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Everything posted by rclab

  1. No argument on either LB. The Pharmaceuticals industry needs adult supervision on the severe side. As always ......
  2. I enjoyed Maestro Stravinsky’s Firebird. I see you in that suite. It’s last three minutes, as a definition of what your avatar will finally become. As always ....
  3. Now I understand your avatar. As always.....
  4. Apparently climate change can be added to the topics that should be avoided if a civil discussion is desired. All of us are entitled to our opinions and a respectful listening. I find the ease of generic labeling based on an opinion troubling. If all voices cannot be heard respectfully than we are already living in Mr. Simons World. “Hello darkness my old friend”. As always ....
  5. The city or the threats? As always ......
  6. Considering the CPK foliage effect, I’m wondering if facial hair can effect real feel temperature accuracy. As always .....
  7. Great photo. The straws are interesting. I guess they are a safer alternative to the chug a lug. Used in a glass they would certainly curb the incidence of foam beard. As always....
  8. Dickens/Scrooge had his four spirits that led to and ended with a path to redemption. We also have four but they are all horsemen and redemption is not their plan. “-Gray, unhealthy air. A blood red sun. Flakes falling from the sky, coating everything below in a layer of white.. not snow but ash” The above line could have easily been a paraphrase from Dante’s Devine Comedy. Our play will end some day the last sentient being, perhaps named Tonio, will ruefully expire, crying out “The Comedy Is Finished” as always .....
  9. With apologies to all forum members with real skills in statistics and analysis I decided to take pencil to paper and visit my arithmetic past. Using the number of occurrence years in the top five I found 81.8% of the minImum readings occurred post 2000, 72.7% occurred post 2010. Only 18.2% occurred last century. Remembering the sage words of a now famous/infamous professional “the trend is your friend” in this case is it really ( if any one finds a computation error, it’s fine and thank you. I’ll just fall back on my chronological crutch. ........As always ....
  10. Thank you again Don. The old verbiage that a picture is worth a thousand words certainly applies here. After viewing this graphic presentation, I wonder if we have a thousand words left. As always....
  11. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You just might be the Crustacean cure. As always ......
  12. I believe that was during the VCR/camcorder golden age. As always .....
  13. I can almost hear RJ laughing his butt off as the frozen precipitation line of the snow cane sets up north of your area. If I’m still here, doubtful by that time, I will definitely stand out In the postage stamp, with my face to the Sky, to say hello. I will keep my mouth shut, there’s no sense changing horses at this late date. As always .....
  14. BW those four words, “the first time that” seem to be used with increasing regularity in relation to our atmosphere. Stability seems to be on the wane and those four word may end up being best defined as famous last .... As always ....
  15. I’m in but if I, at that time, can’t make it that far could I possibly get a live feed to my postage stamp. I would love to see the entire sub-forum having fun while in full display of their herd immunity. If I’m not here and providing the atmosphere is cooperative, I will leave a request for one of my daughters to go to the row house roof and throw a bit of ash into the breeze. If I make it just look for the dust mote with a sense of humor. As always ....
  16. It’s a skill to recognize edible mushrooms. I remember, as a boy, older relatives going to, still existing, undeveloped land areas in the boroughs to harvest edible greens and mushrooms. You never guessed with a mushroom, being wrong and ingesting the error could be deadly.. I guess under the right conditions you might never starve with a good tract of uncultivated land. As always ....
  17. Accurately so BX, by the time I could afford my own windshield I already had a license for those activities. As always ......
  18. Amazing, I wonder how long it will take the fIrst commercial venture, that sees good ($$) In any condition, to advertise romantic cruises to the pole under the midnight sun. As always .....
  19. I remember as a very young man trying to reconcile the spiritual with the scientific. Two powerful “S” words. When did we become human? One scenario that stuck with me was a piece that described a living creature standing on a moonless dark plain or savannah, looking up at a sky filled with stars and wondering. At that moment the selection stated humanity began. Ironically, some time later I came upon an illustration by a spiritual publication and it showed a similar scene with a person staring at the stars. The caption read. “The fool says in his heart, there is no God”. The phrase, albeit, the first nine words resonates with me today and can be applied to many of our collective secular or non situations. I remain with the sad truth that still, “ The fool says in his heart there is no ............”. As always .......
  20. I appreciate the gesture. I’ve found that much beauty is hidden by distortion. If you ever bring back, even briefly, the delightful senior ladies, I’d be very appreciative. As always.......
  21. I wish we could do the same with your avatar. As always.......
  22. Machines that make machines to be sold by machines for the use of other machines. The common persons final contribution, of course, Soylent Green. As always .....
  23. Self investment, absolutely. Revised/additional color neutral hat slogan MAGAMA (Make America Great At Manufacturing Again) As always .....
  24. Thank you and agreed. Your last line was the savior. As always .... (I do love Science Fiction) even though, lately the fiction seems to be fading. As always again....
  25. Unfortunately CW, without the beer, all that good exercise running back and forth from the can is lost. As always ....
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