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Everything posted by sojitodd

  1. I am now just barely in an abnormally dry area...but we got a general one inch rain overnight and this morning(since 4am) so that has helped and probably has taken us out of any yellow. Only about .75 of an inch below normal now in the last month for the Cbus area. About 1.5 inches since the 29th in the area. And yes we needed it. Overall Ohio does not look to be in bad shape at all. And the rains have been pretty plentiful overnight in much of the center of the state. What is up with that little drought pocket along Lake Michigan on the Illinois/Wisconsin border?
  2. Last night I read a report that at least 10 homes had burned down along with 2 commercial buildings-apparently the business district was hit badly. I have not been able to get any more information that is specific like that since. They say that there are another 1,000 or so people who live in the immediate vicinity of the town(outside of it's official limits containing the 250 people). I hope the majority of the town and environs escaped destruction...we will see. I think this may be a extraordinarily bad fire season for much of the Western US and Western Canada. Basically it will be rainless and hot for the rest of the summer for much of the area. And there are numerous fires already.
  3. Lytton is just burning up right now. Full evacuation with reports(and video)of much of it engulfed in flames. As if they did not have enough this past week with it reaching 121. Apparently it all developed so quickly and moved into the town that some people had to leave everything including pets. Just unbelievable for them to go through this. I hope there are no human fatalities and I dread to think of the pets that were left behind. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-wildfires-june-30-2021-1.6085919 British Columbia is reporting three times the normal number of deaths, which would be an excess of at least 300 or more. This is rivaling some of the worst in US history-like the one(I believe in 1995?)in Chicago. Just unbelievable. *and on a local note- barely and rain at my location with rain EVERYWHERE around me. It is dry as hell here. I really hope we can get at least a little rain before it gets hot and dry again. It got up 96 a few days ago-hottest so far this year.
  4. I just saw some video from people evacuating Lytton and much of it appears to have been on fire-buildings could be seen burning. Widespread destruction reported with many structures burned up. Many people had to evacuate very quickly even having to leave pets behind. That town has literally been through hell- suffering Death Valley like temps and then much of it being engulfed by fire. Literal hell. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bc-wildfires-june-30-2021-1.6085919
  5. Interesting. I see that for Portland they had a five minute temp at one point of 117 at 5:30 pm but I guess that got rounded down to 115 too.
  6. Yeah I just saw that. Funny as they have 108 recorded for 4:35 pm there. Must have been adjusted.
  7. Damn I bet Haiti just can't wait! /s. They never seem to catch a break. Puerto Rico must not be too thrilled with having to possibly deal with this either.
  8. Seattle hit 108 at 4:35pm there. The old record(yesterday!)has been smashed by at least 4 degrees. Portland seems to have been sitting on 115 for some time. Just unimaginable for that city-hotter than anywhere in Ohio ever recorded. The hottest temperature ever recorded in Dallas is 113 for comparison. And most without AC. A Nightmare!
  9. Environment Canada is reporting that Lytton BC hit 47.5 so far today. That would be a new all time Canada record,
  10. If you go to the NWS Portland site you can see the latest in five minute increments and Portland is now up to 109. Dang they were at 100 at the same time yesterday, (+ 9) now. I also saw Seattle dropped a bit as the winds changed to from the West. Portland has not had that change.
  11. And Portland has hit 105 before noon as well. They are now at 108 shortly after noon. Seattle somehow went back to 99.
  12. Seattle tied it's all time record high of 103, will likely be higher tomorrow. *Portland made it to 112. Damn!
  13. Now up to 111. Seattle up to 102, one more degree to tie the record, two more degrees to make a new all time record high.
  14. From what I have read, most of the relatives know that there is really little chance of survival for anyone at this point. Also making it worse are the fires-one was pretty intense and deep down in the rubble. I don't know if it is out yet or not. This must be very unsettling for anyone living in a highrise along the coast. And Seattle is going to burn! I wonder how many even have air conditioning? It will be brutal-the all time high for all of Ohio is 113 and that was in the 30's. They will have to watch out for heat deaths as well as an increase in accidental drownings. Extreme heat(sometimes plus alcohol)plus plunging into deep and cold water is not a good combo.
  15. For the airport, SeaTac, right there? damn! They are going to roast. I wonder if they are doing anything for the large homeless population there? Anyways I need RAIN here! I better get some this week cause things are drying up! And that condo collapse...I think the death toll will exceed 100. 35 units obliterated, most with people in them and some with 4-5 people in a unit. I can't think of an accidental collapse with a death toll that high for any building in the US. At least they have the "sister unit" which is identical a few parcels to the north. If they made critical errors in building the south one, maybe they are present in the north one-which I believe has already been evacuated as a precaution-or is about to be. I would have self evacuated before now if I lived in it.
  16. I doubt we even see a passing shower. All of those flash flood watches for Central Ohio yesterday and we got less than a quarter inch of gentle showers. Glad I have kept my plants nice and watered-can't depend on any rain in this rain/storm shadow area I live in. I did hear a bit of distant thunder last night to the southwest-where some lucky people did get inches of rain. Once the storms pass Dayton they collapse like they are at the end of a marathon or duck up north or south. Sorry for the rant. I am sure somewhere there will be severe weather and some good soaking rains-probably north and west and south and west and south and east and north and east of here again.
  17. St. Louis broke the record for the day topping out at 101. I hate to say it, but if you are right I hope that severe s**t stays south of us like last time.
  18. No worries here...the storm killing/diverting zone between Columbus and Springfield will no doubt take care of anything coming this way.
  19. Yesterday it was 640, but the day before that it was only 60 so it might be updating the numbers a bit. It looks like there are huge variations there if you look at the graph so it is probably related to inconsistent day to day reporting.
  20. I do understand this. It is like the "Millennial Tower Syndrome"-I will believe it when the steel starts rising. I will believe in the big snow when I am digging my car out from under it
  21. Okay this is when I would be paying some kids to dig my car out. Great shot.
  22. I will go ahead and even make a prediction at this point. If Central Ohio gets anything, John Glenn International Airport will report the lowest amount of whatever falls in the area.
  23. It is like the sun rising, the sun setting, the moon rising-John Glenn will always have the lowest number. The only big exception(March 2008)just proves the rule! lol
  24. About 3-4 inches of snow here-better than what I expected after all the sleet. On to the next storm.
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