __ 0.0 __ 0.0 _____ 0.0 _ +2.0 _ +2.0

wxdude64 _____ (-3%) ______ --0.5 _ --0.5 __ 0.0 ____ 0.0 _ +0.5 _ +0.5 ____ +0.5 _ +0.8 _ +1.5

Roger Smith _______________--1.0 _ --1.5 _ --2.0 ___ --2.5 _ --0.5 _ +0.8 ____ +3.0 _ +4.0 _ +3.5

Tenman Johnson ___________--1.1 _ --0.9 _ --0.4 ___ --0.9 _ --2.2 _ --1.3 ____ +1.2 _ +1.2 _ +1.2

Midlo Snow Maker __________ --1.9 _ --2.5 _ --3.0 ___ +1.0 _ +0.6 _ +2.0 ____ +1.2 _ +3.0 _ +4.0



21 forecasts so far, Consensus is 11th ranked forecast  ... some divergence of opinion here, interesting. Highest and lowest forecasts for each location are color coded.


Welcome Quincy.

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Snowfall Contest Table 2, sum of errors -- continued from March


This table continues the table posted in the March thread. Errors in red show underpredictions that can only increase whereas other (over-predictions at present) errors can only decrease. The actual forecasts can be seen in another table in the January thread. This table shows only errors to date.


Forecasters are now placed in order of total error to date ... watch for updates.



Updated snowfalls _____ 22.2 __ 32.1 __ 36.1 ___ 31.2 __ 0.3 __ 0.0 ___ 72.8 __ 0.0 __ 0.0 (Tr)



FORECASTER _______ DCA __ NYC __ BOS __ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ___ DEN _ PHX _ SEA ___ TOTAL error


Mallow _______________3.8" __ 2.1" __ 4.9" ___ 3.2" _ 4.5" _ 0.4" ____ 4.8" _ 0.0" _ 4.2" ____ 27.9 (10.1)

Maxim _______________ 3.2" __ 7.1" __ 1.1" ___ 2.2" _ 2.2" _ 0.5" ___ 12.8" _ 0.0" _ 7.0" ____ 36.1 (26.4)


Consensus ___________ 1.4" __ 7.9" __ 2.7" ___ 3.1" _ 3.7" _ 0.5" ___ 14.7" _ 0.0" _ 5.6" ____ 39.6 (27.1)

OHweather __________ 12.8" __ 4.9" __ 9.9" ___ 0.2" _ 4.2" _ 0.0" ____ 8.4" _ 0.0" _ 4.0" ____ 43.8 (8.6)

blazess556 ___________ 5.2" __ 9.1" __ 3.1" ___ 4.2" _ 1.9" _ 0.3" ___ 16.8" _ 0.0" _ 6.0" ____ 46.6 (38.4)

wxdude64 ____________ 0.2" __ 9.4" __ 5.3" ___ 7.6"_10.9" _ 2.1" ____ 5.5" _ 0.0" _ 8.4" ____ 49.4 (28.0)

ksammut _____________7.7" _ 11.1" __ 5.9" ___ 6.8" _ 0.2" _ 0.0" ___ 13.8" _ 0.0" _ 4.0" ____ 49.5 (32.8)

Roger Smith _________ 10.5" _ 13.6" __ 0.6" ___ 3.2" _ 0.0" _ 0.2" ___ 16.8" _ 0.0" _ 6.0" ____ 50.9 (44.7)

Midlo Snow Maker _____ 1.2" __ 1.9" _ 12.9" ___ 6.8" _ 4.7" _ 1.9" ___ 16.8" _ 0.0" _ 5.6" ____ 51.8 (18.0)

hudsonvalley21________ 1.1" _ 11.3" __ 5.0" ___ 4.0" _ 1.6" _ 0.0" ___ 26.8" _ 0.0" _ 2.9" ____ 52.7 (48.2)


