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Everything posted by rclab

  1. Good afternoon and happy 4th, Will. Considering what 76 processed meat tube steaks eaten ,with roll, in ten minutes will do for Mr. Chestnuts ability to make his own fireworks ….. I feel the Creator may be better off. As always ….
  2. Good evening CIK. I was on my roof ( Red Hook/Cobble Hill ) and remember that chill. I believe Frank Sinatra was part of the live entertainment. My daughters, than 11 and 6, were on the roof with me. A great fireworks show. My wife, always the smart one, had the best and warmest seat, in front of the TV. As always ….
  3. And to weenie protection during cold season frozen storm threats As always …..
  4. Still puts out a lot of verbiage. As always. My apologies if I crossed the line. Forky and the Mayor brings out the best in me. As always ….
  5. Probably being shared by our NYC Mayor Big Bird. As always……
  6. The political party system is in itself a problem. Too many identify with a party and vote that line trusting the party to guide their judgement. It makes voting a lot easier and appropriately brainless such as in NYC. Can you imagine if to run for a local, state or National position you had to divest yourself of any party affiliation. Your name only, not the party appeared on the ballet. All registered voters listed as independent. You could still belong to a party, the same way you can belong to the Masons or the Knights of Columbus. If wanted to run and were elected all such affiliations would have to be cancelled/suspended. I know, once upon a time …… still “you may say I’m a dreamer But I’m not the only one” Thank you JL. As always …..
  7. Accelerate the development of technology to create, cleanly, affordable electric power. Subsidize the transformation of heating/cooling systems to clean use energy including safe atomic, perhaps fusion, natural wind and tidal motion. Pipe dreams, perhaps, but is there a choice? Either way some kind of change will occur. I believe in my NYC Big Bird paradise and others you will need, in a a decade or two, a permit just to own a car. Electric only, in city. Exceptions in size for families. For the lone or couple drivers, I believe there is an electric smart car in your future and only permit parking permitted on all city streets. If (ahem) rapid transit does not rise to the occasion I rather not think of the outcome. A lot of $’s generated for the city if we have any to spend. As always ….
  8. Good morning, Liberty. Once the reality of climate change is shown to be a money maker, the cause and treatment will be embraced whole heartedly by the corporate world and their client politicians. Perhaps the $ clean up from a catastrophic event may be what it takes. As always ….
  9. I expect a video posting by Tuesday…. As always
  10. Good evening, Jeff, Julien. I apologize for making ass me and me “ass”sumptions but if you were NYPD and did 20 during the 70’s and 80’s I can easily understand the almost necessity of moonlighting along with calling it a career after 20. Home ownership is probably the most difficult responsibility to keep up with, this side of child rearing. Apparently you, as did the good folk in our forums, did well. I purposely didn’t mention marriage/partnership because my lost love, I am sure, would find a way to make her displeasure known. Your post came from the heart, its how/who it was directed to that was a wee too general. Please keep posting and jump around the forums and sample the membership you’ll find we all have a lot in common. If you run in to the Reaper don’t don’t let your career instincts take over. He’s seasonal and quite entertaining. julien as you so nicely stated, it is definitely perspective. Our life experiences guide us. Oh and I never want to get on your bad side. I love this board, it allows relics to pontificate, even if no one is listening. May we all find peace, as always ….
  11. Could you bridge the gap with COBRA from your previous employment? As always ….
  12. Good afternoon Julien. I place tomato cages on my few sad peppers. Considering the look of what’s around them, I feel they are grateful. As always ….
  13. Anthony, that is not good for imagery on a day like today. As always ….
  14. Three digit temperature. The Greeks considered three sacred, Irish per Julian, I hope you can sit comfortable with that. As always …..
  15. Good morning Julian. Forky stated that if EWR doesn’t reach 100 during this stretch then the ridge is stupid. That should get the “woke” contingent going. As always ….
  16. Your a breath of fresh air, even when it’s not needed. As always …..
  17. Good morning, Don. Scanning the 24 official/unofficial temperature comparative list you posted I see an amazing 2 to almost 19 degree (f) difference in the old and new records. With increased occurrence of heat wave events, permafrost melt awareness and frozen ground methane release, its past time to dial 911 Houston. Holding humanities feet to the fire will be too late to prove innocence three days later. As always ….
  18. Heal fast and thorough, RE. You have plenty of fine posts ahead of you. As always ……
  19. Good morning Ginx. Not in this forum …. The gentleman/woman/person (ah screw it) farmer, shall rise again. As always ….
  20. Good morning Anthony, DS. It was the late 50’s Dyker Heights, Brooklyn. I went, with a friend, to by some mats ( a package of 84 firecracker packs ) The, don’t mess with but courteous, adult opened the trunk of his car, possibly mid 50’s Buick, took our money and politely told us to scram. What impressed me at the time and on memory and caused me to refrain from unknown source street buys, was what I saw tucked on the side, yet in full sight, of the trunk. That was the first and last time I had been that close to what looked like a Tommy gun. As always …..
  21. Thank you Unc and well done. I was 7 and 8 respectively in 54/55 and remember the big alley, a community driveway between 74th and 75th street on 11th Ave,. flooding. I’m not sure if it was from Diane, one of her mid 50’s sisters or just a cloud burst t storm. I remember the driveway drains overflowing. It was delightful for us JD’s in training. As always ….
  22. Good morning S. Forky enjoys using his namesake to test how “done” we all are. As always ……
  23. Good morning, Nibor. Usually it’s because you found out, too late, that the pilot light went out. As always ……
  24. Anthony put one over on us. **** translates as love. As always ……
  25. Will, while in Kansas, give my best to the broom rider. I found Margaret Hamilton naturally attractive and very talented. As always …..
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