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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Magnificent. Are those summer look ski trails in on the distant mountainside? I can almost feel the fresh and refreshing breeze. To experience and live it, well I’ll have to wait for the next life cycle, if indeed one exists. As always ....
  2. Tip, at my stage of the circle, your post are better for me than a sudoku puzzle. My thanks, as always .....
  3. It looks like the fingerprint of Isaias left at the crime scene. As always.....
  4. If WW007 did so his work will have taken a Kevorkian twist. As always ....
  5. For that H V you will have to research the work of Immanuel Velikovsky. He wrote a tome “Worlds In Collision” 70 years ago it caused quite a stir. It is said that at the time of his death, Albert Einstein had a copy of Velikovkys work on his desk. As always......
  6. Darn it WW 007, I’m slow. It just dawned on me that your avatar has nothing to do with a powdered sugar D & D. In reference to your Reaping A+++ game, with the way things are going, you might be better off recruiting an assistant, to handle all the volunteers. As always ....
  7. The only weather name I appreciated and enjoyed was written/composed by Lerner and Loewe. “They call the wind Maria”. As always ....
  8. I did a quick check. The name is of Hebrew origin and means “God is my judge”. After looking at the radar representation of what was approaching Chicago, the name seems well placed. As always ...
  9. Well, we have S19 to throw a reality damper on snow threats. Maybe he can morph into a warm season version H19 and do the same for tropical threats. Anthony will be there, for the joust, regardless of the season and our good Moderators can still keep the limit to five. (I know Irish, I need to get away from the postage stamp more often). As always ......
  10. For the sometimes snowless five boroughs it’s the anticipation of the first event. It seems even a chance of snow flurries can be hyped to biblical proportions. Our city’s reaction is also an over or under proposition. At times the depth of the salt will surpass the depth of the event. Other times everyone is screaming for the spreader. What is Usually left, in our UHI paradise, is a slush shovel Festival before the inevitable overnight freeze. I enjoy hearing the squealing laughter of the young ones playing in whatever falls. If I’m fortunate and the frozen precipitation continues Into the daylight hours I wander into my postage stamp, standing alone and pondering all my loses. I look up to the shrouded grey sky and wait for a flake to touch my face and melt. When that happens everything, for me, becomes good again. As always ....
  11. Your request/point is well placed. Mr. Roebling’s proposal was accepted based on his reputation and demonstrated ability to build suspension bridges across the Niagara Gorge and the Ohio River. The only impact study took place when PT Barnum drove 21 elephants across the bridge to prove its stability. Shovels and brooms took care of the elephants impact. As always ...
  12. Thank you for the article and the “explore further” articles. The articles were written for understanding by the literate non technical/professional individual. I qualify beautifully. What troubles me is the word prediction. Will the literate individual take it literally? I guess it depends on who is selling vs track record. Will the prediction be direct or couched. I enjoy Dons sensitivity analysis. Would it take that form? Can the atmosphere really be simulated for prediction? Thank you again, BW, for the article and for having to read a seniors contrary questions. As always ....
  13. Tier studies costing millions. So many projects that seem to make sense but go no where. The subway link between Brooklyn and SI. The north shore link between Ct and LI. The 2nd Ave subway, a century in the making and probably not finished in my lifetime. Billy S said it best “ What fools these mortals be”. As always .....
  14. I’ve had the Italian version. It was spread by treated grapes. As always.....
  15. Very happy you were able to diagnose and repair. Be well. I look forward to reading you again. As always ....
  16. The way NYC temperatures are trending, we’ll be lucky to see the Adirondack lows after Thanksgiving. As always .....
  17. A day of reckoning eventually comes for all of us. As always .......
  18. Thank you for the information on the butterfly. It was indeed beautiful. Honey was part of a feral liter, born in the postage stamp and ended up staying close to the building. She adopted me so now she has a safe inside haven. I get a good amount of exercise letting her in and out. She will lay, usually on my papers, next to me while I’m typing. Several weeks ago when I pet her she began to lick the back off my hand. I was told this is a high compliment from a feline. Well I don’t mind. I can type, one handed, lefty. As always .....
  19. ......... come closer ....... as always .......
  20. I would enjoy seeing that again. The last time I saw a swarm of fireflies was in Dardanelles Arkansas over a half century ago. Seeing that Again was on my bucket list. It seems that kicking is likely to occur well before filling. The postage stamp is dark and silent again. The family of raccoons has been safely relocated and the bushy tailed tree rodents have filled the void. The entitled felines, mine and other are above it all. Butterfly’s are a rare sight. The other morning my adopted clipped ear feline Honey was in the postage stamp and started meowing. From what I understand a cat only meows to get a humans attention. I opened the back window and she comes jumping up with something dark on her face. I thought she was hurt. As she jumped into the kitchen something dropped to the floor. It was a large blue/ black butterfly with, I believe, color dots in its wings. I was horrified. I quickly picked it up, righted it and brought it to the window, It flew off seeming miraculously unhurt. Honey is young with good teeth. She carried that beautiful winged creature without hurting it, was it luck, an accident, a present for me? I’ll never know. At least it ended well and I haven’t seen one since. As always ....
  21. I imagine the implications may become personal for many when the task of pumping and sandbagging become every day tasks. As always ....
  22. Rainbows are, as described, breath taking. From my vantage point in the urban paradise It is a rare sight. I would enjoy seeing a photo, klw, if you ever have the opportunity to take some. As always....
  23. I enjoyed the light, thunder and heavy rain show during a stroll after midnight. The postage stamp was happy as were the felines under whatever furniture they decided on. As always ...
  24. I remember going to a high school friends House in Coney Island. I saw the tug while sitting on the rat-ten straw seats if the Sea Beach Express, I believe the N. The train in the picture was a new model almost 60 years ago.As always .....
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