Normal 1981-2010 ______6.8" __ 6.3" __ 7.7" ___ 5.1" _ 2.6" _ 0.1" ___ 19.0" _ 0.0" _ 6.8" ____ 54.4 (32.1)


Isotherm ____________ 10.0" __ 5.3" __ 7.5" ___ 8.8" _ 3.2" _ 0.1" ___ 15.7" _ 0.0" _ 4.3" ____ 54.9 (24.5)

DonSutherland.1 _______2.8" __ 8.7" __ 0.4" ___ 5.7" _ 3.6" _ 0.1" ___ 30.5" _ 0.0" _ 4.5" ____ 56.3 (44.9)

wxallannj _____________6.5" __ 9.7" __ 8.6" ___ 0.8" _ 1.1" _ 0.0" ___ 24.8" _ 0.0" _ 7.8" ____ 59.3 (49.6)

SD _________________11.2" _ 12.1" __ 8.9" ___ 3.8" _ 2.7" _ 1.0" ____ 7.8" _ 1.0"_12.0" ____ 60.5 (31.1)

BKViking _____________ 1.7" __ 5.7" _ 22.4" __ 12.5" _ 9.7" _ 0.5" ____ 2,7" _ 0.4" _ 5.6" ____ 61.2 (14.2)

Damage in Tolland_____14.2" _ 16.1" _ 14.1" ___ 3.2" _ 3.7" _ 0.3" ____ 6.8" _ 1.0" _ 4.0" ____ 62.5 (54.3)

H2O_Town_Wx ________4.9" __ 3.7" __ 2.9" __ 11.9" _ 9.3" _ 3.3" ___ 28.8" _ 0.0" _ 3.7" ____ 68.5 (40.3)

Stebo _______________14.8" __ 9.9" _ 10.9" ___ 0.8" _ 4.7" _ 1.5" ___ 20.8" _ 0.0" _11.0"____ 74.4 (20.8)

Rjay ________________ 12.8"_ 14.9" _ 21.9" __ 11.2" _ 1.2" _ 0.0 _____ 2.8" _ 0.0"_10.0" ____ 74.8 (14.0)

Tom ________________ 19.0" _ 20.7" _ 13.0" ___ 0.0" _ 7.8" _ 0.9" ____ 7.9" _ 0.0" _ 5.6" ____ 74.9 (7.9)

Tenman Johnson______ 10.2" _ 16.1" _ 13.1" __ 12.2" _ 3.7" _ 1.0" ___ 16.8" _ 1.0" _ 8.0" ____ 82.1 (68.4)

Dmillz25 ______________4.5" _ 24.8" _ 38.5" ___ 3.1" _ 6.4" _ 0.5" ____ 3.7" _ 0.0" _ 7.7" ____ 89.2 (3.7)

RodneyS ____________ 22.1" _ 22.1"_ 26.1" __ 11.2" _ 0.3" _ 0.0" ____27.8" _ 0.0" _ 3.5" ___ 113.1(109.6)

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Anomalies through five, ten and twelve days, and projections ...


____________________ DCA _ NYC _ BOS ___ ORD _ ATL _ IAH ____ DEN _ PHX _ SEA


_______ (5 d) ________ +1.2 _ --0.9 _ --2.3 ____ --6.0 _ +1.6 _ --5.7 ____ +4.3 _ +3.1 _ +5.7

_______ (10d)________ --3.3 _ --3.9 _ --3.2 ____ --7.3 _ --1.5 _ --3.0 ____ +5.3 _ +3.2 _ +7.5

_______ (12d)________ --2.2 _ --3.1 _ --1.9 ____ --7.2 _ --1.2 _ --1.9 ____ +5.3 _ +2.2 _ +6.5


_______ (p19d) _______ --0.8 _ --1.4 _ --1.2 ____ --3.3 _ --1.5 _ --0.5 ____ +3.5 _ +2.0 _ +6.0


_______ (p29d) _______ +0.7 _ +0.3 _ --0.2 ____ --1.0 _ +1.3 _ +1.4 ____ +5.0 _ +2.3 _ +4.0


The outlook period (20th to 29th) was looking fairly warm in all regions on today's 06z GFS (13th) so I have boosted the previous long-term projections in most cases other than DEN. 


