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Everything posted by winterwx21

  1. I think I would add Wednesday to that. Last night's Euro extended the beautiful low humidity weather through Wednesday. A spectacular 4 days. Even late week when the humidity comes back up, it doesn't look oppressive. Then another beautiful airmass coming in for next weekend. Overall a very comfortable pattern for the last couple days of July and the first week of August. I wonder if we could actually avoid having an above normal August for a change. Right now there's no sign of any heat, but of course it's early to tell what will happen in mid August.
  2. The weather after the big heat looks spectacular for several days. Slightly below normal temps (highs in the low 80s) with low humidity. Monday the dewpoints could get down to the low 50s. That looks like a top 10 type of day.
  3. Euro doesn't have anything for Thursday. Yeah it's surprising that SPC is so bullish, but hopefully they're seeing something that the models are missing.
  4. Best wind I've had from a t-storm in quite awhile. It stayed just below severe, but some very nice 50mph wind gusts. Lots of close lightning and torrential rain.
  5. Many have said that Mount Holly should cover Union County. Anyway we're about to get hit very hard.
  6. The most exciting looking radar for our area in a long time.
  7. Yep it's looking good. I'm glad we're gonna get a lot of moisture into the soil before the big heat.
  8. I wasn't sure if it was gonna hit us or miss just to the north, but the storm on Hunterdon County has extended far enough south now that I think it's gonna hit us.
  9. Obviously we're gonna have pretty good heat for a few days and Friday's heat looks impressive, but it isn't gonna last too long. Looks like a beautiful airmass coming in next Monday. Should be very low humidity and overall most of that week looks pretty comfortable.
  10. Yeah it's all about the beautiful weekend with lower humidity and then the heat late next week. We've been in a wet pattern since late June, but now a break is finally coming. Maybe just an isolated shower/storm on Tuesday. It'll be interesting to see if we can make it to the upper 90s late next week.
  11. You didn't miss much, and now the models are not showing much for the afternoon. Today is gonna be a disappointment overall, but we saw the signs so it's not a surprise. Of course you are gonna miss the beautiful weekend with lower humidity up here as you deal with the heat/humidity down there, but I hope you have a good time down there.
  12. Yep except it should be a more widespread significant rain in the morning tomorrow compared to what happened yesterday. A shame though that it will likely ruin the chance of seeing anything nice later in the afternoon.
  13. Not bad. Like FPizz I got only a couple hundreths here. Last few days the heavier rain has been going through central Middlesex County and mostly missing the extreme northern part of the County. We move onto Friday. I don't think it looks as impressive as it did a few days ago, but certainly there will be some heavy downpours around.
  14. I remember looking at the CMC 4 days ago and it showed a significant batch of rain moving through today. I was surprised because all the other models had it dry, but we've certainly seen this before. Sometimes the CMC does a good job picking up on things that other models miss in the medium range. It's an underrated model. Looking at radar you can see the bigger batch of steady rain is missing us just to the south, but there will be some scattered showers and downpours up here.
  15. Yeah just into the extreme northwest corner of the county. I'm just getting brushed by it with the heavier stuff missing a couple miles to my northwest. Only a couple brief moderate showers here. Not my day today, but we've had plenty of rain lately.
  16. At least the ground is still very moist from all the rain over the weekend, so I'm not irritated about it missing me just a few miles to the southeast.
  17. Yeah I've lived in Pway my entire life. It's ok, but I'm hoping to move out to Hunterdon County pretty soon. I'd like to live in a more rural area.
  18. Yep. Missed me but I see it was able to just make it to Plainfield.
  19. No rain here. I'm on the northwest side of Piscataway, so it missed me by just a couple miles.
  20. Looks as if that cell in Somerset might miss us just to the south and east, but it's gonna be close.
  21. It was nice to get a little break from the humidity today. The dewpoint got down to 62 here. Felt pretty good exercising outside today. The 10 degree drop in dewpoints from the low 70s to the low 60s makes a huge difference. It looks as if tomorrow's storms will be isolated, but a few spots could pick up heavy amounts of rain.
  22. Latest run of HRRR shows some downpours making this far north later in the afternoon. We might not be done.
  23. Nothing heavy yet today, but I'm also up to a half inch now for the day due to this period of steady light to moderate rain. I've received 2.30" now since Friday.
  24. A good 3 days. Friday was the day that I got heavy rain up here. Nice that most areas got hit over the 3 day period.
  25. Looks similar to what happened yesterday with heavy rain for you but only moderate rain up by me and Stormlover. A nice steady moderate rain here though. I might get a half inch from this round. The models aren't showing much activity for later in the afternoon, so it'll be interesting to see if we can get anything else to fire up after this round moves through.
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