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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Male liberation? As always …….
  2. Be safe, Phineas. Some how, someway, somewhere the sharks and the jets will join in shared grief, wiser, as they move together and carry their loss into the future. As always …
  3. I was enjoying the T Tip post ride until the last para. I read it several times. I felt a concerned fright not for Pinheads pain for pleasure credential analogy, but instead, thinking of the actual conditions, if the garage door delivery does play out. As always …
  4. Good morning, Irish, Julian. I can personally guarantee two out of the three. I should be at three strikes in a few days. As always ….
  5. Good morning all. I heard that the critical age theory movement was birthing here…. As always …..
  6. Good morning, Irish. It is refreshing out, even though my UHI/meso/cl wrapped postage stamp may not be able to match your last week of June low temperature until the last week of October, (maybe). As always …..
  7. Good afternoon, Will. We already have one it’s called a Primary. As always …….
  8. As I match said picnic tables and deck the voracious ones have made their mark. I with the deck and tables facing a beautiful vista of verdant green will consider table, deck and me …… rustic. As always ……
  9. Will, when I go, I don’t intend to take anything or one with me. The transitioning you may be thinking of is quite beside the point at my age. The epitaph I requested would have your brand of irreverence that I would enjoy if I was still here. However you do have a point who, what, when and how you leave should be your own business. As always …..
  10. Good evening Will. When I transition, please leave an appropriate or non - epitaph for me. As always ….
  11. My front never looked that good. As always …..
  12. Good morning B W. Thank you for the corn belt article. I remember reading years ago how the corn belt might possibly move/expand into Canada. A realignment of the breadbasket. Will we see a rise, as Tip mentioned, in the improvement of desalinization technology/techniques? Could such efforts lead to the greening of present large desert zones, such as the Sahara. If an undertaking like this is even possible would it hurt more than help? Questions for the long term, answered results I’ll never see. At least thinking about it is an exercise. As always ….
  13. I’m old. As always …..
  14. Good morning, Julian. If it went under 40, in town, I hope that someone had a lot of hair. The postage stamp stayed in the upper fifties. That and the urban heat night light angle effect. Folks still using incandescent for out/indoor lighting with open windows. I know fellows … I’m no competition for Don or bluewave, after all I did get tossed out of Brooklyn Tech. As always ….
  15. I remember a tv weather person, possibly Frank Field, commenting on how a line of storms seemed to split as they approached the city. That was 35+ years ago. I believe the number of 1000’ structures has increased since then. As always …
  16. Ref: B D. “The answer my friend is blowin in the wind. The answer is blowin in the wind”. As always …….
  17. Good morning Tip. I took a quick look at the desalinization efforts in Florida. +/- good/bad, result/effects . Are “ Technology/advances necessary”, most definitely. The sustainable population crises is showing up on the ‘awareness’ meters. Will certain state locations start/need to control their population growth? Will states rights, as a concept, be married to the evolving climate evolution? Will political/economic considerations mitigate the actions needed? Will the epitaph be written by a climate professional? As always ….
  18. Good morning T. Unparalleled irony. Humanity becomes its own/only viable food source, without Charlton Heston screaming through the teeming streets. As always …..
  19. At your north digs, you’d need to perform that long just to stay warm. As always …
  20. At first glance I thought it was a prediction of sub forum tropical post frequency. As always …..
  21. Good morning, Irish. If I see a flash to the north, I’ll know the methane ignited. As always …..
  22. Good TGIF evenIng Bx, Irish, hv. I’d volunteer but I’ve been trying to eat healthier, As always …..
  23. just a comic response, thahkyou Stephen. As always…
  24. I believe Phineas was talking about the climbing companion in the photo. Chats with them are rewarding. As always …..
  25. Good morning, Irish, Julian. It seem that ‘Stein’ ware is beginning to spread from the New England Forum. As always ….
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