Next update on 15th. Daily countdown will begin with that one so a new post is likely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

__ Moving to the daily countdown now (more like a count-up so far at DCA, NYC, BOS and ORD) ...


_______ (14d)________ --2.5 _ --2.9 _ --2.1 ____ --6.3 _ --1.1 _ --1.9 ____ +6.3 _ +2.3 _ +5.8

_______ (15d)________ --2.6 _ --2.7 _ --2.1 ____ --5.5 _ --1.3 _ --1.8 ____ +5.7 _ +2.3 _ +5.6

_______ (16d)________ --2.3 _ --2.4 _ --2.0 ____ --4.5 _ --1.1 _ --1.7 ____ +4.4 _ +1.9 _ +5.6

_______ (17d)________ --2.0 _ --1.9 _ --2.1 ____ --3.6 _ --1.1 _ --1.6 ____ +3.3 _ +1.7 _ +6.1

_______ (18d)________ --1.3 _ --1.1 _ --1.6 ____ --2.5 _ --0.9 _ --1.7 ____ +2.2 _ +1.6 _ +6.9

_______ (19d)________ --0.6 _ --0.5 _ --1.6 ____ --2.3 _ --0.6 _ --1.5 ____ +1.6 _ +1.7 _ +7.5

_______ (20d)________ --0.5 _ --0.3 _ --1.6 ____ --1.7 _ --0.2 _ --1.4 ____ +1.3 _ +1.9 _ +7.9

_______ (21d)________ --0.3 __ 0.0 __--1.1 ____ --1.1 __ 0.0 _ --1.5 ____ +1.3 _ +2.1 _ +8.0

_______ (22d)________ +0.2 _ +0.7 __--0.2 ____ --1.2 _ +0.2 _ --1.4 ____ +1.7 _ +2.4 _ +8.0

_______ (23d) ________ +0.4 _ +1.0 __ 0.0 ____ --1.3 _ +0.2 _ --1.5 ____ +2.2 _ +2.4 _ +7.9

_______ (24d) ________ +0.2 _ +1.0 _ --0.2 ____ --1.0 _ +0.4 _ --1.6 ____ +2.2 _ +2.2 _ +7.5

_______ (25d) ________ +0.4 _ +1.1 _ --0.2 ____ --0.2 _ +0.6 _ --1.4 ____ +2.4 _ +2.1 _ +7.2

_______ (26d) ________ +1.0 _ +0.9 _ --0.5 ____ --0.1 _ +0.8 _ --1.1 ____ +2.0 _ +1.7 _ +6.9

_______ (27d) ________ +1.0 _ +0.8 _ --0.6 ____ --0.4 _ +1.1 _ --1.0 ____ +1.6 _ +1.4 _ +6.7

_______ (28d) ________ +0.7 _ +0.6 _ --0.7 ____ --0.7 _ +1.5 _ --0.9 ____ +1.0 _ +1.2 _ +6.7

_______ (29d) ________ +0.3 _ +0.4 _ --0.9 ____ --0.9 _ +1.7 _ --0.6 ____ +0.4 _ +1.0 _ +6.5


______( 30 d) _________ +0.1 _ +0.3 _ --1.0 ____--1.1 _ +2.1 _ --0.5 ____--0.2 _ +0.8 _ +6.4






(30th) _ Still some further snow at DEN this morning, 2.0" reported on Friday 29th. Snowfall contest table is already updated for today then another update may be needed on Sunday from storm total. This was later amended with 1.5" reported on 30th. BKViking has any snow left to collect at DEN (he still has 2.7" before going into the red).

