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  1. Past hour
  2. Widespread 30's and 40's for lows last night. Cool spot was Spincich Lake at 35. Northern lights were also visible in the northern sky after midnight and before clouds arrived. Cool today in the mid 60's and even cooler tomorrow with a high around 54 forecast. As much as I do enjoy the cooler temps, I am ready for some summer like weather. Backyard is lush
  3. In my line of work it's unavoidable. I've had lyme three times. Catch it early and doxicillin the next day you're right as rain. If you ever catch Anaplasmosis however don't mess around. Had it once when it was pretty much unknown in New England. Drove myself to the hospital about 2 miles away and got lost. I was burning up. 106° temperature. They admitted me right away. My blood counts were unreal. What was kind of cool though was I found out the CDC really does its job. They called me right away.
  4. Top 10 today, we need massive troughs just to do average with CC
  5. Need the heat and boomers
  6. Same here. Getting brown rapidly.
  7. Super nice outside. 74 with a DP of 50, and breezy. Low of 59 this morning.
  8. It's a regular Crow fest today! Couldn't get any nicer.
  9. They're pretty good at dodging our immediate area, except for a few at odd times. The March 2021 strike that blew up a fir tree 55 yards from the house came with temps in the low 40s, as did the crackling TS last Feb 10, the first one with strikes closer than 2 miles since that tree killer. Annual average days with thunder is 15, and declining. Since 2017 no years have topped 13.
  10. Good morning nycw, Anthony. There is always room for all. Stay comfortable, as always …
  11. Today
  12. i always tell myself if we can get through the spring with comfortable temps i will take it and we did this year so it's summertime you expect heat ...now..
  13. I dont think I've even heard any significant thunder so far this year down here.
  14. Weather looks great until next Thursday when it becomes unbearable again Sent from my SM-G970U using Tapatalk
  15. Insane given all this blocking
  16. I know 2 people in CT that were bitten by a lone star tick and have alpha-gal syndrome and can no longer eat red meat. Meat Allergy Cases Linked To Tick Bites Growing In Connecticut: CDC One county in Connecticut may have higher rates of the tick-borne meat allergy, according to two new CDC studies. https://patch.com/connecticut/across-ct/meat-allergy-cases-linked-tick-bites-growing-connecticut-cdc
  17. And ewr is already nearly +7 for the month. It's also looking very dry the next 10 days
  18. After this past winter with the epic fail of the models for February, the horrible MJO projections, I take them with a huge grain of salt. Even last year we had models that failed to predict the actual trimonthly strength of the Nino, both too warm and too cold. Looking at real time observations and antecedent conditions, surface and subsurface temps, PDO, PMM, trade winds, IOD, tropical instability waves, past ENSO transitions, RONI, etc., this leads me to still believe we see at least a moderate La Niña event despite what the models may be showing in their month to month runs. I see no reason to change that guess right now
  19. Cedarwood oil is extremely effective and also safe for pollinators. I spray my yard with a product called wondercide weekly and I never find ticks on my dog when he's in the treated yard. Pleasant-Smelling Wood Oil Not So Pleasant for Biting Ticks, Other Pests https://www.ars.usda.gov/news-events/news/research-news/2022/pleasant-smelling-wood-oil-not-so-pleasant-for-biting-ticks-other-pests/
  20. Looks to me that we might see 90 degrees as early as Thursday. For people that don't like the heat, enjoy the very comfortable 5 day period that we have before then.
  21. Well, you are also using a natural product.
  22. Yeah we've been talking about this for over a week now... I guess we need to see a tweet to be impressed with it? LOL It is interesting to me though, how we can cover a phenomenon until the dead horse wasn't just beaten but vaporized, ...then the tweet rebroadcasting kicks in like its this awesome thing. haha. Anyway, there is a pretty significant seesaw in the Pacific mid latitude circulation mode that's above normal confidence. Above normal because every ensemble system there is not only spatially represent the change, but this is also reflect in the numerical teleconnections. Negative height anomalies N-NE of Hawaii are replaced with positive heights through that region. That heralds mode change +PNA to -PNA. Now... those with a modicum awareness in this field might proffer that the PNA becomes less correlative as we get on with the warm season, and they'd be correct. However, if the shoe fits ... It's not a "0" correlation either. The data is overwhelming when its every source. The operational runs have been variable about what to do with it. Generally display above normal temperatures, but they haven't really pulled the trigger on a big dawg dome. The above symphony songs like its possible, but ...a more tepid result would also fit inside that scaffolding - an ending statement I am sure the KFS model will take to heart and resonate with fully.
  23. How many 90s for those locations? Minimal right
  24. Jun temp dep :Through the first week (6/7) EWR: +6.8 JFK: +6.4 PHL: +6.3 LGA: +5.4 TTN: +5.4 NYC: +4.9
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