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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good morning, CW and HH. The revenge of Stein?… As always …..
  2. Based on the creative potential of the forum, we may need another thread. As always …
  3. Good morning Will Looking at it again, your point is well made. You affirmed what many of we silents know. You cannot do without your ‘left’ hand or your ‘right’ hand. Both are useless unless the ‘middle’, above the chin, is working. Yours seems to be…… as always …..
  4. There goes our PG13 rating. Will, I believe you have Joey Chestnut running scared. As always ….
  5. Good morning, BXE. Welcome back and your problem will likely disappear as soon as the local two/four legged fauna see red. As always ….
  6. In not sure of her birthplace. She did relocate to the Black Hills from Long Island. Her intelligence cannot be denied. As always …..
  7. I believe you, I don’t believe the ‘not smart’ part. It was kind of you to think of her. As always ….
  8. I apologize in advance and mean no disrespect to you or the intent of your post. I’m just wondering are you??? As always
  9. Good evening RE. You should have also asked Snowman19. As always …..
  10. Good evening folks. There’s a screen play in this. The MA forum may have to charge admission during the cold season. As always ….
  11. I miss your beautiful lady avatars. As always ……
  12. My daughter sent this video from a Breezy Point cabana. As always… IMG_5580.mov
  13. Cobble Hill dark, wind gusting some rumbles, little lightning and rain so far. As always ….
  14. I wonder which one of our early forum members paid off the zookeepers. As always ….
  15. I understand both your verbiage and intent, Anthony. …… But considering the population density under those delightful colors, I’m just not sure about the fun part, now or six months from now. As always …….
  16. In 2020 Mr. Chestnut ate 39.5 bowls/24lbs 11 ounces/38,268 calories worth of Red Beans and Rice at a New Orleans competitive eating contest. For the next 36 hours he had to register as a lethal weapon. As always …..
  17. Happy Birthday. 007, If the attached comes true, tomorrow, I’ll probably be burned at the stake. If so the Reaper gets my ashes. As always ….
  18. Good evening Mrs J and happy 4th. I feel, strongly, that your culinary creations would far, far, far exceed any Chipotle mass produced serving. I’m sure Mr. J and the younger alphabets would agree. Stay well, I wish you peace. As always …..
  19. Good afternoon and happy 4th, Will. Considering what 76 processed meat tube steaks eaten ,with roll, in ten minutes will do for Mr. Chestnuts ability to make his own fireworks ….. I feel the Creator may be better off. As always ….
  20. Good evening CIK. I was on my roof ( Red Hook/Cobble Hill ) and remember that chill. I believe Frank Sinatra was part of the live entertainment. My daughters, than 11 and 6, were on the roof with me. A great fireworks show. My wife, always the smart one, had the best and warmest seat, in front of the TV. As always ….
  21. And to weenie protection during cold season frozen storm threats As always …..
  22. Still puts out a lot of verbiage. As always. My apologies if I crossed the line. Forky and the Mayor brings out the best in me. As always ….
  23. Probably being shared by our NYC Mayor Big Bird. As always……
  24. The political party system is in itself a problem. Too many identify with a party and vote that line trusting the party to guide their judgement. It makes voting a lot easier and appropriately brainless such as in NYC. Can you imagine if to run for a local, state or National position you had to divest yourself of any party affiliation. Your name only, not the party appeared on the ballet. All registered voters listed as independent. You could still belong to a party, the same way you can belong to the Masons or the Knights of Columbus. If wanted to run and were elected all such affiliations would have to be cancelled/suspended. I know, once upon a time …… still “you may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one” Thank you JL. As always …..
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