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Central PA Spring/Summer 2019

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33 minutes ago, pasnownut said:

absolutely.  No need to waste a good pattern/cold until it really can work for us.

Something i'm playing with in my mind is watching the forcing between the arctic domains vs Enso/Equatorial regions as low sea ice continues to be something to watch in the coming years. Cant help but think that low ice could play an effect on polar regions indicies being less forceful as a result.  While i realize it only has to be cold enough to snow, when polar regions are warming, the amount of cold in polar regions has to play into the cards somehow, with areas in between being the ones most notably affected, and the time it takes to manufacture enough cold to be able to affect our region favorably has me wondering.  Hope my theory makes sense.  

Might that have something to do with Alaska (Anchorage in particular) having it's hottest summer ever? For the first time in recorded history the city of Anchorage reached 90 degrees this summer. Think I also read that 68% of the days in June, July and August were above normal. 

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23 hours ago, Itstrainingtime said:

Might that have something to do with Alaska (Anchorage in particular) having it's hottest summer ever? For the first time in recorded history the city of Anchorage reached 90 degrees this summer. Think I also read that 68% of the days in June, July and August were above normal. 

Yep.  Thats my point, while it can get cold here in the fringe zone of snow vs no snow, we typically need help from above.  Northern latitudes while warming...are far enough into the cold to not have to worry as much.  When ice formation/accretion seems to be stressed, it makes logical sense that the smaller the ice box, the less it can cool.  That said, I love using the "cold enough to snow" analogy, but feel that while still true, it might be shifting north a bit due to factors mentioned above and by others.  Unfortunate, but in my mind is a logical assumption/hypothesis.

Still lookin forward to winter :).

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12 hours ago, canderson said:

It might not ever rain again. 

Some are now in the abnormal area....our great wet hope is Monday otherwise we are officially going into a drought.



Early-week heat (temperatures as high as the lower 90s) and locally acute short-term rainfall deficits (30-day rainfall totaling 10 to 25 percent of normal) led to the expansion of D0 (Abnormal Dryness) across West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, as well as southeastern Pennsylvania and the southern two-thirds of New Jersey. Similar pockets of Abnormal Dryness were noted in southern New England.

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1 hour ago, Itstrainingtime said:

I'd gladly take a few inches of rain off of southeast Texas' hands...my God...

It's a tragedy. I know several who have no homes anymore. My immediately family is currently OK but my nephew's house tonight might get hairy if the rain that's just east of downtown Houston doesn't shift. 

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If we don’t get rain Monday, we probably go at least 21 days sans precip. 

Looking back historically there have been several times where September/October combined rain totals were less than 1.00”.

We just went through probably the wettest 2 year period in recorded observations at KMDT. We have had I believe on 1 year in the last 15 where we were >1” below normal for the year. So we are either going to have to get some dry years soon or turn into a rain forest.

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55 minutes ago, Jns2183 said:


Looking back historically there have been several times where September/October combined rain totals were less than 1.00”.

We just went through probably the wettest 2 year period in recorded observations at KMDT. We have had I believe on 1 year in the last 15 where we were >1” below normal for the year. So we are either going to have to get some dry years soon or turn into a rain forest.

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Rain forest > desert 

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45 minutes ago, Itstrainingtime said:

Chances of rain on Monday seem to be decreasing somewhat. 

As others have said, let's not waste a good weather pattern now. It might as well be warm and dry now so by the time we get to December we're rocking.


Absolutely!   A/C until November 30th.  Buried alive December 1st.  

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2 hours ago, canderson said:

It's the first day of fall and it feels identical to mid July. 

And the sky looks like summer. There was a huge difference comparing sunsets from the middle of last week to Saturday and especially Sunday nights. Lot more haze in the air, my wife and I were out walking last evening and she said it looked like an August evening. I was proud of her for that recognition. :) 

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And the sky looks like summer. There was a huge difference comparing sunsets from the middle of last week to Saturday and especially Sunday nights. Lot more haze in the air, my wife and I were out walking last evening and she said it looked like an August evening. I was proud of her for that recognition.  

It’s warm out, but no where near humidity levels of Mid July or August. Breeze feels good, especially in the shade.

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1 hour ago, Bubbler86 said:

The rain just moved through here....never got the pavement wet.   I see MDT got about 1" of rain Sept 2nd but this area did not get that large of a benefit and my closest trusted observer, next street over, is at about 1/2" for the whole month.  


I’m at .52” for the month and by the looks of it, that should be my monthly total.   Could be a very active wildland Fire season.  Station 4 ( Franklins) ran a 10 acre corn / field fire today so things are getting ripe 

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4 hours ago, Jns2183 said:

1892 - 0.15”
1930 - 0.11”
1963 - 0.04”
1924 - 0.02”

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I think one thing that is making this seem worse is that it is still growing season albeit the end of it.   All of our veggies need watered every day at this point (the cool/DRY weather is actually exacerbating the situation) and I have had to cancel my plans to plant grass this fall.  Mid to late October is too late...now was the time.  The ponds and lakes near me seem normal so this drought is not a severe one just an inconvenient one.   


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