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Final Scoring for April 2016



FORECASTER ___________ DCA_NYC_BOS__east ____ ORD_ATL_IAH__cent ____ TOTAL


wxallannj ________________ 96 _ 84 _ 90____ 270 _____ 92 _ 62 _ 80 ____ 234 ____ 504


Normal __________________98 _94 _ 80 ____ 272 _____ 78 _ 58 _ 90 ____ 226 ____ 498


ksammut ________________ 98 _ 86 _100____ 284 _____ 74 _ 68 _ 66 ____ 208 ____ 492

wxdude64 _______________ 88 _ 84 _ 80 ____ 252 _____ 78 _ 68 _ 80 ____ 226 _478

______________ (-3%) _____85 _ 81 _ 78 ____ 244 _____ 76 _ 66 _ 78 ____ 220 ____ 464

Mallow _________________ 100 _ 84 _ 42 ____ 226 _____ 92 _ 40 _ 96 ____ 228 ____ 454

RodneyS _________________90 _ 88 _ 80 ____ 258 _____ 78 _ 58 _ 90 ____ 226 _484

______________ (-7%) _____ 84 _ 82 _ 74 ____ 240 _____ 73 _ 54 _ 84 ____ 211 ____ 451

Tom ____________________ 74 _ 84 _ 56 ____ 214 _____ 62 _ 84 _ 76 ____ 222 ____ 436

Quincy __________________ 72 _ 84 _ 74 ____ 240 _____ 62 _ 94 _ 78 ____ 232 _ 472

______________ (-6%) _____ 68 _ 79 _ 70 ____ 217 _____ 58 _ 88 _ 73 ____ 219 ____ 436


Consensus _______________ 72 _ 84 _ 56 ____ 212 _____ 62 _ 86 _ 76 ____ 224 ____ 436


Tenman Johnson ___________76 _ 76 _ 88 ____ 240 _____ 96 _ 14 _ 84 ____ 194 ____ 434

SD ______________________72 _ 76 _ 60 ____ 208 _____ 58 _ 78 _ 90 ____ 226 ____ 434

OHweather _______________ 66 _ 98 _ 76 ____ 240 _____ 18 _ 88 _ 80 ____ 186 _ 426

_______________ (-1%) _____65 _ 97 _ 75 ____ 237 _____ 18 _ 87 _ 79 ____ 184 ____ 421

Roger Smith ______________ 78 _ 64 _ 80 ____ 222 _____ 72 _ 48 _ 74 ____ 194 ____ 416

hudsonvalley21 ____________ 66 _ 78 _ 56 ____ 200 _____ 46 _ 98 _ 66 ____ 210 ____ 410

BKViking _________________ 60 _ 66 _ 48 ____ 174 _____ 64 _ 86 _ 78 ____ 228 ____ 402

DonSutherland.1 ___________ 56 _ 66 _ 44 ____ 166 _____ 46 _ 98 _ 84 ____ 228 ____ 394

Maxim ____________________62 _ 66 _ 60 ____ 188 _____ 28 _ 98 _ 50 ____ 176 ____ 364

Midlo Snow Maker __________ 60 _ 44 _ 60 ____ 164 _____ 58 _ 70 _ 50 ____ 178 ____ 342

dmillz25 __________________ 48 _ 56 _ 46 ____ 150 _____ 28 _ 98 _ 64 ____ 190 ____ 340

Damage in Tolland __________60 _ 68 _ 50 ____ 178 _____ 18 _100_ 40 ____ 158 ____ 336

Stebo ____________________ 32 _ 48 _ 40 ____ 120 _____ 14 _ 98 _ 56 ____ 168 ____ 288

blazess556 ________________32 _ 52 _ 44 ____ 128 _____ 10 _ 94 _ 52 ____ 156 _284

