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Everything posted by sojitodd

  1. Well I am glad they are ok and turned around-it just isn't worth it when they run into conditions like that. We know it is bad-we don't need anymore info if it leads to a situation like this.
  2. This is what I am dreading. Don't forget the landslides.
  3. Yes this! I need to go to bed but I want to watch this thing...who would have thought in November... Hello! to all the guests! I stick with 914 and 150 peak(yet to come).
  4. So are our guesses for this just this pass or any pass(or estimate)? Does the show still go on?
  5. It looks a bit farther South, as if it is determined to make a direct hit on the only large town on the coast.
  6. 914 to 917 is my guess(might as well join the crowd).
  7. It looks like the eye is directly east of that island per the post directly preceding yours...and that would put it only about 20 miles north of Puerto Cabezas. It had better not drift further to the southwest or it could go right over them. It will probably be bad enough as it is.
  8. Yeah I was just thinking about any in the Atlantic Basin. You are right I think several have been lost in the Pacific. Let's hope this does not repeat itself and they stay safe.
  9. I think in Hurricane Janet in 1955?
  10. Well they already had a deadly mudslide in El Salvador on October 29th that killed at least ten people. The cause is listed as excessive rainfall on already saturated soil. I don't know how saturated the soils in the overall area are though, but it could be very bad I imagine. *I just happened to see this when looking at a landslide blog I view occasionally ... it is an interesting blog and I am sure it will have an in depth account of any landslides or debris flows caused by Eta. Hope it alright to post a link here: https://blogs.agu.org/landslideblog/
  11. It looks absolutely stunning right now. Eta wins Miss/Mr Photogenic Hurricane for this season as far as I am concerned. It is both beautiful and very foreboding at the same time.
  12. Is someone eventually going to start a banter thread for this storm so we can talk about exactly when it heads for Louisiana? Seriously though I am concerned about the flooding potential in Honduras with this. When they mention 25 and possibly up to 35 inches of rainfall I get flashbacks to Mitch.
  13. These are some scary rainfall amounts, especially for Honduras.
  14. Just about the last thing I expected to hear this early evening is tornado sirens going off. *sigh* There will be no tornado.
  15. Yeah I see that the chances of significant rainfall for me are going down...oh well.
  16. Can this rain please then just skip under Indy if want to keep this dry spell but then move up and give me a good one or two inches? Dang.
  17. When again is this supposed to turn more to the north and then northeast? Also that post above with the last frame the hurricane looks about as good as it has looked.
  18. She used the wrong pronouns....cancelled and fired from her job.
  19. C'mon now I knew where it was and all and recognized the coast but that blue line is not the best representation of the Mexican coast. But again, I also realized...what other coastline would it be? lol. Y'all are so petty to each other on here sometimes. lol I also agree that there are plenty of X, Y, and Z names and they should be used before we...uh...go Greek and all.
  20. Good Lord...Toronto has not hit 70 yet? Damn.
  21. Per the CDC, it is only severe or morbid obesity, or a BMI over 40. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-at-higher-risk.html Otherwise if it was just ten or 20 pounds overweight most of the population would seem to qualify. And while this is "higher risk" I would assume that would correlate with "pre-existing condition" and all.
  22. Down to less than 24 hours for Central Ohio now. Tornado touchdown about 4 miles south of me. Saw the broad rotation move just southeast of me but view was blocked by houses. Some damage done too. Caught on video and numerous photos. Also about 4 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. *What is up with all the rain this year and last? I have had some shrubs die from too much dang water. Plus a small lake in my yard, the street, the neighbors yard, etc.
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