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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good afternoon forky. Not offended at all. Considering that look it’s good to know that the atmosphere is still in its prime. Stay well, as always …..
  2. Considering your screen name that’s an impressively courageous statement. Although lately, every day seems to be 07/04/Coney Island. Stay well, as always …..
  3. I noticed this nicely blooming plant behind a row house fence Christmas lights. It’s December 9th, some roses are still blooming but this impressed me. To me it looks like some type of Camilla. Perhaps confused by our North Mid Atlantic December, thinking it was a South Mid Atlantic March. Maybe Don or any flora aficionado member can enlighten me. Thank you and stay well everyone. As always ….
  4. Good morning everyone first snowflake I’ve seen over the postage stamp. I was worried but not anymore. Thank you Mom N. Stay well all, as always …. IMG_6956.mov
  5. Good after noon everyone. The New England forum was discussing, sometimes sarcastically, a very light dusting. Damage In Tolland gave the following observation; “tiny weenie flakes and it’s very difficult to remain safe.” The Reaper may be inactive but like any retired Capo he still has agents in the field. Stay well, safe and above all hopeful. As always ….
  6. Good late morning Blue Dream. Anthony and S19 present an interesting cold season dynamic. There would probably be less weenies if the responses were not post limited. I believe Anthony considers the source and probably doesn’t feel insulted by S19’s emoji comment. Stay well and my best to your friend. As always …..
  7. Good morning everyone. As per D I T’s snowfall description in the New England sub forum, “Tiny weenie flakes and it’s very difficult to remain safe.” Please be careful out there. Stay well, as always …..
  8. Good morning everyone. Please be ( as per DIT ) careful out there. Be well stay safe, as always …..
  9. If that’s the case, Rob will have to go solo for awhile. As always …..
  10. Good morning Rmine 1, Torch Tiger, Allsnow. Even at worst there will always be hope and a tree lighting. Stay well, as always …..
  11. But in the end when with the flakes falling on a scene of serene beauty …. That end certainly justified that mean. Stay well and hopeful. As always
  12. Good morning WW. It isn’t easy keeping clean but even though I squint pretend sometimes when in the postage stamp, I still love it here. If the fellow in the last photo shows up I have faith that the Admins will make quick work of it. Stay well, as always ….
  13. Good late morning everyone. When Anthony fully enjoys winter. Per chance to dream, stay well all, as always ….
  14. Good morning TriPol. Not in Red Hook. I was up and about several times during the AM. That was due more to plumbing than ground shift. Stay well and have a great day, as always …
  15. Good late evening WW007, Mappy, Jebman. The Reaper may be retired but the Panic Room remains. My UHI blessed NYC was often visited for cold season reaping purposes. The Reaper wasn’t all business. With a much practiced charm, he left a bit of himself after visits. I ran into one of those bits 4 Tuesdays ago. Enjoy retirement and well done. As always …..
  16. Good morning Will. If the forum members are up to it after yesterday’s feast , this could end up as a non-weather related contest. My selection is the cassowary, photo below. As always ……
  17. Good morning everyone. As per NWS/NOAA 2.49” recorded at CPK between 14:51 Tuesday and 06:51 Wednesday. Stay well and Thankful, as always ….
  18. Who was that masked man? …. Now we know…. As always ….
  19. Good afternoon 40/70 I spent my teen years in the 60’s. As I recall there was never enough …… as always ……
  20. Good afternoon Anthony/Lava Rock. I sit here on 11/18 listening to a continuous FM lite holiday music station. Poignantly playing ‘Let It Snow’. I remember over a quarter century ago, my lost love decorating the outside of the row house the week before Thanksgiving. My younger daughter, who agreed with you Lava Rock, said she had to put a paper bag lover her head when she left the house. When I was very young, my father, who was always up for an axiom, would say …. “Of taste there can be no dispute” he would give me his no rebuttal look and that would be that. Be well and as always, thankful …..
  21. Good afternoon, Rob, hudson, gravity, Hitman. I’ve seen plenty of sh$&&@t since I take my daughters pups for a daily relief stroll. As for the frozen variety (when) …… well …… I leave the optimism to Anthony, the reality check to BW and Don, the bottom of the bell curve to S19 and of course, my memories. Stay well everyone, as always ….
  22. Good morning Will. A shadowy figure was seen hanging a sign, with the following verse, over the parking lot entrance to Met Life Stadium. “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’nitrate” Stay well, as always ……
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