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About nycwinter

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  • Location:
    manhattan ny

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  1. lovely day for late july cant get any better then this..
  2. dewpoint has already dropped lower then nws expected
  3. i do not mind keeps the temp down in the heart of summer heat..
  4. i saw 2 people wearing hoodies today this morning even in the humid air and i saw one woman wearing it look like a winter coat but it was open..
  5. saharan dusk usually declines as we enter august..
  6. typical this time of year..
  7. only 6 times has nyc hit 90 degrees in october since records have been kept
  8. unusual for you to post such comments you always talking about next few weeks warm to hot...
  9. humidity 33% in mid july unthinkable for the city..
  10. dewpoint of 51 a few days ago nws was saying slightly lower dewpoints in the 60's for the city how could they have missed by this much?
  11. oh what a beautiful morning oh what a beautiful day... i even saw a few people wearing hoodies...
  12. 69 degrees with a dewpoint of 54 this beautiful friday morning
  13. wow dewpoint 58 lower then i expected no wonder it feels so nice today.
  14. had perfect weather to start off july comfortable temps dewpoints in the 40s and 50's
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