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  1. Past hour
  2. @nw baltimore wx Here is one located on the deck skirting on the front of my house- it's a hot spot. All those bees captured since that initial hot spell in April.
  3. Still looks good for some cold air. Sent from my SM-G998U using Tapatalk
  4. Nice! Looks only partly cloudy there in New York.
  5. I'd rather drought than waste weekends with this crud. Send in the tumbleweeds!
  6. ...stuck in the 50's again..with a nasty E wind..when? when?..for all you 'long rangers'..when will it be 'suddenly summer?'
  7. Those poor folks who installed. LONG TERM /MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY/... * Generally dry with above normal temperatures Monday and Tuesday * Persistent period of cool temps and heightened rain chances Wednesday through early next week.
  8. the whole week looks pretty unsettled except for maybe tuesday
  9. Google Carpenter bee traps. You can buy them or make your own. As the owner of a log cabin in an area with plenty of carpenter bees, these are the only effective solution. Key is to place them in areas where bees tend to drill- if there are previous infestations, puff delta dust (or pump WD40 lol) in the holes-which are up to a foot long and always take a 90 degree turn from the opening. Once the queen/larvae are eradicated, plug the hole and place a trap there. Best done at the end of summer/early Fall. Next Spring when they return, you got em'. It's effing glorious. If you plug the hole and leave anything alive in there, the woodpeckers will come and peck out the whole channel, requiring repair of the wood. I made all these mistakes years ago not knowing the nature of it.
  10. Just sitting back with an IPA enjoying the sun, blooms and lawn.....
  11. Those are some beauties. I’ve decided to expand my vegetable garden this year to not only tomatoes and peppers, but Swiss chard, brussel sprouts, potatoes, and cukes.
  12. you're right, here on Long Island it was mostly sunny until noon and only partly cloudy from then until 3 pm and the sun is breaking out from time to time even now.
  13. why is he in Rhode Island? There's so many better places to go this time of year. Have you ever seen the movie Mystic Pizza? He should take the short drive to SE CT to get some real pizza.
  14. mostly afternoon rain showers too ending monday morning
  15. I cant wait until the sun becomes a red giant and burns all these clouds off.
  16. this is why both spring and summer have become less hot (less 90 degree days) than the period from 1991-2002.
  17. lol the sun was still trying to come out here a few minutes ago
  18. Today
  19. why, the flowers will come down we should have rain like once a week or once every 10 days. Now I know why I loved the 90s so much lol
  20. Absolutely no complaints about the spring weather we've enjoyed in Northeast Indiana. I couldn't walk out of the local garden center without picking a couple of these beauts. No, I wasn't influenced by palm dude, but maybe by the above normal temps we've enjoyed this spring.
  21. That’s a Japanese Kwanzan cherry. BRING ON THE RAIN!
  22. MDT's range today has been high of 54 and low of 52. 50 (midnight and other times) and 48 (now and earlier today) here.
  23. 83 in the paign. A1 smashburgers on the blackstone tonight, with beers and bags with the neighborhood. looks like a cooler week ahead with multiple rain chances.
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