_______________ (-4%) _____ 31 _ 50 _ 42 ____ 123 _____ 10 _ 90 _ 50 ____ 150 ____ 273

Rjay ______________________42 _ 46 _ 20 ____ 108 _____ 18 _ 82 _ 50 ____ 150 _260

______________ (-6%) ______ 39 _ 43 _ 19 ____ 101 _____ 17 _ 77 _ 47 ____ 141 ____ 242





Final scoring for western contest



FORECASTER _________DEN_PHX_SEA ___ TOTAL _____ all nine (rank)


DonSutherland.1__________72 _ 84 _ 68 _____ 224 ________ 618 (= 7)

wxallannj _______________ 62 _ 88 _ 56 _____ 206 ________ 710 (= 1)

Quincy _________________ 96 _ 80 _ 42 _ 218

____________ (-6%) ______90 _ 75 _ 39 _____ 204 ________ 640 (= 4)

OHweather _____________ 94 _100_ 12 _ 206

_____________ (-1%) _____93 _ 99 _ 12 _____ 204 _________625 (= 6)

Damage in Tolland _______ 56 _ 86 _ 58 _____ 200 ________ 536 (=16t)

wxdude ________________ 86 _100_ 16 _ 201

_____________ (-3%) _____83 _ 97 _ 16 _____ 196 ________ 660 (= 3)

Midlo Snow Maker ________72 _ 56 _ 66 _____ 194 ________ 536 (=16t)

ksammut _______________ 60 _ 96 _ 32 _____ 188 ________ 680 (=2)

Maxim _________________ 56 _ 94 _ 36 _____ 186 ________ 550 (=14)


Consensus _____________ 72 _ 96 _ 16 _____ 184 ________ 620 (= 7)

Normal _________________96 _ 84 _ 00 _____ 180 ________ 678 (=3)


hudsonvalley21 __________ 78 _ 88 _ 13 _____ 179 ________ 589 (=11)

Tenman Johnson _________72 _ 92 _ 12 _____ 176 ________ 610 (= 8t)

Tom ___________________ 82 _ 88 _ 04 _____ 174 ________ 610 (=8t)

BKViking _______________ 72 _ 96 __ 0 _____ 168 ________ 570 (=13)

dmillz25 ________________ 76 _ 74 __ 0 _____ 150 ________ 490 (=18)

Stebo __________________ 86 _ 62 __ 0 _____ 148 ________ 436 (=19)

SD ____________________ 56 _ 76 _ 16 _____ 148 ________ 582 (=12)

Blazess556 ______________82 _ 62 __ 0 _ 144

_____________ (-4%) _____ 80 _ 59 __ 0 _____ 139 ________ 412 (=20)

Mallow _________________ 40 _ 40 _ 64 _____ 144 ________ 598 (=10)

Rjay ___________________ 36 _ 86 _ 16 _ 138

_____________ (-6%) _____ 34 _ 81 _ 15 _____ 130 ________ 372 (=21)

Roger Smith _____________ 36 _ 36 _ 56 _____ 128 ________ 544 (=15)

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-- --- --- --- -- <<< Updated Annual Scoring (Jan - Apr 2016) >>> -- --- --- --- --



FORECASTER ______ DCA_NYC_BOS___east___ORD_ATL_IAH___cent___ TOTAL ___ Best scores



01 BKViking _________ 267 _ 302 _ 234 __ 803 ___ 303 _ 276 _ 260 __ 839 ___ 1642 ____ 000200 . 0 . 1__ Jan

02 DonSutherland.1 ___297 _ 281 _ 228 __ 806 ___ 259 _ 284 _ 264 __ 807 ___ 1613 ____ 010010 . 1 . 0

03 Midlo Snow Maker _ 283 _ 274 _ 264 __ 823 ___ 260 _ 270 _ 240 __ 770 ___ 1593 ____  011010 . 1 . 0 __ Feb

04 wxallannj _________259 _ 276 _ 256 __ 791 ___ 258 _ 238 _ 298 __ 794 ___ 1585 ____ 010100 . 0 . 1__Apr

