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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good morning, Maureen. As producer or actor? Perhaps both. The premise two decades ago was a bit of an outlandish fringe scenario. Reviewing recent weather events it becomes increasingly plausible and topical. If you haven’t read it you might want to give it a digital look. I enjoyed the split narrative structure employed by the authors. Unfortunately the “Day after Tomorrow, which was based on it p, did not do it justice. Not unusual to find a written take better than the screen version. Stay well, as always ….
  2. Good morning BW. Unless I misinterpreted him, the Conservancy director will take action on an NWS recommendation for ASOS flora maintenance.after an ASOS assessment. Do any of our forum regular or red tag members have a contact within the NWS? Has the NWS ever done an ASOS evaluation since it’s activation? Is forkys solution the only viable one, move the ASOS? As always …..
  3. Good evening, Rjay. I understand and agree. At least you have your avatar, in place, for emphasis. I’ll just re-read some 20 year old disaster Sci Fy by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber. I bought it when hard cover was still in fashion. Somehow the premise does not seem as implausible as it once did. As always….
  4. It’s fortunate that your hangover and the nights events faded simultaneously. As always …..
  5. Good morning gravity. I like to keep my ear to the ground. Not hard since I’m short. I heard some chittering when I was strolling within the postage stamp. It sounded like … “Beware, ‘I Am Legend’ g is up north”. Our forum membership is more diverse than first thought. As always ….
  6. I might try to start a relationship with a triffid sized Tribble. As always……
  7. Good afternoon, Julian. Whatever those things are, I hope they don’t turn into Triffids. As always ….
  8. Good morning, Julian. The closest I can come to that on my UHI sub tropic zone block is the DS Tuesday and Friday pick up. As always ….
  9. Good afternoon, Anthony, Liberty. I want to wake up with a mid twenties functional body. I guess we all have equal chances. As always …..
  10. The overlords will have to deal with EMP style terrorism from their subordinates. As always …..
  11. Forky, you would be an outstanding motivational speaker for folks suffering from C. O. ( chronic optimism ). As always …..
  12. Good morning Tip. Even from dust our species can rise. So what’s the good news? As always ….
  13. Good morning CW after reading this article and listening to the daily NYC shootings list, I believe Mr Barry McGuire’s could easily update his timely 1965 Eve Of Destruction Lyrics. One of the lines that need not be changed is the one with the phrase “and you don’t believe”. As always ….
  14. Good afternoon, Irish, Hudson. If Forky picks up on this, the response may be classic. As always ….
  15. Not at all, NYC. As youngsters, in the summer, we used to call it sun showers. As always …..
  16. Several Giraffe or elephants, in addition, might deal with the tree problem. We could suggest it to Mr. Ceglarek, the CPK Conservancy Project Manager. As always …..
  17. I hope not the with same responsibilities as the one in the Mel Brooks History Of The World Part 2 movie, As always ….
  18. Automatic social distancing…. As always …..
  19. Good morning H2O and congratulations. Now you can live your screen name. Float in the air, move in any direction on the whims of a breeze, mist, pour, drizzle, freeze and evaporate according to your desire. As always …..
  20. Good morning, Rtd, at least you still can…… As always …..
  21. Good morning Julian. If you do lose a piece of it, I hope someone in need finds it. As always ….
  22. Good morning Don and BW. I’ve been having a friendly dialogue with John Ceglarek, Project Manager/Central Park Conservancy. I explained to him that I was a non professional member of our weather forum and issues with the accuracy of the readings from the CPK ASOS were often discussed by the Meteorologists, pro forecasters, competent, well versed hobbyists and the basic members like myself. I mentioned to him that from what I could gather, from the discussions, was that the vegetation in, around and encroaching over the ASOS were effecting the accuracy of its temperature readings. His reply stated that “We have not been notified by the Weather Service of any concern they have about the readings for the station or any impact that the surround vegetation may have on it”. I, in reply, asked if the NWS has performed any evaluation of the site, since it’s installation. His response “I am not aware of any assessment that has been performed by the NWS. My understanding is that they would reach out to us if there was any concern about the equipment site”. My original inquiry to the Conservancy is as follows: “The validity of the temperature readings from the ASOS has been questioned. The American Weather Forum, of which I am a member, often comments on this situation. The comments/observations come from both Meteorologists and well versed hobbyists. The remedy might be as easy as keeping the trees and foliage trimmed around the ASOS site. I dislike the idea that the the long-standing temperature records of the grandest park is in question. Thank you for your time, as always …”. I believe the sincerity of Mr Ceglarek response and wonder if the board or, at least our sub-forum (with NWS contacts) should pursue this. As always ….
  23. Good morning and H. B., MW. May your professional love affair, with the atmosphere, continue for as many decades as possible. As always …..
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