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Everything posted by sojitodd

  1. Lilly Chapel is just a few miles south/southeast of where I am. They are showing wires down and a barn destroyed but I have no idea if it is tornado related damage(although the barn looked pretty well demolished.)
  2. I live right by West Jefferson and I saw the rotation just south of me moving northeast. Very cool. I did not see any tornado but that area where it would have been was blocked by a house. The rotation is over West Jefferson right now. There were also some law enforcement vehicles parked around with their lights on monitoring it-they have moved on now. Just very heavy rain now.
  3. Cannot believe we had a tornado warning yesterday. And they are going to conduct a damage survey for what they believe was a tornado touchdown in Clark County. On February 7!!!
  4. car is already covered in West Jeff....let's go for it!!!!
  5. damn! I remember being up all night and you were one of the ones up late too...amazed that the Scioto valley (normally WTOD) was the jackpot) and watching the heavy snow and being amazed that for ONCE! CMH had the highest reading at over 20 inches! lol. And no other city in the United States matched us!(only Ottawa Canada tied us for the amount). Classic, classic winter weather!!!!!! Did not harm anyone, not a terrible, fierce storm, just a blizzard warning(without a real blizzard)and everyone was prepared, nobody died, and it melted away not too long after. It was the perfect storm! If only I live long enough to experience another one!
  6. I was just about to go out and remove the snow off of my car and I opened the front door and a particularly howling blast of wind did it for me-took nearly all of the snow right off of it. Damn it is brutal out.
  7. Living in the Columbus area is a snowstorm lover's special hell. 24 hours ago I was in the jackpot with 11 inches LOL...fooled again... All that is left is to lose power with it going below zero...
  8. Worst possible storm ever. Ice over everything, pine out back has icicles 3 and 4 inches long hanging off it, winds getting ready to pick up, and not one flake of snow. Dammit. Everything but snow-which I don't want now with all the ice over everything.
  9. Madison County in the crosshairs?-it will never happen! *Thank God the ice potential is way down though.
  10. ^^ Dammit I really do not want ice. But I guess it could be worse: from the Sierra Nevada...
  11. Damn this has my area at 15 inches?...while CMH is at less than six? Damn. I hate these type of borderline storms. ANYTHING but an ice storm!
  12. Please Jesus! no icestorm here! I can deal with heavy snow and even some wind(but no damn blizzard either) but NO. Damn. Ice!
  13. About 5.5 inches here. Very nice and pretty snowfall, lots of evergreens hanging with all the snow. Sort of winter wonderlandish out.
  14. Madison County upgraded to a Winter Storm Warning with totals expected to be 4-7 inches. I can't remember the last time we had a warning.
  15. 4.5 inches measured on a bench in my front yard not near any trees or anything. Cleared off 1 inch of snow off the car before noon and then between 3 and 4 inches about half past five this afternoon. Near West Jefferson. *What is that yellow/orange line advancing from the south into Madison County?...that had better not be non-snow precipitation. If it is I hope it does not make it here. No. Damn. Ice!
  16. With damage very similar to S***y. (not going to use the name of that storm ever again.)
  17. I was watching and I clearly remember the part where the guy was saying "there is no surge" and all. I could not believe it. And you could hear them responding in disbelief to that comment. Brett even said he was worried about the surge-and he was right to be worried. They were being pushed by that guy they were talking to. That guy is the one I am most pissed off about. How could he say something like that and then here comes a huge storm surge just minutes later. They should never have gone anywhere from which they had no plan of escape or place of refuge staked out in case they were trapped. That was just a poor choice and poor choices were made all around it seems and it is just good that none of these chasers lost their lives. Will it take a hurricane chaser equivalent of Tim Samaras for people to wake up?
  18. Thanks for these links. You can see that at the subdivisions by Tyndall nearly every single house had roof damage, with some having lost their roofs completely.
  19. But...but...that just shows that the storm was a cat 2 that did not weaken after being over land for 4 hours! lol
  20. And this guy also has the temerity to throw around stuff like "data" and "peer reviewed" when it is less than 24 hours after landfall. This is hopeless-this is the guy who used the term "snowflake"-and as a 50-something guy myself I can tell you 90% of the time someone uses that term they are a boneheaded Trumptard in my age group.
  21. It is a bit of fun-at least in the banter thread. The sad thing is that there are nutjobs who probably do believe what the troll is putting out. I have been on this board for around a dozen years and have seen enough insanity over the years to know (even though I mostly lurk obviously given my post count).
  22. Now some of us are just having fun in this banter thread with the "(unspeakable hurricane name here)" ridicule. Remember Breezy Point!!!-ravaged by surge, wind, and fire!!!! Like the Great Chicago fire, Katrina surge and Andrew wind all in one spot!!!
  23. Maybe Banda Aceh or Meulaboh after the tsunami...maybe they just might compare.
  24. Nothing obviously compares to Sandy.
  25. I am seriously still kind of in a state of shock that this thing came in with the third lowest pressure recorded in the US...lower than Andrew... and in the Florida panhandle a third of the way into October. All of the clowns maps pretty much came true-yeah I was looking at them all and laughing like everyone else. Hard to believe really. I really can't wait for the analysis on this storm.
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