05 Mallow ___________259 _ 290 _ 262 __ 811 ___ 292 _ 170 _ 288 __ 750 ___ 1561 ____ 100001 . 0 . 0

06 wxdude64 ________ 290 _ 253 _ 242 __ 785 ___ 224 _ 252 _ 266 __ 742 ___ 1527 ____ 010000 . 0 . 0


07 Consensus _______ 291 _ 262 _ 210 __ 763 ___ 224 _ 268 _ 266 __ 758 ___ 1521 ____ 000000 . 0 . 0


07 hudsonvalley21 ____261 _ 256 _ 224 __ 741 ___ 276 _ 256 _ 246 __ 778 ___ 1519 ____ 000000 . 0 . 0

08 blazess556 _______ 252 _ 278 _ 250 __ 780 ___ 160 _ 316 _ 258 __ 734 ___ 1514 ____ 000011 . 0 . 0

09 Damage in Tolland__315 _ 266 _ 204 __ 785 ___ 200 _ 300 _ 226 __ 726 ___ 1511 ____ 100010 . 0 . 0

10 RodneyS _________ 313 _ 226 _ 218 __ 757 ___ 225 _ 226 _ 302 __ 753 ___ 1510 ____ 100000 . 0 . 1


11 OHweather _______ 235 _ 279 _ 245 __ 759 ___ 157 _ 251 _ 240 __ 648 ___ 1407 ____ 000010 . 0 . 0

12 Stebo ____________247 _ 210 _ 188 __ 645 ___ 160 _ 280 _ 276 __ 716 ___ 1361 ____ 000001. 0 . 1

13t Maxim ___________197 _ 232 _ 306 __ 735 ___ 148 _ 242 _ 230 __ 620 ___ 1355 ____ 002000 . 0 . 1__Mar

13t Rjay ____________ 298 _ 223 _ 173 __ 694 ___ 201 _ 257 _ 203 __ 661 ___ 1355 ____ 100000 . 0 . 0

15 SD ______________241 _ 240 _ 186 __ 667 ___ 182 _ 232 _ 258 __ 672 ___ 1339 ____ 000000 . 0 . 0


16 Normal ___________258 _ 208 _ 166 __ 632 ___ 206 _ 214 _ 268 __ 688 ___ 1320 ____ 000000 . 0 . 0


16 ksammut _________ 297 _ 225 _ 212 __ 734 ___ 151 _ 214 _ 208 __ 573 ___ 1307 ____ 101000 . 1 . 0

17 Roger Smith _______251 _ 168 _ 172 __ 591 ___ 176 _ 242 _ 272 __ 690 ___ 1281 ____ 100001 . 0 . 0

18 Dmillz25 __________240 _ 180 _ 166 __ 586 ___ 196 _ 240 _ 224 __ 660 ___ 1246 ____ 100100 . 0 . 0

19 Tenman Johnson ___259 _ 186 _ 214 __ 659 ___ 180 _ 156 _ 250 __ 586 ___ 1245 ____ 100100 . 0 . 0

20 Tom _____________ 225 _ 164 _ 142 __ 531 ___ 122 _ 178 _ 210 __ 510 ___ 1041 ____ 000000 . 0 . 0


(for Quincy, see this month's scores, for others see March table, no updates this month for them).

