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Everything posted by sojitodd

  1. For days the NHC maps have been showing and they have been saying "isolated areas of ten plus inches"...well nobody expected any of those isolated areas to be in NYC itself! Better than wind and surge I guess. And I have had to be out watering damn flowers, shrubs, etc. in the 90 degree heat today lol.
  2. Central Park had nearly 2 inches of rain in the last hour. How much flash flooding does that cause there?-how bad is it where you are? It looks like it will be tapering off. How much more do you expect?
  3. Central Park has now recorded over 4 inches of rain in the last 4 hours so yeah I agree. I think some areas in Brooklyn must be at that as well or maybe over as well.
  4. I will go with yes. Just 90 though-not a mph higher lol.
  5. CMH is only about 2 inches below normal for the whole year now-over 3 inches in the last 3 days. I am glad I missed out on most of those recent downpours after the 2 inches plus I already got recently.
  6. Looks like it is trying to come ashore near Panama City, or near where Michael came in. Fred getting it together at the last moment. Another strengthening at landfall tropical system in the northern Gulf of Mexico...
  7. I can hardly believe the summer that Portland is enduring. First the all time record being shattered, and then another heat wave topping out at 103 degrees? *shudders* The roses in "The city of roses" must be absolutely scorched.
  8. Great!-it is coming this way just in time for the weekend too.
  9. Well it must be Fred..duh! lol. I detect the use of illicit substances among some of these posters. Or maybe the lack of needed prescribed psychotropics? Fred is going to crush Miami like a thousand tons of heavy stones. The mega tsunami-like surge will strip the surface to bare bedrock.
  10. About 2 inches of rain here yesterday evening. just a few miles south, 4 inches. Some areas further south and west had 6.5 and some flooding. Extremely muggy and I cannot wait until this is swept away for the weekend.
  11. Well I planted a lot this year-especially some stuff that will need a mild winter to get established so it will almost certainly be a tough and cold winter now. Everything else is thriving including a Crape Myrtle that is about 7-8 feet tall in my father's back yard(it as survived at least to a few feet from the ground for the last 16 years)so it is time for it to be pruned back by sub zero cold. Probably lots of rain and snow and drastic fluctuations in temperature to ensure perennials get heaved out of the ground. *Already bought nice new heavy boots for the heavy snows so bring it on!
  12. Is that the one where the plane went down without anyone onboard realizing it was about to hit the water? If it is I saw the same one and that damn copilot! *on topic I hope this ends up nothing because Hispaniola does not need another big rainmaker.
  13. Finally some nice long soaking Thunderstorms. Currently under a flood advisory. Now I can stop watering so much. I hope the wonderful sunny/80 forecast for the weekend holds up. The humidity yesterday and today was disgusting. Everything around here has stayed nice and green and this will keep it that way. Crops look great around here-hope they don't get flooded out too much.
  14. A nice little garden variety line of storms came through. Only about half an inch of rain here, more to the north. Will help keep things nice and green and more rain expected later in the week. Nice to have the grass green and not going dormant at all. All of the crops around here look really good as well. The heat is on later this week, highs at or over 90-with humidity to go with it. Such is Summer in Ohio. I have planted a hell of a lot of plants here and at my father's place in Cbus this year, glad to not be fighting a drought.
  15. Every bit of these storms managed to slip right by to the east or the west. smh. Next! ...
  16. Weather-wise I cannot remember a more boring summer. I hope we get at least a bit more rain today. I have a feeling we are in for a tough winter though. *looks like the earthquake did not generate any damaging tsunamis, fortunately. *This damn Delta variant!!! smh.
  17. I saw just now that this verified* and is being reported in the news. So Furnace Creek recorded the highest temperature on Earth since 1931 in Tunisia(second highest temp ever there then at 131). Damn. *Okay they are reporting it but apparently not yet officially verified.
  18. I saw that for Furnace Creek, Death Valley CA they have a day upcoming forecasted with a high of 128 and low of 102! Hey they have a golf course...let's go golfing (and die in ten minutes)! *I really just wanted to post anything to get to my 900th post... And I need some RAIN here! Not only above 90 for three days straight but dry as heck. Storms all around popping up but Central Ohio stays dry.
  19. So did you get a special badge for having so many posts? You will probably be loaded with them! Only 500 posts needed for a "posting machine" badge! lol.
  20. I hope the majority of the town and environs escaped destruction...we will see. Well it did not escape and was basically obliterated. The aerial pics show very few buildings left standing. Just very bizarre to have this town make the headlines as the hottest spot in Canada ever, coming out of nowhere, and then it gets burned to the ground as well making headlines for that. I guess I should not take the weakish weather in Central Ohio for granted and not complain too much about relatively minor weather things. *Now these random "badge" notifications popping up are something I will complain and bitch about...late as hell and corny! "posting machine"...really? lol.
  21. thanks. I am not on here enough or at least regularly enough to follow many of the things going on. I hope they get some decent summer rains soon.
  22. I saw an overhead pic taken from a helicopter and it is true that 90 percent plus of the town is gone. The main area is just ashes and rubble. Just really completely burned out and to the ground. The only good thing is that I have heard nothing about any human fatalities. I do not know anything about any of the surrounding areas outside of the town itself regarding the fire damage/destruction/extent. But that little town in and of itself is gone.
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