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Everything posted by winterwx21

  1. Yep it was a bust but I'm ok with that. Obviously we didn't need anymore rain. It has been an extremely wet pattern ever since the end of June. I enjoyed all the storms this summer, but I think I'm finally burned out on it. I'm ready for some nice dry fall weather. Looking forward to dewpoints in the 40s the next few days, and even beyond then it looks nice. Even though the longer range looks a little warmer than normal, it's still going to be very comfortable. Next week looks like highs of 75 to 80 with dewpoints in the 50s. Beautiful fall weather settling in.
  2. 1.08" for the day here. Another good soaking coming for wednesday, and then beautiful low humidity comes in for late week with dewpoints getting down to the high 40s. It looks like a long dry stretch starting thursday.
  3. It's coming down in buckets here. A couple rumbles of thunder.
  4. Yep and that's coming for later in the week. Looks like a nice stretch of low humidity weather starting on thursday. Dewpoints could get down to the high 40s late week.
  5. One of the best things about this time of year!
  6. Definitely one of my favorite t-storms ever yesterday due to all the hail. It's the most I've ever seen too. I have some of the hailstones in the freezer. Meanwhile a nice soaking this morning. I'm already over a half inch. Our very wet summer continues. Amazing that I've been mowing almost every week the last couple months. The grass continues to grow almost as if it's spring ... so different than the burnt out grass we usually have in summer. It has been a long time since we've had anything like this.
  7. Had a couple close lightning strikes and some wind gusts in the 30s here. I certainly had storms with stronger wind and more lightning this summer, but this was my favorite storm of the season due to the hail. It has been ages since I've seen hail like that. Nickel and dime sized hail for a pretty long period of time. Awesome storm! Temp is down to 67 now after the storm.
  8. Dime and nickel sized hail here!! I was outside picking up the hailstones and running inside to put them in the freezer, LOL. I haven't seen hail like this in many years. So exciting!
  9. Yep, severe t-storm warning and radar looks nice. I just got back from the grocery store, and just barely in time. Very dark sky just to the south and lots of thunder. It's about to pour here.
  10. One heck of a first third of September for heat-humidity. Very impressive. But we had a comfortable August, so we were due for some heat-humidity. The cooler-dry weather late week will be nice.
  11. Yep but the models keep the storms to our west today. You never know though so we'll keep an eye on radar.
  12. Looks a little earlier now. The low humidity appears to be coming in for thursday. Should be beautiful weather late week.
  13. It picked up to low end heavy here. A decent downpour but it didn't last long. Looks like I'm at least getting enough to water the vegetable garden. Almost a quarter inch. Hopefully you can get your mow in.
  14. Yep. It really weakened. I'm just getting some moderate rain. Better than nothing. What a difference in how it feels out there too ... the temp is down to 75.
  15. Yeah the ones over the watchung mountains fall apart quickly and then new ones pop up. The stuff moving up through Middlesex county is getting close now. Hoping to get a good watering.
  16. I'm hoping the stuff in developing in southern Middlesex county will get us. It has really blossomed on the last couple radar frames.
  17. Cells starting to pop up in eastern Somerset county and southwestern Middlesex county. It has missed this area so far, but I think it's looking more likely that we're gonna get hit soon.
  18. Right now most of it looks on track to stay just to our east, but it's gonna be close. Maybe some of the stuff developing in Burlington county can get us.
  19. Models showing just isolated to widely scattered activity. When it's not a washout I don't usually cancel plans, even though it's not a guarantee that it's gonna be dry. Keep an eye to the sky or radar.
  20. Yep low dewpoints probably come back next friday.
  21. Yeah looks as if the activity tomorrow will be isolated. Enjoy the game!
  22. Latest HRRR has the storms popping up right over our area, but HRRR and the other models aren't showing a lot of activity for today. Very isolated, but there will be a few areas that get lucky with strong storms. Hoping to see something here.
  23. 95 with a dewpoint of 68 here right now. Dewpoints have mostly been in the mid-upper 60s during the heat here the last few days. Humid but not downright oppressive.
  24. And most of the long range heat didn't materialize this summer. The 1 heat wave we had in July underperformed. Funny that he's bragging about 1 heat event finally working out this summer.
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