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Final Annual Scoring (Jan - Apr 2016) for western and for all nine contests




FORECASTER __________ DEN_PHX_SEA __ TOTALS _ best scores (mo) _ All Nine Totals __ best scores


01 Damage in Tolland _____241 _ 214 _ 286 _____ 741 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 2252 (= 5)

02t wxallannj ____________ 202 _ 244 _ 280 _____ 726 ________ 0 0 1 _______ 2311 (= 3) ___ APR

02t Midlo Snow Maker_____ 227 _ 223 _ 276 _____ 726 ________ 1 0 1 _ Mar __ 2317 (= 1) ___ FEB

04 DonSutherland.1 _______208 _ 190 _ 304 _____ 702 ________ 0 0 1 _ Apr __ 2315 (= 2)


05 Consensus ___________ 242 _ 224 _ 228 _____ 694 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 2215 (= 6)


05 BKViking _____________231 _ 202 _ 224 _____ 657 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 2299 (= 4)


06 hudsonvalley21 ________243 _ 218 _ 187 _____ 648 ________ 0 1 0 _______ 2167 (= 7)

07 wxdude64 ____________ 233 _ 193 _ 220 _____ 646 ________ 0 0 1 _ Jan __ 2173 (= 6) ___ JAN

08 Maxim _______________158 _ 202 _ 272 _____ 632 ________ 0 1 0 _______ 1987 (=10) ___ MAR

09 Mallow _______________162 _ 161 _ 282 _____ 605 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 2166 (= 8)

10 Tom _________________203 _ 193 _ 190 _____ 586 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 1627 (=20)


11 dmillz25 ______________219 _ 140 _ 226 _____ 585 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 1831 (=15)

12 Rjay _________________188 _ 189 _ 201 _____ 578 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 1933 (=13)


13 Normal _______________250 _ 184 _ 128 _____ 562 ________ 1 0 0 ________1882 (=14)


13 OHweather ___________ 154 _ 198 _ 206 _____ 558 ________ 1 0 0 _______ 1965 (=11)

14 Tenman Johnson _______193 _ 216 _ 118 _____ 527 ________1 1 0 _ Feb __ 1772 (=19)

15 Roger Smith __________ 108 _ 216 _ 200 _____ 524 ________ 0 1 0 _______ 1805 (=16)


16 RodneyS _____________ 167 _ 145 _ 194 _____ 506 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 2016 (= 9)

17 ksammut _____________ 176 _ 188 _ 132 _____ 496 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 1803 (=17)

18 SD __________________160 _ 170 _ 164 _____ 494 ________ 0 0 0 ________1833 (=14)

19 stebo ________________ 169 _ 154 _ 114 _____ 437 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 1798 (=18)

20 blazess556 ___________ 115 _ 150 _ 158 _____ 423 ________ 0 0 0 ________1937 (=12)


21 debeaches*___________ 138 __ 66 _ 204 _____ 408 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 1205 (=22)

22 H2OTown_Wx*________ 135 __ 97 _ 175 _____ 407 ________ 0 0 0 _______ 1227 (=21)

23 Isotherm**_____________ 52 __ 94 _ 150 _____ 296 ________ 0 0 0 ________ 786 (=23)

24 snoski14*** ____________88 __ 96 __ 86 _____ 270 ________ 0 1 0 _ Jan ____608 (=28)

25 snowweenie***__________92 __ 70 __ 94 _____ 256 ________ 0 0 0 ________ 638 (=27)

26 Daniel Boone***_________70 __ 92 __ 90 _____ 252 ________ 0 0 0 ________ 642 (=25)

27 snow88***____________ 100 __ 34 __ 80 _____ 214 ________ 1 0 0 ________ 595 (=29)

28 nzucker***_____________ 90 __ 68 __ 49 _____ 207 ________ 0 0 0 ________ 660 (=24)

29 Quincy***______________90 __ 75 __ 39 _____ 204 ________ 0 0 0 ________ 640 (=26)

30 rcontinelli***____________ 56__ 00 __ 54 _____ 110 ________ 0 0 0 ________ 269 (=30)



* missed one month (April)

** missed two months (March-April)

*** (Feb-Apr for 24-26 and 28 Jan-Feb and Apr for 27 and 30, Jan-Mar for 29).


best scores for the three stations, months in red ... and best scores for all nine shown for each month in green.

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